002 * Copyright 2006 - 2013
003 *     Stefan Balev     <stefan.balev@graphstream-project.org>
004 *     Julien Baudry    <julien.baudry@graphstream-project.org>
005 *     Antoine Dutot    <antoine.dutot@graphstream-project.org>
006 *     Yoann Pigné      <yoann.pigne@graphstream-project.org>
007 *     Guilhelm Savin   <guilhelm.savin@graphstream-project.org>
008 * 
009 * This file is part of GraphStream <http://graphstream-project.org>.
010 * 
011 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
012 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
013 * 
014 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
015 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
016 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
017 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
018 * URL <http://www.cecill.info> or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
019 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
020 * option) any later version.
021 * 
022 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
023 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
024 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
025 * 
026 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
027 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
028 * 
029 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
030 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
031 */
032package org.graphstream.stream.netstream;
035 * <h1 class="title">NetStream</h1>
036 * 
037 * <p>
038 * The NetStream framework allows to export the idea of &quot;streams of graph
039 * events&quot; to other languages than Java, through a network interface. The
040 * aim is mainly to allow the use of GraphStream with other projects written in
041 * other languages. However, since it is a network interface it also allows the
042 * use of several machines. The protocol is optimized to be have as low overhead
043 * as possible.
044 * </p>
045 * <p>
046 * If you are looking for a Java-to-Java network link between GraphStream and
047 * some other project, you may prefer GraphStream's <a
048 * class="reference external" href=
049 * "http://graphstream-project.org/doc/Tutorials/Using-remote-source_1.0/"
050 * >RMI</a> facilities.
051 * </p>
052 * <p>
053 * This document is organized in 3 sections. The first one details the
054 * Receiver's mechanisms. The second section describes the Sender. The last
055 * section details the NetStream Protocol.
056 * </p>
057 * <div class="section" id="receiver"> <h1>Receiver</h1>
058 * <p>
059 * This one is responsible for receiving graph events from the network following
060 * the &quot;NetStream&quot; protocol. Events are then dispatched to pipes
061 * according to a given names. Here we consider that several stream of events
062 * (independent one another) can be handled by the receiver. We thus introduce
063 * the idea of <strong>stream ID</strong> where a stream is identified by an ID.
064 * </p>
065 * <p>
066 * The Receiver is composed of:
067 * </p>
068 * <ul class="simple">
069 * <li>A socket server that handles multiples connections directed to multiple
070 * streams (pipes). That part is mostly a copy/past from Antoine's &quot;MBox
071 * Receiver&quot; code.</li>
072 * <li>An implementation of the NetStream Protocol (see below) that parses the
073 * received byte arrays and creates/sends graph events to specified pipes.</li>
074 * <li>a set of streams (ThreadProxyPipes) identified by an ID. From
075 * GraphStream's point of view, the NetStreamReceriver provides sources
076 * (actually pipes) on which sinks (or other pipes) can connect to, to receive
077 * graph events.</li>
078 * </ul>
079 * <p>
080 * The Receiver's general behavior is:
081 * </p>
082 * <ul class="simple">
083 * <li>Wait for messages from any sender received data is stored separately for
084 * each sender until a message is completely received. The receiver knows about
085 * a complete message because the first 4 bytes of the messages are an integer
086 * that gives the size of the message.</li>
087 * <li>A complete message is decoded (according to the NetStream Protocol), an
088 * event is created and sent to the specified stream (pipe)</li>
089 * </ul>
090 * <p>
091 * The graph event receiver listens at a given address and port. It runs on its
092 * own thread. Several senders can connect to it, the receiver will demultiplex
093 * the data flow and dispatch incoming events to specified pipes. No extra
094 * thread are created when client connect.
095 * </p>
096 * <p>
097 * From the graph event stream point of view, the NetStream receiver can be seen
098 * as a set of pipes identified by an id. When an event is received is is
099 * directed to one specific stream. By default, senders not willing to handle
100 * different streams may send to the stream called &quot;default&quot;.
