002 * Copyright 2006 - 2013
003 *     Stefan Balev     <stefan.balev@graphstream-project.org>
004 *     Julien Baudry    <julien.baudry@graphstream-project.org>
005 *     Antoine Dutot    <antoine.dutot@graphstream-project.org>
006 *     Yoann Pigné      <yoann.pigne@graphstream-project.org>
007 *     Guilhelm Savin   <guilhelm.savin@graphstream-project.org>
008 * 
009 * This file is part of GraphStream <http://graphstream-project.org>.
010 * 
011 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
012 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
013 * 
014 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
015 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
016 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
017 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
018 * URL <http://www.cecill.info> or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
019 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
020 * option) any later version.
021 * 
022 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
023 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
024 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
025 * 
026 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
027 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
028 * 
029 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
030 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
031 */
032package org.graphstream.algorithm;
034import java.util.*;
036import org.graphstream.algorithm.util.RandomTools;
037import org.graphstream.graph.*;
038import org.graphstream.stream.GraphReplay;
039import org.graphstream.ui.layout.Layout;
040import org.graphstream.ui.layout.springbox.implementations.SpringBox;
043 * Lots of small often used algorithms on graphs.
044 * 
045 * <p>
046 * This class contains a lot of very small algorithms that could be often useful
047 * with a graph. Most methods take a graph as first argument.
048 * </p>
049 * 
050 * <h2>Usage</h2>
051 * 
052 * <h3>Degrees</h3>
053 * 
054 * <p>
055 * The {@link #degreeDistribution(Graph)} method allows to obtain an array where
056 * each cell index represents the degree, and the value of the cell the number
057 * of nodes having this degree. Its complexity is O(n) with n the number of
058 * nodes.
059 * </p>
060 * 
061 * <p>
062 * The {@link #degreeMap(Graph)} returns an array of nodes sorted by degree in
063 * descending order. The complexity is O(n log(n)) with n the number of nodes.
064 * </p>
065 * 
066 * <p>
067 * The {@link #averageDegree(Graph)} returns the average degree. The complexity
068 * is O(1).
069 * </p>
070 * 
071 * <p>
072 * The {@link #degreeAverageDeviation(Graph)} returns the deviation of the
073 * average degree. The complexity is O(n) with n the number of nodes.
074 * </p>
075 * * <h3>Density</h3>
076 * 
077 * <p>
078 * The {@link #density(Graph)} method returns the number of links in the graph
079 * divided by the total number of possible links. The complexity is O(1).
080 * </p>
081 * 
082 * <h3>Diameter</h3>
083 * 
084 * <p>
085 * The {@link #diameter(Graph)} method computes the diameter of the graph. The
086 * diameter of the graph is the largest of all the shortest paths from any node
087 * to any other node.
088 * </p>
089 * 
090 * <p>
091 * The returned diameter is not an integer since some graphs have non-integer
092 * weights on edges.
093 * </p>
094 * 
095 * <p>
096 * The {@link #diameter(Graph, String, boolean)} method does the same thing, but
097 * considers that the graph is weighted if the second argument is non-null. The
098 * second argument is the weight attribute name. The third argument indicates if
099 * the graph must be considered as directed or not.
100 * </p>
101 * 
102 * <p>
103 * Note that this operation can be quite costly, the algorithm used depends on
104 * the fact the graph is weighted or not. If unweighted, the algorithm is in
105 * O(n*(n+m)). If weighted the algorithm is the Floyd-Warshall algorithm whose
106 * complexity is at worst of O(n^3).
107 * </p>
108 * 
109 * <h3>Clustering coefficient</h3>
110 * 
111 * <p>
112 * The {@link #clusteringCoefficient(Node)} method return the clustering
113 * coefficient for the given node. The complexity if O(d^2) where d is the
114 * degree of the node.
115 * </p>
116 * 
117 * <p>
118 * The {@link #clusteringCoefficients(Graph)} method return the clustering
119 * coefficient of each node of the graph as an array.
