001package org.jsoup.parser;
003import org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil;
004import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
005import org.jsoup.nodes.Comment;
006import org.jsoup.nodes.DataNode;
007import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
008import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
009import org.jsoup.nodes.FormElement;
010import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
011import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode;
012import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
014import java.io.Reader;
015import java.io.StringReader;
016import java.util.ArrayList;
017import java.util.List;
019import static org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil.inSorted;
022 * HTML Tree Builder; creates a DOM from Tokens.
023 */
024public class HtmlTreeBuilder extends TreeBuilder {
025    // tag searches. must be sorted, used in inSorted. MUST update HtmlTreeBuilderTest if more arrays are added.
026    static final String[] TagsSearchInScope = new String[]{"applet", "caption", "html", "marquee", "object", "table", "td", "th"};
027    static final String[] TagSearchList = new String[]{"ol", "ul"};
028    static final String[] TagSearchButton = new String[]{"button"};
029    static final String[] TagSearchTableScope = new String[]{"html", "table"};
030    static final String[] TagSearchSelectScope = new String[]{"optgroup", "option"};
031    static final String[] TagSearchEndTags = new String[]{"dd", "dt", "li", "optgroup", "option", "p", "rp", "rt"};
032    static final String[] TagSearchSpecial = new String[]{"address", "applet", "area", "article", "aside", "base", "basefont", "bgsound",
033        "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "caption", "center", "col", "colgroup", "command", "dd",
034        "details", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "embed", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form",
035        "frame", "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html",
036        "iframe", "img", "input", "isindex", "li", "link", "listing", "marquee", "menu", "meta", "nav",
037        "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "object", "ol", "p", "param", "plaintext", "pre", "script",
038        "section", "select", "style", "summary", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead",
039        "title", "tr", "ul", "wbr", "xmp"};
041    public static final int MaxScopeSearchDepth = 100; // prevents the parser bogging down in exceptionally broken pages
043    private HtmlTreeBuilderState state; // the current state
044    private HtmlTreeBuilderState originalState; // original / marked state
046    private boolean baseUriSetFromDoc;
047    private Element headElement; // the current head element
048    private FormElement formElement; // the current form element
049    private Element contextElement; // fragment parse context -- could be null even if fragment parsing
050    private ArrayList<Element> formattingElements; // active (open) formatting elements
051    private List<String> pendingTableCharacters; // chars in table to be shifted out
052    private Token.EndTag emptyEnd; // reused empty end tag
054    private boolean framesetOk; // if ok to go into frameset
055    private boolean fosterInserts; // if next inserts should be fostered
056    private boolean fragmentParsing; // if parsing a fragment of html
058    HtmlTreeBuilder() {}
060    ParseSettings defaultSettings() {
061        return ParseSettings.htmlDefault;
062    }
064    @Override
065    protected void initialiseParse(Reader input, String baseUri, ParseErrorList errors, ParseSettings settings) {
066        super.initialiseParse(input, baseUri, errors, settings);
068        // this is a bit mucky. todo - probably just create new parser objects to ensure all reset.
069        state = HtmlTreeBuilderState.Initial;
070        originalState = null;
071        baseUriSetFromDoc = false;
072        headElement = null;
073        formElement = null;
074        contextElement = null;
075        formattingElements = new ArrayList<>();
076        pendingTableCharacters = new ArrayList<>();
077        emptyEnd = new Token.EndTag();
078        framesetOk = true;
079        fosterInserts = false;
080        fragmentParsing = false;
081    }
083    List<Node> parseFragment(String inputFragment, Element context, String baseUri, ParseErrorList errors, ParseSettings settings) {
084        // context may be null
085        state = HtmlTreeBuilderState.Initial;
086        initialiseParse(new StringReader(inputFragment), baseUri, errors, settings);
087        contextElement = context;
088        fragmentParsing = true;
089        Element root = null;
091        if (context != null) {
092            if (context.ownerDocument() != null) // quirks setup:
093                doc.quirksMode(context.ownerDocument().quirksMode());
095            // initialise the tokeniser state:
096            String contextTag = context.tagName();
097            if (StringUtil.in(contextTag, "title", "textarea"))
098                tokeniser.transition(TokeniserState.Rcdata);
099            else if (StringUtil.in(contextTag, "iframe", "noembed", "noframes", "style", "xmp"))
100                tokeniser.transition(TokeniserState.Rawtext);
101            else if (contextTag.equals("script"))
102                tokeniser.transition(TokeniserState.ScriptData);
103            else if (contextTag.equals(("noscript")))
104                tokeniser.transition(TokeniserState.Data); // if scripting enabled, rawtext