101 * </p>
102 * <p>
103 * The only way to receive events from the network is to ask for a stream by
104 * means of a ThreadProxyPipe to the Receiver. The
105 * <tt class="docutils literal">getStream()</tt> and
106 * <tt class="docutils literal">getDefaultStream()</tt> give access to such
107 * pipe. Asking a non-existing stream (with an unknown id) will create it, so
108 * those functions always return a pipe. On the opposite, any new stream
109 * introduced by a sender will be created by the receiver.
110 * </p>
111 * 
112 * <div class="section" id="example"> <h2>
113 * Example</h2>
114 * 
115 * <pre class="code-java literal-block">
116 * import java.io.IOException;
117 * import java.net.UnknownHostException;
118 * 
119 * import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
120 * import org.graphstream.graph.implementations.MultiGraph;
121 * import org.graphstream.stream.thread.ThreadProxyPipe;
122 * 
123 * // A simple example of use of the NetStream receiver.
124 * 
125 * public class ReceiverExample {
126 * 
127 *      public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException,
128 *                      IOException, InterruptedException {
129 *              // ----- On the receiver side -----
130 *              //
131 *              // - a graph that will display the received events
132 *              Graph g = new MultiGraph(&quot;G&quot;);
133 *              g.display();
134 *              // - the receiver that waits for events
135 *              NetStreamReceiver net = new NetStreamReceiver(2001);
136 *              // - received events end up in the &quot;default&quot; pipe
137 *              ThreadProxyPipe pipe = net.getDefaultStream();
138 *              // - plug the pipe to the sink of the graph
139 *              pipe.addSink(g);
140 *              // -The receiver pro-actively checks for events on the ThreadProxyPipe
141 *              while (true) {
142 *                      pipe.pump();
143 *                      Thread.sleep(100);
144 *              }
145 *      }
146 * }
147 * </pre>
148 * 
149 * </div> </div> <div class="section" id="sender"> <h1>Sender</h1>
150 * <p>
151 * A sender, from the GraphStream API, is first of all a sink where one can plug
152 * sources so that it can receive events. Receiving these events the sender will
153 * pack them into messages according to the NetStream Protocol and then send
154 * those messages to a defined receiver through a given <strong>port</strong>,
155 * <strong>host</strong> and <strong>stream ID</strong>.
156 * </p>
157 * <div class="section" id="id1"> <h2>Example</h2>
158 * 
159 * <pre class="code-java literal-block">
160 * import java.io.IOException;
161 * import java.net.UnknownHostException;
162 * 
163 * import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
164 * import org.graphstream.graph.implementations.MultiGraph;
165 * 
166 * // A simple example of use of the NetStream sender.
167 * 
168 * public class SenderExample {
169 * 
170 *      public static void main(String[] args) {
171 *              Graph g = new MultiGraph(&quot;G&quot;);
172 *              // - the sender
173 *              NetStreamSender nsc = null;
174 *              try {
175 *                      nsc = new NetStreamSender(2001);
176 *              } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
177 *                      e.printStackTrace();
178 *              } catch (IOException e) {
179 *                      e.printStackTrace();
180 *              }
181 *              // - plug the graph to the sender so that graph events can be
182 *              // sent automatically
183 *              g.addSink(nsc);
184 *              // - generate some events on the client side
185 *              String style = &quot;node{fill-mode:plain;fill-color:#567;size:6px;}&quot;;
186 *              g.addAttribute(&quot;stylesheet&quot;, style);
187 *              g.addAttribute(&quot;ui.antialias&quot;, true);
188 *              g.addAttribute(&quot;layout.stabilization-limit&quot;, 0);
189 *              for (int i = 0; i &lt; 500; i++) {
190 *                      g.addNode(i + &quot;&quot;);
191 *                      if (i &gt; 0) {
192 *                              g.addEdge(i + &quot;-&quot; + (i - 1), i + &quot;&quot;, (i - 1) + &quot;&quot;);
193 *                              g.addEdge(i + &quot;--&quot; + (i / 2), i + &quot;&quot;, (i / 2) + &quot;&quot;);
194 *                      }
195 *              }
196 *      }
197 * 
198 * }
199 * </pre>
200 * 
201 * </div> </div> <div class="section" id="the-netstream-protocol"> <h1>The
202 * NetStream Protocol</h1>
203 * <p>
204 * Messages in the NetStream protocol are specified a the byte level. It is
205 * different than an XML-based protocols like client/server REST approaches.