120 * </p>
121 * 
122 * <p>
123 * The {@link #averageClusteringCoefficient(Graph)} method return the average
124 * clustering coefficient for the graph.
125 * </p>
126 * 
127 * <h3>Random nodes and edges</h3>
128 * 
129 * <p>
130 * The {@link #randomNode(Graph)} returns a node chosen at random in the graph.
131 * You can alternatively pass a ``Random`` instance as parameter with
132 * {@link #randomNode(Graph, Random)}. The complexity depends on the kind of
133 * graph.
134 * </p>
135 * 
136 * <p>
137 * The {@link #randomEdge(Graph)} returns an edge chosen at random in the graph.
138 * You can alternatively pass a ``Random`` instance as parameter with
139 * {@link #randomEdge(Graph, Random)}. The {@link #randomEdge(Node)} returns an
140 * edge chosen at random within the edge set of the given node. You can also use
141 * {@link #randomEdge(Node, Random)}. To chose a random edge of a node inside
142 * the entering or leaving edge sets only, you can use
143 * {@link #randomInEdge(Node)} or {@link #randomInEdge(Node, Random)}, or
144 * {@link #randomOutEdge(Node)} or finally {@link #randomOutEdge(Node, Random)}.
145 * </p>
146 * 
147 * <h3>Nodes position</h3>
148 * 
149 * <p>
150 * Extracting nodes position from attributes can be tricky due to the face the
151 * positions can be stored either as separate ``x``, ``y`` and ``z`` attributes
152 * or inside ``xy`` or ``xyz`` attributes.
153 * </p>
154 * 
155 * <p>
156 * To simplify things you can use {@link #nodePosition(Node)} which returns an
157 * array of three doubles, containing the position of the node. You can also use
158 * {@link #nodePosition(Graph, String)} with a graph and a node identifier.
159 * </p>
160 * 
161 * <p>
162 * If you already have an array of doubles with at least three cells you can
163 * also use {@link #nodePosition(Node, double[])} that will store the position
164 * in the passed array. You can as well use
165 * {@link #nodePosition(Graph, String, double[])}.
166 * </p>
167 * 
168 * <p>
169 * All these methods can also handle the ``org.graphstream.ui.geom.Point3``
170 * class instead of arrays of doubles. Methods that use such an array as
171 * argument are the same. Methods that return a ``Point3`` instead of an array
172 * are {@link #nodePointPosition(Graph, String)} and
173 * {@link #nodePointPosition(Node)}.
174 * </p>
175 * 
176 * <h3>Cliques</h3>
177 * 
178 * <p>
179 * A clique <i>C</i> is a subset of the node set of a graph, such that there
180 * exists an edge between each pair of nodes in <i>C</i>. In other words, the
181 * subgraph induced by <i>C</i> is complete. A maximal clique is a clique that
182 * cannot be extended by adding more nodes, that is, there is no node outside
183 * the clique connected to all the clique nodes.
184 * </p>
185 * 
186 * <p>
187 * This class provides several methods for dealing with cliques. Use
188 * {@link #isClique(Collection)} or {@link #isMaximalClique(Collection, Graph)}
189 * to check if a set of nodes is a clique or a maximal clique.
190 * </p>
191 * 
192 * <p>
193 * The methods {@link #getMaximalCliqueIterator(Graph)} and
194 * {@link #getMaximalCliques(Graph)} enumerate all the maximal cliques in a
195 * graph. Iterating on all the maximal cliques of a graph can take much time,
196 * because their number can grow exponentially with the size of the graph. For
197 * example, the following naive method to find the maximum clique (that is, the
198 * largest possible clique) in a graph, is practical only for small and sparse
199 * graphs.