105            else if (contextTag.equals("plaintext"))
106                tokeniser.transition(TokeniserState.Data);
107            else
108                tokeniser.transition(TokeniserState.Data); // default
110            root = new Element(Tag.valueOf("html", settings), baseUri);
111            doc.appendChild(root);
112            stack.add(root);
113            resetInsertionMode();
115            // setup form element to nearest form on context (up ancestor chain). ensures form controls are associated
116            // with form correctly
117            Elements contextChain = context.parents();
118            contextChain.add(0, context);
119            for (Element parent: contextChain) {
120                if (parent instanceof FormElement) {
121                    formElement = (FormElement) parent;
122                    break;
123                }
124            }
125        }
127        runParser();
128        if (context != null)
129            return root.childNodes();
130        else
131            return doc.childNodes();
132    }
134    @Override
135    protected boolean process(Token token) {
136        currentToken = token;
137        return this.state.process(token, this);
138    }
140    boolean process(Token token, HtmlTreeBuilderState state) {
141        currentToken = token;
142        return state.process(token, this);
143    }
145    void transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState state) {
146        this.state = state;
147    }
149    HtmlTreeBuilderState state() {
150        return state;
151    }
153    void markInsertionMode() {
154        originalState = state;
155    }
157    HtmlTreeBuilderState originalState() {
158        return originalState;
159    }
161    void framesetOk(boolean framesetOk) {
162        this.framesetOk = framesetOk;
163    }
165    boolean framesetOk() {
166        return framesetOk;
167    }
169    Document getDocument() {
170        return doc;
171    }
173    String getBaseUri() {
174        return baseUri;
175    }
177    void maybeSetBaseUri(Element base) {
178        if (baseUriSetFromDoc) // only listen to the first <base href> in parse
179            return;
181        String href = base.absUrl("href");
182        if (href.length() != 0) { // ignore <base target> etc
183            baseUri = href;
184            baseUriSetFromDoc = true;
185            doc.setBaseUri(href); // set on the doc so doc.createElement(Tag) will get updated base, and to update all descendants
186        }
187    }
189    boolean isFragmentParsing() {
190        return fragmentParsing;
191    }
193    void error(HtmlTreeBuilderState state) {
194        if (errors.canAddError())
195            errors.add(new ParseError(reader.pos(), "Unexpected token [%s] when in state [%s]", currentToken.tokenType(), state));
196    }
198    Element insert(Token.StartTag startTag) {
199        // handle empty unknown tags
200        // when the spec expects an empty tag, will directly hit insertEmpty, so won't generate this fake end tag.
201        if (startTag.isSelfClosing()) {
202            Element el = insertEmpty(startTag);
203            stack.add(el);
204            tokeniser.transition(TokeniserState.Data); // handles <script />, otherwise needs breakout steps from script data
205            tokeniser.emit(emptyEnd.reset().name(el.tagName()));  // ensure we get out of whatever state we are in. emitted for yielded processing
206            return el;
207        }
209        Element el = new Element(Tag.valueOf(startTag.name(), settings), baseUri, settings.normalizeAttributes(startTag.attributes));
210        insert(el);
211        return el;
212    }
214    Element insertStartTag(String startTagName) {
215        Element el = new Element(Tag.valueOf(startTagName, settings), baseUri);
216        insert(el);
217        return el;
218    }
220    void insert(Element el) {
221        insertNode(el);
222        stack.add(el);
223    }
225    Element insertEmpty(Token.StartTag startTag) {
226        Tag tag = Tag.valueOf(startTag.name(), settings);
227        Element el = new Element(tag, baseUri, startTag.attributes);
228        insertNode(el);
229        if (startTag.isSelfClosing()) {
230            if (tag.isKnownTag()) {
231                if (!tag.isEmpty())
232                    tokeniser.error("Tag cannot be self closing; not a void tag");
233            }
234            else // unknown tag, remember this is self closing for output
235                tag.setSelfClosing();
236        }
237        return el;
238    }
240    FormElement insertForm(Token.StartTag startTag, boolean onStack) {
241        Tag tag = Tag.valueOf(startTag.name(), settings);
242        FormElement el = new FormElement(tag, baseUri, startTag.attributes);
243        setFormElement(el);
244        insertNode(el);
245        if (onStack)
246            stack.add(el);
247        return el;
248    }
250    void insert(Token.Comment commentToken) {
251        Comment comment = new Comment(commentToken.getData());
252        insertNode(comment);
253    }
255    void insert(Token.Character characterToken) {
256        Node node;
257        // characters in script and style go in as datanodes, not text nodes
258        String tagName = currentElement().tagName();
259        if (tagName.equals("script") || tagName.equals("style"))
260            node = new DataNode(characterToken.getData());
261        else
262            node = new TextNode(characterToken.getData());
263        currentElement().appendChild(node); // doesn't use insertNode, because we don't foster these; and will always have a stack.