206 * Here the content and different formats constituting a message are optimize as
207 * much as possible, so as to reduce the network payload.
208 * </p>
209 * <p>
210 * A message, as it is created by a sender, is composed of three main parts:
211 * <ol class="arabic simple">
212 * <li>A 4 bytes integer that indicates the size (in bytes) of the remaining of
213 * this message (not including those 4 bytes).</li>
214 * <li>A string, encoded using the NetStream protocol (see
215 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_STRING</tt> below), that identifies the
216 * stream targeted by this event.</li>
217 * <li>The event itself, that can be decoded, according to the NetStream
218 * protocol.</li>
219 * </ol>
220 * <div class="section" id="data-types">
221 * <h2>Data Types</h2>
222 * <p>
223 * Before sending a value whose type is unknown (integer, double, string,
224 * array...) one have to specify its type (and if applicable, its length) to the
225 * server. Value types are defined to allow the server to recognize the type of
226 * a value. When applicable (strings, tables, raw data) types are followed by a
227 * length. This length is always coded with a 16-bits signed short and usually
228 * represents the number of elements (for arrays).
229 * </p>
230 * <ul>
231 * <li>
232 * <p class="first">
233 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_BOOLEAN</tt> [0x50]
234 * </p>
235 * <p>
236 * Announces a boolean value. Followed by a byte whose value is 0 (false) or 1
237 * (true).
238 * </p>
239 * </li>
240 * <li>
241 * <p class="first">
242 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY</tt> [0X51]
243 * </p>
244 * <p>
245 * Announces an array of boolean values. Followed by first, a 32-bit integer
246 * that indicates the length of this array, and then, by the actual sequence of
247 * booleans.
248 * </p>
249 * </li>
250 * <li>
251 * <p class="first">
252 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_BYTE</tt> [0x52]
253 * </p>
254 * <p>
255 * Announces a byte. Followed by a 8-bit signed byte.
256 * </p>
257 * </li>
258 * <li>
259 * <p class="first">
260 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_INT_BYTE</tt> [0x53]
261 * </p>
262 * <p>
263 * Announces an array of bytes. Followed by first, a 32-bit integer that
264 * indicates the length in number of elements of this array, and then, by the
265 * actual sequence of 8-bit signed bytes.
266 * </p>
267 * </li>
268 * <li>
269 * <p class="first">
270 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_SHORT</tt> [0x54]
271 * </p>
272 * <p>
273 * Announces a short. Followed by a 16-bit signed short.
274 * </p>
275 * </li>
276 * <li>
277 * <p class="first">
278 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_SHORT_ARRAY</tt> [0x55]
279 * </p>
280 * <p>
281 * Announces an array of shorts. Followed by first, a 32-bit integer that
282 * indicates the length in number of elements of this array, and then, by the
283 * actual sequence of 16-bit signed shorts.
284 * </p>
285 * </li>
286 * <li>
287 * <p class="first">
288 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_INT</tt> [0x56]
289 * </p>
290 * <p>
291 * Announces an integer. Followed by a 32-bit signed integer.
292 * </p>
293 * </li>
294 * <li>
295 * <p class="first">
296 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_INT_ARRAY</tt> [0x57]
297 * </p>
298 * <p>
299 * Announces an array of integers. Followed by first, a 32-bit integer that
300 * indicates the length in number of elements of this array, and then, the
301 * actual sequence of 32-bit signed integers.
302 * </p>
303 * </li>
304 * <li>
305 * <p class="first">
306 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_LONG</tt> [0x58]
307 * </p>
308 * <p>
309 * Announces a long. Followed by a 64-bit signed long.
