002 * Copyright 2006 - 2013
003 *     Stefan Balev     <stefan.balev@graphstream-project.org>
004 *     Julien Baudry    <julien.baudry@graphstream-project.org>
005 *     Antoine Dutot    <antoine.dutot@graphstream-project.org>
006 *     Yoann Pigné      <yoann.pigne@graphstream-project.org>
007 *     Guilhelm Savin   <guilhelm.savin@graphstream-project.org>
008 * 
009 * This file is part of GraphStream <http://graphstream-project.org>.
010 * 
011 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
012 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
013 * 
014 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
015 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
016 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
017 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
018 * URL <http://www.cecill.info> or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
019 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
020 * option) any later version.
021 * 
022 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
023 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
024 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
025 * 
026 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
027 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
028 * 
029 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
030 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
031 */
032package org.graphstream.algorithm.networksimplex;
034import java.util.HashMap;
035import java.util.Iterator;
036import java.util.Map;
037import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
038import java.util.Stack;
040import org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra;
041import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
042import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
043import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
044import org.graphstream.graph.Path;
046public class DynamicOneToAllShortestPath extends NetworkSimplex {
047        protected String sourceId;
049        public DynamicOneToAllShortestPath(String costName) {
050                super(null, null, costName);
051        }
053        public String getSource() {
054                return sourceId;
055        }
057        public void setSource(String sourceId) {
058                this.sourceId = sourceId;
059                if (nodes != null)
060                        for (NSNode node : nodes.values())
061                                changeSupply(node, node.id.equals(sourceId) ? nodes.size() - 1
062                                                : -1);
063        }
065        @Override
066        protected void cloneGraph() {
067                super.cloneGraph();
068                for (NSNode node : nodes.values())
069                        node.supply = node.id.equals(sourceId) ? nodes.size() - 1 : -1;
070        }
072        /**
073         * NS is much slower than Dijkstra when starting from a big graph.
074         * The idea is to call Dijkstra and then to construct the initial BFS from it.
075         * This method should be called just after {@link #createInitialBFS()}.
076         */
077        protected void bfsFromDijkstra() {
078                // first check if we can apply Dijkstra
079                if (nodes.get(sourceId) == null)
080                        return;
081                for (NSArc arc : arcs.values())
082                        if (arc.cost.isNegative())
083                                return;
085                // instantiate and compute Dijkstra
086                Dijkstra dijkstra = new Dijkstra(Dijkstra.Element.EDGE, null, costName);
087                dijkstra.init(graph);
088                dijkstra.setSource(graph.getNode(sourceId));
089                dijkstra.compute();
091                // init
092                Map<NSNode, NSNode> last = new HashMap<NSNode, NSNode>(4 * (nodes.size() + 1) / 3 + 1);
093                last.put(root, root);
094                root.thread = root;
095                for (NSNode node : nodes.values()) {
096                        last.put(node, node);
097                        node.artificialArc.status = ArcStatus.NONBASIC_LOWER;
098                        node.artificialArc.flow = 0;
099                        node.thread = node;
100                }
102                // restore parent and thread
103                for (NSNode node : nodes.values()) {
104                        Node gNode = graph.getNode(node.id);
105                        Node gParent = dijkstra.getParent(gNode);
106                        NSNode parent = gParent == null ? root : nodes.get(gParent.getId());
107                        node.parent = parent;
108                        NSArc arc = node.artificialArc;
109                        if (gParent != null) {
110                                Edge gEdge = dijkstra.getEdgeFromParent(gNode);
111                                if (gEdge.getSourceNode() == gParent)
112                                        arc = arcs.get(gEdge.getId());
113                                else
114                                        arc = arcs.get(PREFIX + "REVERSE_" + gEdge.getId());
115                        }
116                        node.arcToParent = arc;
117                        arc.status = ArcStatus.BASIC;
118                        nonBasicArcs.remove(arc);
119                        NSNode nodeLast = last.get(node);
120                        nodeLast.thread = parent.thread;
121                        parent.thread = node;
122                        for (NSNode x = parent; last.get(x) == parent; x = x.parent)
123                                last.put(x, nodeLast);
124                }
125                last.clear();
126                dijkstra.clear();
128                // compute depths, potentials, flows and objective value
129                for (NSNode node = root.thread; node != root; node = node.thread) {
130                        node.depth = node.parent.depth + 1;
131                        node.computePotential();
132                        for (NSNode x = node; x != root; x = x.parent)
133                                x.arcToParent.flow++;
134                }
135                NSArc arc = nodes.get(sourceId).arcToParent;
136                arc.flow = nodes.size() - arc.flow;
138                objectiveValue.set(0);
139                for (NSNode node = root.thread; node != root; node = node.thread)
140                        objectiveValue.plusTimes(node.arcToParent.flow, node.arcToParent.cost);
141        }
145        @Override
146        public void init(Graph graph) {
147                // Do not call super.init(graph), make BFS from Dijkstra before start listening
148                this.graph = graph;
149                cloneGraph();
150                createInitialBFS();
151                bfsFromDijkstra();
152                graph.addSink(this);            
153        }
155        @Override
156        public void nodeAdded(String sourceId, long timeId, String nodeId) {
157                NSNode node = new NSNode(graph.getNode(nodeId));
158                if (nodeId.equals(this.sourceId)) {
159                        node.supply = nodes.size();
160                        addNode(node);
161                } else {
162                        node.supply = -1;
163                        addNode(node);
164                        NSNode source = nodes.get(this.sourceId);
165                        if (source != null)
166                                changeSupply(source, nodes.size() - 1);
167                }
168        }
170        @Override
171        public void nodeRemoved(String sourceId, long timeId, String nodeId) {
172                removeNode(nodes.get(nodeId));
173                if (!nodeId.equals(this.sourceId)) {