200 * </p>
201 * 
202 * <pre>
203 * List&lt;Node&gt; maximumClique = new ArrayList&lt;Node&gt;();
204 * for (List&lt;Node&gt; clique : Toolkit.getMaximalCliques(g))
205 *      if (clique.size() &gt; maximumClique.size())
206 *              maximumClique = clique;
207 * </pre>
208 * 
209 * <h2>Example</h2>
210 * 
211 * <p>
212 * You can use this class with a static import for example:
213 * </p>
214 * 
215 * <pre>
216 * import static org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit.*;
217 * </pre>
218 */
219public class Toolkit extends
220                org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.GraphPosLengthUtils {
221        // Access
223        /**
224         * Compute the weighted degree of a given node. For each entering
225         * and leaving edge the value contained by the 'weightAttribute' is
226         * considered. If the edge does not have such an attribute, the value
227         * one is used instead, resolving to a normal degree. Loop edges are counted
228         * twice. The 'weightAttribute' must contain a number or the default value
229         * is used.
230         * @param node The node to consider.
231         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look for weights on edges, it must be a number.
232         * @return The weighted degree. 
233         */
234        public static double weightedDegree(Node node, String weightAttribute) {
235                return weightedDegree(node, weightAttribute, 1);
236        }
238        /**
239         * Compute the weighted degree of a given node. For each entering
240         * and leaving edge the value contained by the 'weightAttribute' is
241         * considered. If the edge does not have such an attribute, the value
242         * `defaultWeightValue` is used instead. Loop edges are counted twice.
243         * The 'weightAttribute' must contain a number or the default value
244         * is used.
245         * @param node The node to consider.
246         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look for weights on edges, it must be a number.
247         * @param defaultWeightValue The default weight value to use if edges do not have the 'weightAttribute'.
248         * @return The weighted degree. 
249         */
250        public static double weightedDegree(Node node, String weightAttribute, double defaultWeightValue) {
251                double wdegree = 0;
253                for(Edge edge:node.getEachEdge()) {
254                        if(edge.hasNumber(weightAttribute)) {
255                                if(edge.getSourceNode() == edge.getTargetNode()) 
256                                     wdegree += edge.getNumber(weightAttribute) * 2;
257                                else wdegree += edge.getNumber(weightAttribute);
258                        } else {
259                                if(edge.getSourceNode() == edge.getTargetNode())
260                                     wdegree += defaultWeightValue * 2;
261                                else wdegree += defaultWeightValue;
262                        }
263                }
265                return wdegree;
266        }
268        /**
269         * Compute the weighted entering degree of a given node. For each
270         * entering edge the value contained by the 'weightAttribute' is
271         * considered. If the edge does not have such an attribute, the value
272         * one is used instead, resolving to a normal degree. Loop edges are counted once
273         * if directed, but twice if undirected. The 'weightAttribute' must
274         * contain a number or the default value is used.
275         * @param node The node to consider.
276         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look on edges, it must be a number.
277         * @param defaultWeightValue The default weight value to use if edges do not have the 'weightAttribute'.
278         * @return The entering weighted degree.
279         */
280        public static double enteringWeightedDegree(Node node, String weightAttribute) {
281                return enteringWeightedDegree(node, weightAttribute, 1);
282        }
284        /**
285         * Compute the weighted entering degree of a given node. For each
286         * entering edge the value contained by the 'weightAttribute' is
287         * considered. If the edge does not have such an attribute, the value
288         * 'defaultWeightValue' is used instead. Loop edges are counted once
289         * if directed, but twice if undirected. The 'weightAttribute' must
290         * contain a number or the default value is used.
291         * @param node The node to consider.
292         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look on edges, it must be a number.
293         * @param defaultWeightValue The default weight value to use if edges do not have the 'weightAttribute'.
294         * @return The entering weighted degree.