310 * </p>
311 * </li>
312 * <li>
313 * <p class="first">
314 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_LONG_ARRAY</tt> [0x59]
315 * </p>
316 * <p>
317 * Announces an array of longs. Followed by first, a 32-bit integer that
318 * indicates the length in number of elements of this array, and then, by the
319 * actual sequence of 64-bit signed longs.
320 * </p>
321 * </li>
322 * <li>
323 * <p class="first">
324 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_FLOAT</tt> [0x5A]
325 * </p>
326 * <p>
327 * Announces a float. Followed by a 32-bit single precision signed floating
328 * point number.
329 * </p>
330 * </li>
331 * <li>
332 * <p class="first">
333 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY</tt> [0x5B]
334 * </p>
335 * <p>
336 * Announces an array of floats. Followed by first, a 32-bit integer that
337 * indicates the length in number of elements of this array, and then, by the
338 * actual sequence of 32-bit double precision signed floating point numbers.
339 * </p>
340 * </li>
341 * <li>
342 * <p class="first">
343 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_DOUBLE</tt> [0x5C]
344 * </p>
345 * <p>
346 * Announces a double. Followed by a 64-bit double precision signed floating
347 * point number.
348 * </p>
349 * </li>
350 * <li>
351 * <p class="first">
352 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_DOUBLE_ARRAY</tt> [0x5D]
353 * </p>
354 * <p>
355 * Announces an array of doubles. Followed by first, a 32-bit integer that
356 * indicates the length in number of elements of this array, and then, by the
357 * actual sequence of 64-bit double precision signed floating point numbers.
358 * </p>
359 * </li>
360 * <li>
361 * <p class="first">
362 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_STRING</tt> [0x5E]
363 * </p>
364 * <p>
365 * Announces an array of characters. Followed by first, a 32-bits integer for
366 * the size in bytes (not in number of characters) of the string, then by the
367 * unicode string itself.
368 * </p>
369 * </li>
370 * <li>
371 * <p class="first">
372 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_RAW</tt> [0x5F]
373 * </p>
374 * <p>
375 * Announces raw data, good for serialization or to exchange data the will then
376 * be understood in any language (an image, for instance). Followed by first, a
377 * 16-bits integer indicating the length in bytes of the dataset, and then by
378 * the data itself, as unsigned bytes.
379 * </p>
380 * </li>
381 * <li>
382 * <p class="first">
383 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_ARRAY</tt> [0x60]
384 * </p>
385 * <p>
386 * Announces an undefined-type array. Followed by first, a 32-bits integer
387 * indicating the number of elements, and then, the elements themselves. The
388 * elements themselves have to give their types. It may contain data of
389 * different types or even other arrays.
390 * </p>
391 * </li>
392 * </ul>
393 * </div> <div class="section" id="graph-events"> <h2>Graph Events</h2>
394 * <p>
395 * the graph event, as created by a sender, is the third part of the whole sent
396 * message. It is made of several parts that differ according the event. The
397 * common information is the first byte of the event, that identifies the event.
398 * Then, other data depending on the event follow up. Those event identifiers
399 * are one byte long. To avoid problems between languages (mainly because of
400 * java) those bytes are unsigned and only positive values are used. So, any
401 * event identifier will take a value between 0 and 127.
402 * </p>
403 * <p>
404 * Here is a list of graph event identifiers followed by the expected
405 * information to fulfill these events:
406 * </p>
407 * <ul>
408 * <li>
409 * <p class="first">
410 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_ADD_NODE</tt> [0x10]
411 * </p>
412 * <p>
413 * Add a node. Followed by a node id (
414 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_STRING</tt> format).
