002 * Copyright 2006 - 2013
003 *     Stefan Balev     <stefan.balev@graphstream-project.org>
004 *     Julien Baudry    <julien.baudry@graphstream-project.org>
005 *     Antoine Dutot    <antoine.dutot@graphstream-project.org>
006 *     Yoann Pigné      <yoann.pigne@graphstream-project.org>
007 *     Guilhelm Savin   <guilhelm.savin@graphstream-project.org>
008 * 
009 * This file is part of GraphStream <http://graphstream-project.org>.
010 * 
011 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
012 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
013 * 
014 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
015 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
016 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
017 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
018 * URL <http://www.cecill.info> or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
019 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
020 * option) any later version.
021 * 
022 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
023 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
024 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
025 * 
026 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
027 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
028 * 
029 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
030 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
031 */
032package org.graphstream.graph.implementations;
034import java.util.AbstractCollection;
035import java.util.Collection;
036import java.util.HashSet;
037import java.util.Iterator;
038import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
040import org.graphstream.graph.BreadthFirstIterator;
041import org.graphstream.graph.DepthFirstIterator;
042import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
043import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
044import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
045import org.graphstream.stream.SourceBase;
048 * <p>
049 * This class provides a basic implementation of {@code Node} interface, to
050 * minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
051 * </p>
052 * 
053 * <p>
054 * This class implements all the methods of
055 * {@link org.graphstream.graph.implementations#AbstractElement} and most of the
056 * methods of {@link org.graphstream.graph#Node} (there are "only" ten abstract
057 * methods). In addition to these, subclasses must provide implementations for
058 * {@link #addEdgeCallback(AbstractEdge)} and
059 * {@link #removeEdgeCallback(AbstractEdge)} which are called by the parent
060 * graph when an edge incident to this node is added to or removed from the
061 * graph. This class has a low memory overhead (one reference as field).
062 * </p>
063 */
064public abstract class AbstractNode extends AbstractElement implements Node {
066        // *** Fields ***
068        /**
069         * The graph to which this node belongs
070         */
071        protected AbstractGraph graph;
073        // *** Constructors
075        /**
076         * Constructs a new node. This constructor copies the parameters into the
077         * corresponding fields
078         * 
079         * @param graph
080         *            The graph to which this node belongs.
081         * @param id
082         *            Unique identifier of this node.
083         */
084        protected AbstractNode(AbstractGraph graph, String id) {
085                super(id);
086                this.graph = graph;
087        }
089        // *** Inherited from abstract element ***
091        @Override
092        protected void attributeChanged(AttributeChangeEvent event,
093                        String attribute, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
094                graph.listeners.sendAttributeChangedEvent(id,
095                                SourceBase.ElementType.NODE, attribute, event, oldValue,
096                                newValue);
097        }
099        /**
100         * @return The id of the parent graph
101         * @see org.graphstream.graph.implementations.AbstractElement#myGraphId()
102         */
103        // protected String myGraphId() {
104        // return graph.getId();
105        // }
107        /**
108         * This implementation calls the corresponding method of the parent graph
109         * 
110         * @see org.graphstream.graph.implementations.AbstractElement#newEvent()
111         */
112        // protected long newEvent() {
113        // return graph.newEvent();
114        // }
116        @Override
117        /**
118         * This implementation calls the corresponding method of the parent graph
119         * 
120         * @see org.graphstream.graph.implementations.AbstractElement#nullAttributesAreErrors()
121         */
122        protected boolean nullAttributesAreErrors() {
123                return graph.nullAttributesAreErrors();
124        }
126        // *** Inherited from Node ***
128        /**
129         * This implementation returns {@link #graph}.
130         * 
131         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getGraph()
132         */
133        public Graph getGraph() {
134                return graph;
135        }
137        public abstract int getDegree();
139        public abstract int getInDegree();
141        public abstract int getOutDegree();
143        // [has|get]Edge[Toward|From|Between](Node|int|String) -> 2 * 3 * 3 = 18
144        // methods
146        /**
147         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeToward(Node)}
148         * is not {@code null}.