295         */
296        public static double enteringWeightedDegree(Node node, String weightAttribute, double defaultWeightValue) {
297                double wdegree = 0;
299                for(Edge edge:node.getEnteringEdgeSet()) {
300                        if(edge.hasNumber(weightAttribute)) {
301                                wdegree += edge.getNumber(weightAttribute);
302                        } else {
303                                wdegree += defaultWeightValue;
304                        }
305                }
307                return wdegree;
308        }
310        /**
311         * Compute the weighted leaving degree of a given node. For each
312         * leaving edge the value contained by the 'weightAttribute' is
313         * considered. If the edge does not have such an attribute, the value
314         * one is used instead, resolving to a normal degree. Loop edges are counted once
315         * if directed, but twice if undirected. The 'weightAttribute' must
316         * contain a number or the default value is used.
317         * @param node The node to consider.
318         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look on edges, it must be a number.
319         * @param defaultWeightValue The default weight value to use if edges do not have the 'weightAttribute'.
320         * @return The leaving weighted degree.
321         */
322        public static double leavingWeightedDegree(Node node, String weightAttribute) {
323                return leavingWeightedDegree(node, weightAttribute, 1);
324        }
326        /**
327         * Compute the weighted leaving degree of a given node. For each
328         * leaving edge the value contained by the 'weightAttribute' is
329         * considered. If the edge does not have such an attribute, the value
330         * 'defaultWeightValue' is used instead. Loop edges are counted once
331         * if directed, but twice if undirected. The 'weightAttribute' must
332         * contain a number or the default value is used.
333         * @param node The node to consider.
334         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look on edges, it must be a number.
335         * @param defaultWeightValue The default weight value to use if edges do not have the 'weightAttribute'.
336         * @return The leaving weighted degree.
337         */
338        public static double leavingWeightedDegree(Node node, String weightAttribute, double defaultWeightValue) {
339                double wdegree = 0;
341                for(Edge edge:node.getLeavingEdgeSet()) {
342                        if(edge.hasNumber(weightAttribute)) {
343                                wdegree += edge.getNumber(weightAttribute);
344                        } else {
345                                wdegree += defaultWeightValue;
346                        }
347                }
349                return wdegree;
350        }
352        /**
353         * Compute the degree distribution of this graph. Each cell of the returned
354         * array contains the number of nodes having degree n where n is the index
355         * of the cell. For example cell 0 counts how many nodes have zero edges,
356         * cell 5 counts how many nodes have five edges. The last index indicates
357         * the maximum degree.
358         * 
359         * @complexity O(n) where n is the number of nodes.
360         */
361        public static int[] degreeDistribution(Graph graph) {
362                if (graph.getNodeCount() == 0)
363                        return null;
365                int max = 0;
366                int[] dd;
367                int d;
369                for (Node node : graph) {
370                        d = node.getDegree();
372                        if (d > max)
373                                max = d;
374                }
376                dd = new int[max + 1];
378                for (Node node : graph) {
379                        d = node.getDegree();
381                        dd[d] += 1;
382                }
384                return dd;
385        }
387        /**
388         * Return a list of nodes sorted by degree, the larger first.
389         * 
390         * @return The degree map.
391         * @complexity O(n log(n)) where n is the number of nodes.
392         */
393        public static ArrayList<Node> degreeMap(Graph graph) {
394                ArrayList<Node> map = new ArrayList<Node>();
396                for (Node node : graph)
397                        map.add(node);
399                Collections.sort(map, new Comparator<Node>() {
400                        public int compare(Node a, Node b) {
401                                return b.getDegree() - a.getDegree();
402                        }
403                });
405                return map;
406        }
408        /**
409         * Return a list of nodes sorted by their weighted degree, the larger first.
410         *
411         * @param graph The graph to consider.
412         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look for weights on edges, it must be a number, or the default value is used.
413         * @param defaultWeightValue The value to use if the weight attribute is not found on edges.
414         * @return The degree map.
415         * @complexity O(n log(n)) where n is the number of nodes.
416         * @see #weightedDegree(Node, String, double)
417         */
418        public static ArrayList<Node> weightedDegreeMap(Graph graph, String weightAttribute, double defaultWeightValue) {
419                ArrayList<Node> map = new ArrayList<Node>();
421                for (Node node : graph)
422                        map.add(node);
424                Collections.sort(map, new WeightComparator(weightAttribute, defaultWeightValue));
426                return map;
427        }
429        /**
430         * Return a list of nodes sorted by their weighted degree, the larger first.