264    }
266    private void insertNode(Node node) {
267        // if the stack hasn't been set up yet, elements (doctype, comments) go into the doc
268        if (stack.size() == 0)
269            doc.appendChild(node);
270        else if (isFosterInserts())
271            insertInFosterParent(node);
272        else
273            currentElement().appendChild(node);
275        // connect form controls to their form element
276        if (node instanceof Element && ((Element) node).tag().isFormListed()) {
277            if (formElement != null)
278                formElement.addElement((Element) node);
279        }
280    }
282    Element pop() {
283        int size = stack.size();
284        return stack.remove(size-1);
285    }
287    void push(Element element) {
288        stack.add(element);
289    }
291    ArrayList<Element> getStack() {
292        return stack;
293    }
295    boolean onStack(Element el) {
296        return isElementInQueue(stack, el);
297    }
299    private boolean isElementInQueue(ArrayList<Element> queue, Element element) {
300        for (int pos = queue.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
301            Element next = queue.get(pos);
302            if (next == element) {
303                return true;
304            }
305        }
306        return false;
307    }
309    Element getFromStack(String elName) {
310        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
311            Element next = stack.get(pos);
312            if (next.nodeName().equals(elName)) {
313                return next;
314            }
315        }
316        return null;
317    }
319    boolean removeFromStack(Element el) {
320        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
321            Element next = stack.get(pos);
322            if (next == el) {
323                stack.remove(pos);
324                return true;
325            }
326        }
327        return false;
328    }
330    void popStackToClose(String elName) {
331        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
332            Element next = stack.get(pos);
333            stack.remove(pos);
334            if (next.nodeName().equals(elName))
335                break;
336        }
337    }
339    // elnames is sorted, comes from Constants
340    void popStackToClose(String... elNames) {
341        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
342            Element next = stack.get(pos);
343            stack.remove(pos);
344            if (inSorted(next.nodeName(), elNames))
345                break;
346        }
347    }
349    void popStackToBefore(String elName) {
350        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
351            Element next = stack.get(pos);
352            if (next.nodeName().equals(elName)) {
353                break;
354            } else {
355                stack.remove(pos);
356            }
357        }
358    }
360    void clearStackToTableContext() {
361        clearStackToContext("table");
362    }
364    void clearStackToTableBodyContext() {
365        clearStackToContext("tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "template");
366    }
368    void clearStackToTableRowContext() {
369        clearStackToContext("tr", "template");
370    }
372    private void clearStackToContext(String... nodeNames) {
373        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
374            Element next = stack.get(pos);
375            if (StringUtil.in(next.nodeName(), nodeNames) || next.nodeName().equals("html"))
376                break;
377            else
378                stack.remove(pos);
379        }
380    }
382    Element aboveOnStack(Element el) {
383        assert onStack(el);
384        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
385            Element next = stack.get(pos);
386            if (next == el) {
387                return stack.get(pos-1);
388            }
389        }
390        return null;
391    }
393    void insertOnStackAfter(Element after, Element in) {
394        int i = stack.lastIndexOf(after);
395        Validate.isTrue(i != -1);
396        stack.add(i+1, in);
397    }
399    void replaceOnStack(Element out, Element in) {
400        replaceInQueue(stack, out, in);
401    }
403    private void replaceInQueue(ArrayList<Element> queue, Element out, Element in) {
404        int i = queue.lastIndexOf(out);
405        Validate.isTrue(i != -1);
406        queue.set(i, in);
407    }
409    void resetInsertionMode() {
410        boolean last = false;
411        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
412            Element node = stack.get(pos);
413            if (pos == 0) {
414                last = true;
415                node = contextElement;
416            }
417            String name = node.nodeName();
418            if ("select".equals(name)) {
419                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InSelect);
420                break; // frag
421            } else if (("td".equals(name) || "th".equals(name) && !last)) {
422                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InCell);
423                break;
424            } else if ("tr".equals(name)) {
425                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InRow);
426                break;
427            } else if ("tbody".equals(name) || "thead".equals(name) || "tfoot".equals(name)) {