149         * 
150         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeToward(org.graphstream.graph.Node)
151         */
152        public boolean hasEdgeToward(Node node) {
153                return getEdgeToward(node) != null;
154        }
156        /**
157         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeToward(int)}
158         * is not {@code null}.
159         * 
160         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeToward(int)
161         */
162        public boolean hasEdgeToward(int index) {
163                return getEdgeToward(index) != null;
164        }
166        /**
167         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeToward(Node)}
168         * is not {@code null}.
169         * 
170         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeToward(java.lang.String)
171         */
172        public boolean hasEdgeToward(String id) {
173                return getEdgeToward(id) != null;
174        }
176        /**
177         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeFrom(Node)} is
178         * not {@code null}.
179         * 
180         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeFrom(org.graphstream.graph.Node)
181         */
182        public boolean hasEdgeFrom(Node node) {
183                return getEdgeFrom(node) != null;
184        }
186        /**
187         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeFrom(int)} is
188         * not {@code null}.
189         * 
190         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeFrom(int)
191         */
192        public boolean hasEdgeFrom(int index) {
193                return getEdgeFrom(index) != null;
194        }
196        /**
197         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeFrom(Node)} is
198         * not {@code null}.
199         * 
200         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeFrom(java.lang.String)
201         */
202        public boolean hasEdgeFrom(String id) {
203                return getEdgeFrom(id) != null;
204        }
206        /**
207         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeBetween(Node)}
208         * is not {@code null}.
209         * 
210         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeBetween(org.graphstream.graph.Node)
211         */
212        public boolean hasEdgeBetween(Node node) {
213                return getEdgeBetween(node) != null;
214        }
216        /**
217         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeBetween(int)}
218         * is not {@code null}.
219         * 
220         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeBetween(int)
221         */
222        public boolean hasEdgeBetween(int index) {
223                return getEdgeBetween(index) != null;
224        }
226        /**
227         * This implementation returns {@code true} if {@link #getEdgeBetween(Node)}
228         * is not {@code null}.
229         * 
230         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#hasEdgeBetween(java.lang.String)
231         */
232        public boolean hasEdgeBetween(String id) {
233                return getEdgeBetween(id) != null;
234        }
236        public abstract <T extends Edge> T getEdgeToward(Node node);
238        /**
239         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeToward(Node)}
240         * 
241         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeToward(int)
242         */
243        public <T extends Edge> T getEdgeToward(int index) {
244                return getEdgeToward(graph.getNode(index));
245        }
247        /**
248         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeToward(Node)}
249         * 
250         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeToward(java.lang.String)
251         */
252        public <T extends Edge> T getEdgeToward(String id) {
253                return getEdgeToward(graph.getNode(id));
254        }
256        public abstract <T extends Edge> T getEdgeFrom(Node node);
258        /**
259         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeFrom(Node)}
260         * 
261         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeFrom(int)
262         */
263        public <T extends Edge> T getEdgeFrom(int index) {
264                return getEdgeFrom(graph.getNode(index));
265        }
267        /**
268         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeFrom(Node)}
269         * 
270         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeFrom(java.lang.String)
271         */
272        public <T extends Edge> T getEdgeFrom(String id) {
273                return getEdgeFrom(graph.getNode(id));
274        }
276        public abstract <T extends Edge> T getEdgeBetween(Node node);
278        /**
279         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeBetween(Node)}
280         * 
281         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeBetween(int)
282         */
283        public <T extends Edge> T getEdgeBetween(int index) {
284                return getEdgeBetween(graph.getNode(index));
285        }
287        /**
288         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeBetween(Node)}
289         * 
290         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeBetween(java.lang.String)
291         */
292        public <T extends Edge> T getEdgeBetween(String id) {
293                return getEdgeBetween(graph.getNode(id));
294        }
296        // get[_|Entering|Leaving]EdgeIterator
298        public abstract <T extends Edge> Iterator<T> getEdgeIterator();
300        public abstract <T extends Edge> Iterator<T> getEnteringEdgeIterator();
302        public abstract <T extends Edge> Iterator<T> getLeavingEdgeIterator();
304        // getEach[_Entering|Leaving]Edge
306        /**
307         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeIterator()}
308         * 
309         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEachEdge()
310         */
311        public <T extends Edge> Iterable<T> getEachEdge() {
312                return new Iterable<T>() {
313                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
314                                return getEdgeIterator();
315                        }
316                };
317        }
319        /**
320         * This implementation uses {@link #getEnteringEdgeIterator()}
321         * 
322         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEachEnteringEdge()
323         */
324        public <T extends Edge> Iterable<T> getEachEnteringEdge() {
325                return new Iterable<T>() {