415 * </p>
416 * </li>
417 * <li>
418 * <p class="first">
419 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_DEL_NODE</tt> [0x11]
420 * </p>
421 * <p>
422 * Remove a node. Followed by a node id (
423 * <tt class="docutils literal">TYPE_STRING</tt> format)
424 * </p>
425 * </li>
426 * <li>
427 * <p class="first">
428 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_ADD_EDGE</tt> [0x12]
429 * </p>
430 * <p>
431 * Add an edge. Followed by:
432 * </p>
433 * <ul class="simple">
434 * <li>the edge id (TYPE_STRING format),</li>
435 * <li>the source node id (TYPE_STRING format),</li>
436 * <li>the target node id (TYPE_STRING format</li>
437 * <li>a boolean indicating if the edge is directed (is it an arc?)
438 * (TYPE_BOOLEAN format)</li>
439 * </ul>
440 * </li>
441 * <li>
442 * <p class="first">
443 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_DEL_NODE</tt> [0x13]
444 * </p>
445 * <p>
446 * Remove an edge. Followed by the string id of this edge.
447 * </p>
448 * </li>
449 * <li>
450 * <p class="first">
451 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_STEP</tt> [0x14]
452 * </p>
453 * <p>
454 * Time step. Followed by a 64-bit double indicating the timestamp.
455 * </p>
456 * </li>
457 * <li>
458 * <p class="first">
459 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_CLEARED</tt> [0x15]
460 * </p>
461 * <p>
462 * Clear the graph. This event will remove any attribute or element in the
463 * graph.
464 * </p>
465 * </li>
466 * <li>
467 * <p class="first">
468 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_ADD_GRAPH_ATTR</tt> [0x16]
469 * </p>
470 * <p>
471 * Add an attribute to the graph. Followed by:
472 * </p>
473 * <ul class="simple">
474 * <li>the attribute name (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
475 * <li>the attribute value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
476 * Types&quot; section)</li>
477 * <li>the attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
478 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
479 * </ul>
480 * </li>
481 * <li>
482 * <p class="first">
483 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_CHG_GRAPH_ATTR</tt> [0x17]
484 * </p>
485 * <p>
486 * Change an existing attribute on the graph. Followed by:
487 * </p>
488 * <ul class="simple">
489 * <li>the attribute name (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
490 * <li>the attribute'd old value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
491 * Types&quot; section)</li>
492 * <li>the old attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
493 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
494 * <li>the attribute's new value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
495 * Types&quot; section)</li>
496 * <li>the new attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
497 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
498 * </ul>
499 * </li>
500 * <li>
501 * <p class="first">
502 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_DEL_GRAPH_ATTR</tt> [0x18]
503 * </p>
504 * <p>
505 * Remove an attribute from the graph. Followed by the attribute name (encoded
506 * with the TYPE_STRING format).
507 * </p>
508 * </li>
509 * <li>
510 * <p class="first">
511 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_ADD_NODE_ATTR</tt> [0x19]
512 * </p>
513 * <p>
514 * Add an attribute to a node. Followed by:
515 * </p>
516 * <ul class="simple">
517 * <li>the ID of the considered node (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
518 * <li>the attribute name (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
519 * <li>the attribute value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
520 * Types&quot; section)</li>
521 * <li>the attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
522 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
523 * </ul>
524 * </li>
525 * <li>
526 * <p class="first">
527 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_CHG_NODE_ATTR</tt> [0x1A]
528 * </p>
529 * <p>
530 * Change an existing attribute on a given node. Followed by:
531 * </p>
532 * <ul class="simple">
533 * <li>the ID of the considered node (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
534 * <li>the attribute name (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
535 * <li>the attribute's old value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
536 * Types&quot; section)</li>
537 * <li>the old attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
538 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
539 * <li>the attribute's new value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
540 * Types&quot; section)</li>
541 * <li>the new attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
542 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
543 * </ul>
544 * </li>
545 * <li>
546 * <p class="first">
547 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_DEL_NODE_ATTR</tt> [0x1B]
548 * </p>
549 * <p>
550 * Remove an attribute from a given node. Followed by:
551 * </p>
552 * <ul class="simple">