428                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InTableBody);
429                break;
430            } else if ("caption".equals(name)) {
431                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InCaption);
432                break;
433            } else if ("colgroup".equals(name)) {
434                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InColumnGroup);
435                break; // frag
436            } else if ("table".equals(name)) {
437                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InTable);
438                break;
439            } else if ("head".equals(name)) {
440                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InBody);
441                break; // frag
442            } else if ("body".equals(name)) {
443                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InBody);
444                break;
445            } else if ("frameset".equals(name)) {
446                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InFrameset);
447                break; // frag
448            } else if ("html".equals(name)) {
449                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.BeforeHead);
450                break; // frag
451            } else if (last) {
452                transition(HtmlTreeBuilderState.InBody);
453                break; // frag
454            }
455        }
456    }
458    // todo: tidy up in specific scope methods
459    private String[] specificScopeTarget = {null};
461    private boolean inSpecificScope(String targetName, String[] baseTypes, String[] extraTypes) {
462        specificScopeTarget[0] = targetName;
463        return inSpecificScope(specificScopeTarget, baseTypes, extraTypes);
464    }
466    private boolean inSpecificScope(String[] targetNames, String[] baseTypes, String[] extraTypes) {
467        int depth = stack.size() -1;
468        if (depth > MaxScopeSearchDepth) {
469            depth = MaxScopeSearchDepth;
470        }
471        for (int pos = depth; pos >= 0; pos--) {
472            Element el = stack.get(pos);
473            String elName = el.nodeName();
474            if (inSorted(elName, targetNames))
475                return true;
476            if (inSorted(elName, baseTypes))
477                return false;
478            if (extraTypes != null && inSorted(elName, extraTypes))
479                return false;
480        }
481        Validate.fail("Should not be reachable");
482        return false;
483    }
485    boolean inScope(String[] targetNames) {
486        return inSpecificScope(targetNames, TagsSearchInScope, null);
487    }
489    boolean inScope(String targetName) {
490        return inScope(targetName, null);
491    }
493    boolean inScope(String targetName, String[] extras) {
494        return inSpecificScope(targetName, TagsSearchInScope, extras);
495        // todo: in mathml namespace: mi, mo, mn, ms, mtext annotation-xml
496        // todo: in svg namespace: forignOjbect, desc, title
497    }
499    boolean inListItemScope(String targetName) {
500        return inScope(targetName, TagSearchList);
501    }
503    boolean inButtonScope(String targetName) {
504        return inScope(targetName, TagSearchButton);
505    }
507    boolean inTableScope(String targetName) {
508        return inSpecificScope(targetName, TagSearchTableScope, null);
509    }
511    boolean inSelectScope(String targetName) {
512        for (int pos = stack.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
513            Element el = stack.get(pos);
514            String elName = el.nodeName();
515            if (elName.equals(targetName))
516                return true;
517            if (!inSorted(elName, TagSearchSelectScope)) // all elements except
518                return false;
519        }
520        Validate.fail("Should not be reachable");
521        return false;
522    }
524    void setHeadElement(Element headElement) {
525        this.headElement = headElement;
526    }
528    Element getHeadElement() {
529        return headElement;
530    }
532    boolean isFosterInserts() {
533        return fosterInserts;
534    }
536    void setFosterInserts(boolean fosterInserts) {
537        this.fosterInserts = fosterInserts;
538    }
540    FormElement getFormElement() {
541        return formElement;
542    }
544    void setFormElement(FormElement formElement) {
545        this.formElement = formElement;
546    }
548    void newPendingTableCharacters() {
549        pendingTableCharacters = new ArrayList<>();
550    }
552    List<String> getPendingTableCharacters() {
553        return pendingTableCharacters;
554    }
556    void setPendingTableCharacters(List<String> pendingTableCharacters) {
557        this.pendingTableCharacters = pendingTableCharacters;
558    }
560    /**
561 Closing elements that have implied end tags<p/>
562     When the steps below require the UA to generate implied end tags, then, while the current node is a dd element, a
563     dt element, an li element, an option element, an optgroup element, a p element, an rp element, or an rt element,
564     the UA must pop the current node off the stack of open elements.
566     @param excludeTag If a step requires the UA to generate implied end tags but lists an element to exclude from the
567     process, then the UA must perform the above steps as if that element was not in the above list.