326                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
327                                return getEnteringEdgeIterator();
328                        }
329                };
330        }
332        /**
333         * This implementation uses {@link #getLeavingEdgeIterator()}
334         * 
335         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEachLeavingEdge()
336         */
337        public <T extends Edge> Iterable<T> getEachLeavingEdge() {
338                return new Iterable<T>() {
339                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
340                                return getLeavingEdgeIterator();
341                        }
342                };
343        }
345        // get[_|Entering|Leaving]EdgeSet
347        /**
348         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeIterator()} and
349         * {@link #getDegree()}
350         * 
351         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEdgeSet()
352         */
353        public <T extends Edge> Collection<T> getEdgeSet() {
354                return new AbstractCollection<T>() {
355                        @Override
356                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
357                                return getEdgeIterator();
358                        }
360                        @Override
361                        public int size() {
362                                return getDegree();
363                        }
364                };
365        }
367        /**
368         * This implementation uses {@link #getEnteringEdgeIterator()} and
369         * {@link #geIntDegree()}
370         * 
371         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getEnteringEdgeSet()
372         */
373        public <T extends Edge> Collection<T> getEnteringEdgeSet() {
374                return new AbstractCollection<T>() {
375                        @Override
376                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
377                                return getEnteringEdgeIterator();
378                        }
380                        @Override
381                        public int size() {
382                                return getInDegree();
383                        }
384                };
385        }
387        /**
388         * This implementation uses {@link #getLeavingIterator()} and
389         * {@link #geOuttDegree()}
390         * 
391         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getLeavingEdgeSet()
392         */
393        public <T extends Edge> Collection<T> getLeavingEdgeSet() {
394                return new AbstractCollection<T>() {
395                        @Override
396                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
397                                return getLeavingEdgeIterator();
398                        }
400                        @Override
401                        public int size() {
402                                return getOutDegree();
403                        }
404                };
405        }
407        /**
408         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeIterator()}
409         * 
410         * @see java.lang.Iterable#iterator()
411         */
412        public Iterator<Edge> iterator() {
413                return getEdgeIterator();
414        }
416        public abstract <T extends Edge> T getEdge(int i);
418        public abstract <T extends Edge> T getEnteringEdge(int i);
420        public abstract <T extends Edge> T getLeavingEdge(int i);
422        /**
423         * This implementation uses {@link #getEdgeIterator()} and stores the
424         * visited nodes in a set. In this way it ensures that each neighbor will be
425         * visited exactly once, even in multi-graph.
426         * 
427         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getNeighborNodeIterator()
428         */
429        public <T extends Node> Iterator<T> getNeighborNodeIterator() {
430                return new Iterator<T>() {
431                        Iterator<Edge> edgeIt = getEdgeIterator();
432                        HashSet<T> visited = new HashSet<T>(getDegree());
433                        T next;
434                        {
435                                gotoNext();
436                        }
438                        private void gotoNext() {
439                                while (edgeIt.hasNext()) {
440                                        next = edgeIt.next().getOpposite(AbstractNode.this);
441                                        if (!visited.contains(next)) {
442                                                visited.add(next);
443                                                return;
444                                        }
445                                }
446                                next = null;
447                        }
449                        public boolean hasNext() {
450                                return next != null;
451                        }
453                        public T next() {
454                                if (next == null)
455                                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
456                                T current = next;
457                                gotoNext();
458                                return current;
459                        }
461                        public void remove() {
462                                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
463                                                "This iterator does not support remove");
465                        }
467                        // Iterator<Edge> edgeIterator = getEdgeIterator();
468                        //
469                        // public boolean hasNext() {
470                        // return edgeIterator.hasNext();
471                        // }
472                        //
473                        // public T next() {
474                        // return edgeIterator.next().getOpposite(AbstractNode.this);
475                        // }
476                        //
477                        // public void remove() {
478                        // throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
479                        // "This iterator does not support remove");
480                        // }
481                };
482        }
484        // breadth- and depth-first iterator
486        /**
487         * This implementation creates an instance of
488         * {@link org.graphstream.graph#BreadthFirstIterator} and returns it.