553 * <li>the ID of the considered node (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
554 * <li>the attribute name (encoded with the TYPE_STRING format).</li>
555 * </ul>
556 * </li>
557 * <li>
558 * <p class="first">
559 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_ADD_EDGE_ATTR</tt> [0x1C]
560 * </p>
561 * <p>
562 * Add an attribute to an edge. Followed by:
563 * </p>
564 * <ul class="simple">
565 * <li>the ID of the considered edge (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
566 * <li>the attribute name (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
567 * <li>the attribute value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
568 * Types&quot; section)</li>
569 * <li>the attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
570 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
571 * </ul>
572 * </li>
573 * <li>
574 * <p class="first">
575 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_CHG_EDGE_ATTR</tt> [0x1D]
576 * </p>
577 * <p>
578 * Change an existing attribute on a given edge. Followed by:
579 * </p>
580 * <ul class="simple">
581 * <li>the ID of the considered edge (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
582 * <li>the attribute name (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
583 * <li>the attribute's old value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
584 * Types&quot; section)</li>
585 * <li>the old attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
586 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
587 * <li>the attribute's new value type (one of the bytes shown in the &quot;Data
588 * Types&quot; section)</li>
589 * <li>the new attribute value, encoded according to its value type (see the
590 * &quot;Data Types&quot; section)</li>
591 * </ul>
592 * </li>
593 * <li>
594 * <p class="first">
595 * <tt class="docutils literal">EVENT_DEL_EDGE_ATTR</tt> [0x1E]
596 * </p>
597 * <p>
598 * Remove an attribute from a given edge. Followed by:
599 * </p>
600 * <ul class="simple">
601 * <li>the ID of the considered edge (TYPE_STRING format)</li>
602 * <li>the attribute name (encoded with the TYPE_STRING format).</li>
603 * </ul>
604 * </li>
605 * </ul>
606 * </div> </div>
607 * 
608 * 
609 * 
610 * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of Luxembourg - University of Le Havre
611 * 
612 * NetStreamConstants.java
613 * @since Aug 3, 2011
614 * 
615 * @author Yoann Pigné
616 * 
617 */
618public class NetStreamConstants {
619        /**
620         * Followed by an 32-bit signed integer for this protocol version. Certainly
621         * useless.
622         */
623        public static int EVENT_GETVERSION = 0x00;
624        /**
625         * Not used.
626         */
627        public static int EVENT_START = 0x01;
629        /**
630         * Constant indicating that the client has disconnected. 
631         */
632        public static int EVENT_END = 0x02;
634        //
635        // ----------------------------------
636        // GraphStream's graph events
637        // ----------------------------------
638        //
640        /**
641         * Followed by a node id (TYPE_STRING format)
642         */
643        public static int EVENT_ADD_NODE = 0x10;
645        /**
646         * Followed by a node id (TYPE_STRING format)
647         */
648        public static int EVENT_DEL_NODE = 0x11;
650        /**
651         * Followed by - an edge id (TYPE_STRING format), - an source node id
652         * (TYPE_STRING format), - a target node id (TYPE_STRING format - a boolean
653         * indicating if directed (TYPE_BOOLEAN format)
654         */
655        public static int EVENT_ADD_EDGE = 0x12;
657        /**
658         * Followed by an edge id (TYPE_STRING format)
659         */
660        public static int EVENT_DEL_EDGE = 0x13;
662        /**
663         * Followed by double (TYPE_DOUBLE format)
664         */
665        public static int EVENT_STEP = 0x14;
666        /**
667         * 
668         */
669        public static int EVENT_CLEARED = 0x15;
671        /**
672         * Followed by - an attribute id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute TYPE -
673         * the attribute value
674         */
675        public static int EVENT_ADD_GRAPH_ATTR = 0x16;
676        /**
677         * Followed by - an attribute id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute TYPE -
678         * the attribute old value - the attribute new value
679         */
680        public static int EVENT_CHG_GRAPH_ATTR = 0x17;
681        /**
682         * Followed by - the attribute id (TYPE_STRING format)
683         */
684        public static int EVENT_DEL_GRAPH_ATTR = 0x18;
686        /**
687         * Followed by - an attribute id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute TYPE -
688         * the attribute value
689         */
690        public static int EVENT_ADD_NODE_ATTR = 0x19;
691        /**
692         * Followed by - an attribute id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute TYPE -
693         * the attribute old value - the attribute new value
694         */