174                        NSNode source = nodes.get(this.sourceId);
175                        if (source != null)
176                                changeSupply(source, nodes.size() - 1);
177                }
178        }
180        // Iterators
182        protected class NodeIterator<T extends Node> implements Iterator<T> {
183                protected NSNode nextNode;
185                protected NodeIterator(NSNode target) {
186                        if (target.id.equals(sourceId) || target.parent != root)
187                                nextNode = target;
188                        else
189                                nextNode = root;
190                }
192                public boolean hasNext() {
193                        return nextNode != root;
194                }
196                public T next() {
197                        if (nextNode == root)
198                                throw new NoSuchElementException();
199                        T node = graph.getNode(nextNode.id);
200                        nextNode = nextNode.parent;
201                        return node;
202                }
204                public void remove() {
205                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
206                                        "This iterator does not support remove");
207                }
208        }
210        protected class EdgeIterator<T extends Edge> implements Iterator<T> {
211                protected NSNode nextNode;
213                protected EdgeIterator(NSNode target) {
214                        nextNode = target;
215                }
217                public boolean hasNext() {
218                        return nextNode.parent != root;
219                }
221                public T next() {
222                        if (nextNode.parent == root)
223                                throw new NoSuchElementException();
224                        T edge = graph.getEdge(nextNode.arcToParent.getOriginalId());
225                        nextNode = nextNode.parent;
226                        return edge;
227                }
229                public void remove() {
230                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
231                                        "This iterator does not support remove");
232                }
233        }
235        public long getPathLength(Node node) {
236                NSNode nsNode = nodes.get(node.getId());
237                if (nsNode.id.equals(sourceId))
238                        return 0;
239                if (nsNode.parent == root)
240                        return Long.MAX_VALUE;
241                return -nsNode.potential.small;
242        }
244        /**
245         * This iterator traverses the nodes on the shortest path from the source
246         * node to a given target node. The nodes are traversed in reverse order:
247         * the target node first, then its predecessor, ... and finally the source
248         * node. If there is no path from the source to the target, no nodes are
249         * traversed. This iterator does not support
250         * {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()}.
251         * 
252         * @param target
253         *            a node
254         * @return an iterator on the nodes of the shortest path from the source to
255         *         the target
256         * @see #getPathNodes(Node)
257         * @complexity Each call of {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} of this
258         *             iterator takes O(1) time
259         */
260        public <T extends Node> Iterator<T> getPathNodesIterator(Node target) {
261                return new NodeIterator<T>(nodes.get(target.getId()));
262        }
264        /**
265         * An iterable view of the nodes on the shortest path from the source node
266         * to a given target node. Uses {@link #getPathNodesIterator(Node)}.
267         * 
268         * @param target
269         *            a node
270         * @return an iterable view of the nodes on the shortest path from the
271         *         source to the target
272         * @see #getPathNodesIterator(Node)
273         */
274        public <T extends Node> Iterable<T> getPathNodes(final Node target) {
275                return new Iterable<T>() {
276                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
277                                return getPathNodesIterator(target);
278                        }
279                };
280        }
282        /**
283         * This iterator traverses the edges on the shortest path from the source
284         * node to a given target node. The edges are traversed in reverse order:
285         * first the edge between the target and its predecessor, ... and finally
286         * the edge between the source end its successor. If there is no path from
287         * the source to the target or if he source and the target are the same
288         * node, no edges are traversed. This iterator does not support
289         * {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()}.
290         * 
291         * @param target
292         *            a node
293         * @return an iterator on the edges of the shortest path from the source to
294         *         the target
295         * @see #getPathEdges(Node)
296         * @complexity Each call of {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} of this
297         *             iterator takes O(1) time
298         */
299        public <T extends Edge> Iterator<T> getPathEdgesIterator(Node target) {
300                return new EdgeIterator<T>(nodes.get(target.getId()));
301        }
303        /**
304         * An iterable view of the edges on the shortest path from the source node
305         * to a given target node. Uses {@link #getPathEdgesIterator(Node)}.
306         * 
307         * @param target
308         *            a node
309         * @return an iterable view of the edges on the shortest path from the
310         *         source to the target
311         * @see #getPathEdgesIterator(Node)
312         */
313        public <T extends Edge> Iterable<T> getPathEdges(final Node target) {
314                return new Iterable<T>() {
315                        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
316                                return getPathEdgesIterator(target);
317                        }
319                };
320        }
322        /**
323         * Returns the shortest path from the source node to a given target node. If
324         * there is no path from the source to the target returns an empty path.
325         * This method constructs a {@link org.graphstream.graph.Path} object which
326         * consumes heap memory proportional to the number of edges and nodes in the
327         * path. When possible, prefer using {@link #getPathNodes(Node)} and
328         * {@link #getPathEdges(Node)} which are more memory- and time-efficient.
329         * 
330         * @param target
331         *            a node
332         * @return the shortest path from the source to the target
333         * @complexity O(<em>p</em>) where <em>p</em> is the number of the nodes in
334         *             the path
335         */
336        public Path getPath(Node target) {
337                Path path = new Path();
338                if (getPathLength(target) == Long.MAX_VALUE)
339                        return path;
340                Stack<Edge> stack = new Stack<Edge>();
341                for (Edge e : getPathEdges(target))
342                        stack.push(e);
343                path.setRoot(graph.getNode(sourceId));
344                while (!stack.isEmpty())
345                        path.add(stack.pop());
346                return path;
347        }