568     */
569    void generateImpliedEndTags(String excludeTag) {
570        while ((excludeTag != null && !currentElement().nodeName().equals(excludeTag)) &&
571                inSorted(currentElement().nodeName(), TagSearchEndTags))
572            pop();
573    }
575    void generateImpliedEndTags() {
576        generateImpliedEndTags(null);
577    }
579    boolean isSpecial(Element el) {
580        // todo: mathml's mi, mo, mn
581        // todo: svg's foreigObject, desc, title
582        String name = el.nodeName();
583        return inSorted(name, TagSearchSpecial);
584    }
586    Element lastFormattingElement() {
587        return formattingElements.size() > 0 ? formattingElements.get(formattingElements.size()-1) : null;
588    }
590    Element removeLastFormattingElement() {
591        int size = formattingElements.size();
592        if (size > 0)
593            return formattingElements.remove(size-1);
594        else
595            return null;
596    }
598    // active formatting elements
599    void pushActiveFormattingElements(Element in) {
600        int numSeen = 0;
601        for (int pos = formattingElements.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
602            Element el = formattingElements.get(pos);
603            if (el == null) // marker
604                break;
606            if (isSameFormattingElement(in, el))
607                numSeen++;
609            if (numSeen == 3) {
610                formattingElements.remove(pos);
611                break;
612            }
613        }
614        formattingElements.add(in);
615    }
617    private boolean isSameFormattingElement(Element a, Element b) {
618        // same if: same namespace, tag, and attributes. Element.equals only checks tag, might in future check children
619        return a.nodeName().equals(b.nodeName()) &&
620                // a.namespace().equals(b.namespace()) &&
621                a.attributes().equals(b.attributes());
622        // todo: namespaces
623    }
625    void reconstructFormattingElements() {
626        Element last = lastFormattingElement();
627        if (last == null || onStack(last))
628            return;
630        Element entry = last;
631        int size = formattingElements.size();
632        int pos = size - 1;
633        boolean skip = false;
634        while (true) {
635            if (pos == 0) { // step 4. if none before, skip to 8
636                skip = true;
637                break;
638            }
639            entry = formattingElements.get(--pos); // step 5. one earlier than entry
640            if (entry == null || onStack(entry)) // step 6 - neither marker nor on stack
641                break; // jump to 8, else continue back to 4
642        }
643        while(true) {
644            if (!skip) // step 7: on later than entry
645                entry = formattingElements.get(++pos);
646            Validate.notNull(entry); // should not occur, as we break at last element
648            // 8. create new element from element, 9 insert into current node, onto stack
649            skip = false; // can only skip increment from 4.
650            Element newEl = insertStartTag(entry.nodeName()); // todo: avoid fostering here?
651            // newEl.namespace(entry.namespace()); // todo: namespaces
652            newEl.attributes().addAll(entry.attributes());
654            // 10. replace entry with new entry
655            formattingElements.set(pos, newEl);
657            // 11
658            if (pos == size-1) // if not last entry in list, jump to 7
659                break;
660        }
661    }
663    void clearFormattingElementsToLastMarker() {
664        while (!formattingElements.isEmpty()) {
665            Element el = removeLastFormattingElement();
666            if (el == null)
667                break;
668        }
669    }
671    void removeFromActiveFormattingElements(Element el) {
672        for (int pos = formattingElements.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
673            Element next = formattingElements.get(pos);
674            if (next == el) {
675                formattingElements.remove(pos);
676                break;
677            }
678        }
679    }
681    boolean isInActiveFormattingElements(Element el) {
682        return isElementInQueue(formattingElements, el);
683    }
685    Element getActiveFormattingElement(String nodeName) {
686        for (int pos = formattingElements.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
687            Element next = formattingElements.get(pos);
688            if (next == null) // scope marker
689                break;
690            else if (next.nodeName().equals(nodeName))
691                return next;
692        }
693        return null;
694    }
696    void replaceActiveFormattingElement(Element out, Element in) {
697        replaceInQueue(formattingElements, out, in);
698    }
700    void insertMarkerToFormattingElements() {
701        formattingElements.add(null);
702    }
704    void insertInFosterParent(Node in) {
705        Element fosterParent;
706        Element lastTable = getFromStack("table");
707        boolean isLastTableParent = false;
708        if (lastTable != null) {
709            if (lastTable.parent() != null) {
710                fosterParent = lastTable.parent();
711                isLastTableParent = true;
712            } else
713                fosterParent = aboveOnStack(lastTable);
714        } else { // no table == frag
715            fosterParent = stack.get(0);
716        }
718        if (isLastTableParent) {
719            Validate.notNull(lastTable); // last table cannot be null by this point.
720            lastTable.before(in);
721        }
722        else
723            fosterParent.appendChild(in);
724    }
726    @Override
727    public String toString() {
728        return "TreeBuilder{" +
729                "currentToken=" + currentToken +
730                ", state=" + state +
731                ", currentElement=" + currentElement() +
732                '}';
733    }