695        public static int EVENT_CHG_NODE_ATTR = 0x1a;
696        /**
697         * Followed by - the node id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute id
698         * (TYPE_STRING format)
699         */
700        public static int EVENT_DEL_NODE_ATTR = 0x1b;
702        /**
703         * Followed by - an attribute id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute TYPE -
704         * the attribute value
705         */
706        public static int EVENT_ADD_EDGE_ATTR = 0x1c;
707        /**
708         * Followed by - an attribute id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute TYPE -
709         * the attribute old value - the attribute new value
710         */
711        public static int EVENT_CHG_EDGE_ATTR = 0x1d;
712        /**
713         * Followed by - the edge id (TYPE_STRING format) - the attribute id
714         * (TYPE_STRING format)
715         */
716        public static int EVENT_DEL_EDGE_ATTR = 0x1e;
718        // Values types
720        public static int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x00;
722        /**
723         * Followed by a byte who's value is 0 or 1
724         */
725        public static int TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0x50;
726        /**
727         * An array of booleans. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the number
728         * of booleans and then, a list of bytes who's value is 0 or 1
729         */
730        public static int TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY = 0x51;
731        /**
732         * Followed by a signed byte [-127,127]
733         */
734        public static int TYPE_BYTE = 0x52;
735        /**
736         * An array of bytes. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the number of
737         * integers and then, a list of signed bytes.
738         */
739        public static int TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY = 0x53;
740        /**
741         * Followed by an 16-bit signed integer (a short)
742         */
743        public static int TYPE_SHORT = 0x54;
744        /**
745         * An array of shorts. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the number
746         * of integers and then, a list of 16-bit signed shorts
747         */
748        public static int TYPE_SHORT_ARRAY = 0x55;
749        /**
750         * Followed by an 32-bit signed integer
751         */
752        public static int TYPE_INT = 0x56;
753        /**
754         * An array of integers. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the number
755         * of integers and then, a list of 32-bit signed integers
756         */
757        public static int TYPE_INT_ARRAY = 0x57;
758        /**
759         * Followed by an 64-bit signed integer
760         */
761        public static int TYPE_LONG = 0x58;
762        /**
763         * An array of longs. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the number of
764         * longs and then, a list of 62-bit signed integers
765         */
766        public static int TYPE_LONG_ARRAY = 0x59;
767        /**
768         * Followed by a single precision 32-bits floating point number
769         */
770        public static int TYPE_FLOAT = 0x5a;
771        /**
772         * Array of double. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the number of
773         * floats and then, a list of 32-bit floats
774         */
775        public static int TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY = 0x5b;
776        /**
777         * Followed by a double precision 64-bits floating point number
778         */
779        public static int TYPE_DOUBLE = 0x5c;
780        /**
781         * Array of double. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the number of
782         * doubles and then, a list of 64-bit doubles
783         */
784        public static int TYPE_DOUBLE_ARRAY = 0x5d;
785        /**
786         * Array of characters. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer for the size in
787         * bytes (not in number of characters) of the string, then by the unicode
788         * string
789         */
790        public static int TYPE_STRING = 0x5e;
791        /**
792         * Raw data, good for serialization. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer
793         * indicating the length in bytes of the dataset, and then the data itself.
794         */
795        public static int TYPE_RAW = 0x5f;
797        /**
798         * An type-unspecified array. Followed by first, a 16-bits integer
799         * indicating the number of elements, and then, the elements themselves. The
800         * elements themselves have to give their type.
801         */
802        public static byte TYPE_ARRAY = 0x60;
804        public static int TYPE_NULL = 0x61;
808        /**
809         *  Constant that indicates that this message is a COMMAND, not and EVENT.
810         *  
811         *  For now it is followed by a string that has to be parssed at the application level.
812         *  
814         */
815        public static int COMMAND = 0x70;