001package org.jsoup;
004 * A SerializationException is raised whenever serialization of a DOM element fails. This exception usually wraps an
005 * {@link java.io.IOException} that may be thrown due to an inaccessible output stream.
006 */
007public final class SerializationException extends RuntimeException {
008        /**
009         * Creates and initializes a new serialization exception with no error message and cause.
010         */
011        public SerializationException() {
012                super();
013        }
015        /**
016         * Creates and initializes a new serialization exception with the given error message and no cause.
017         * 
018         * @param message
019         *            the error message of the new serialization exception (may be <code>null</code>).
020         */
021        public SerializationException(String message) {
022                super(message);
023        }
025        /**
026         * Creates and initializes a new serialization exception with the specified cause and an error message of
027     * <code>(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())</code> (which typically contains the class and error message of
028     * <code>cause</code>).
029         * 
030         * @param cause
031         *            the cause of the new serialization exception (may be <code>null</code>).
032         */
033        public SerializationException(Throwable cause) {
034                super(cause);
035        }
037        /**
038         * Creates and initializes a new serialization exception with the given error message and cause.
039         * 
040         * @param message
041         *            the error message of the new serialization exception.
042         * @param cause
043         *            the cause of the new serialization exception.
044         */
045        public SerializationException(String message, Throwable cause) {
046                super(message, cause);
047        }