489         * 
490         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getBreadthFirstIterator()
491         */
492        public <T extends Node> Iterator<T> getBreadthFirstIterator() {
493                // XXX change it when the old iterator disappears
494                // XXX change the return type to have access to the other methods
495                return new BreadthFirstIterator<T>(this);
496        }
498        /**
499         * This implementation creates an instance of
500         * {@link org.graphstream.graph#BreadthFirstIterator} and returns it.
501         * 
502         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getBreadthFirstIterator(boolean)
503         */
504        public <T extends Node> Iterator<T> getBreadthFirstIterator(boolean directed) {
505                // XXX change it when the old iterator disappears
506                // XXX change the return type to have access to the other methods
507                return new BreadthFirstIterator<T>(this, directed);
508        }
510        /**
511         * This implementation creates an instance of
512         * {@link org.graphstream.graph#DepthFirstIterator} and returns it.
513         * 
514         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getDepthFirstIterator()
515         */
516        public <T extends Node> Iterator<T> getDepthFirstIterator() {
517                // XXX change it when the old iterator disappears
518                // XXX change the return type to have access to the other methods
519                return new DepthFirstIterator<T>(this);
520        }
522        /**
523         * This implementation creates an instance of
524         * {@link org.graphstream.graph#DepthFirstIterator} and returns it.
525         * 
526         * @see org.graphstream.graph.Node#getDepthFirstIterator(boolean)
527         */
528        public <T extends Node> Iterator<T> getDepthFirstIterator(boolean directed) {
529                // XXX change it when the old iterator disappears
530                // XXX change the return type to have access to the other methods
531                return new DepthFirstIterator<T>(this, directed);
532        }
534        // *** Other methods ***
536        /**
537         * This method is called automatically when an edge incident to this node is
538         * created. Subclasses use it to add the edge to their data structure.
539         * 
540         * @param edge
541         *            a new edge incident to this node
542         */
543        protected abstract boolean addEdgeCallback(AbstractEdge edge);
545        /**
546         * This method is called automatically before removing an edge incident to
547         * this node. Subclasses use it to remove the edge from their data
548         * structure.
549         * 
550         * @param edge
551         *            an edge incident to this node that will be removed
552         */
553        protected abstract void removeEdgeCallback(AbstractEdge edge);
555        /**
556         * This method is called for each node when the graph is cleared. Subclasses
557         * may use it to clear their data structures in order to facilitate the
558         * garbage collection.
559         */
560        protected abstract void clearCallback();
562        /**
563         * Checks if an edge enters this node. Utility method that can be useful in
564         * subclasses.
565         * 
566         * @param e
567         *            an edge
568         * @return {@code true} if {@code e} is entering edge for this node.
569         */
570        public boolean isEnteringEdge(Edge e) {
571                return e.getTargetNode() == this
572                                || (!e.isDirected() && e.getSourceNode() == this);
573        }
575        /**
576         * Checks if an edge leaves this node. Utility method that can be useful in
577         * subclasses.
578         * 
579         * @param e
580         *            an edge
581         * @return {@code true} if {@code e} is leaving edge for this node.
582         */
583        public boolean isLeavingEdge(Edge e) {
584                return e.getSourceNode() == this
585                                || (!e.isDirected() && e.getTargetNode() == this);
586        }
588        /**
589         * Checks if an edge is incident to this node. Utility method that can be
590         * useful in subclasses.
591         * 
592         * @param e
593         *            an edge
594         * @return {@code true} if {@code e} is incident edge for this node.
595         */
596        public boolean isIncidentEdge(Edge e) {
597                return e.getSourceNode() == this || e.getTargetNode() == this;
598        }