431         * 
432         * @param graph The graph to consider.
433         * @param weightAttribute The name of the attribute to look for weights on edges, it must be a number, or the default value of one is used.
434         * @return The degree map.
435         * @complexity O(n log(n)) where n is the number of nodes.
436         * @see #weightedDegree(Node, String, double)
437         */
438        public static ArrayList<Node> weightedDegreeMap(Graph graph, String weightAttribute) {
439                return weightedDegreeMap(graph, weightAttribute, 1);
440        }
442        /**
443         * Compare nodes by their weighted degree.
444         */
445        private static class WeightComparator implements Comparator<Node> {
446                private String weightAttribute = "weight";
447                private double defaultWeightValue = 1;
448                public WeightComparator(String watt, double dwv) {
449                        this.weightAttribute = watt;
450                        this.defaultWeightValue = dwv;
451                }
452                public int compare(Node a, Node b) {
453                        double bw = weightedDegree(b, weightAttribute, defaultWeightValue);
454                        double ba = weightedDegree(a, weightAttribute, defaultWeightValue);
455                        if(bw < ba) return -1;
456                        else if(bw > ba) return 1;
457                        else return 0;
458                }
459        }
461        /**
462         * Returns the value of the average degree of the graph. A node with a loop
463         * edge has degree two.
464         * 
465         * @return The average degree of the graph.
466         * @complexity O(1).
467         */
468        public static double averageDegree(Graph graph) {
469                float m = graph.getEdgeCount() * 2;
470                float n = graph.getNodeCount();
472                if (n > 0)
473                        return m / n;
475                return 0;
476        }
478        /**
479         * Returns the value of the degree average deviation of the graph.
480         * 
481         * @return The degree average deviation.
482         * @complexity O(n) where n is the number of nodes.
483         */
484        public static double degreeAverageDeviation(Graph graph) {
485                double average = averageDegree(graph);
486                double sum = 0;
488                for (Node node : graph) {
489                        double d = node.getDegree() - average;
490                        sum += d * d;
491                }
493                return Math.sqrt(sum / graph.getNodeCount());
494        }
496        /**
497         * The density is the number of links in the graph divided by the total
498         * number of possible links.
499         * 
500         * @return The density of the graph.
501         * @complexity O(1)
502         */
503        public static double density(Graph graph) {
504                float m = (float) graph.getEdgeCount();
505                float n = (float) graph.getNodeCount();
507                if (n > 0)
508                        return ((2 * m) / (n * (n - 1)));
510                return 0;
511        }
513        /**
514         * Clustering coefficient for each node of the graph.
515         * 
516         * @return An array whose size correspond to the number of nodes, where each
517         *         element is the clustering coefficient of a node.
518         * @complexity at worse O(n d^2) where n is the number of nodes and d the
519         *             average or maximum degree of nodes.
520         */
521        public static double[] clusteringCoefficients(Graph graph) {
522                int n = graph.getNodeCount();
524                if (n > 0) {
525                        int j = 0;
526                        double[] coefs = new double[n];
528                        for (Node node : graph)
529                                coefs[j++] = clusteringCoefficient(node);
531                        assert (j == n);
533                        return coefs;
534                }
536                return new double[0];
537        }
539        /**
540         * Average clustering coefficient of the whole graph. Average of each node
541         * individual clustering coefficient.
542         * 
543         * @return The average clustering coefficient.
544         * @complexity at worse O(n d^2) where n is the number of nodes and d the
545         *             average or maximum degree of nodes.
546         */
547        public static double averageClusteringCoefficient(Graph graph) {
548                int n = graph.getNodeCount();
550                if (n > 0) {
551                        double cc = 0;
553                        for (Node node : graph)
554                                cc += clusteringCoefficient(node);
556                        return cc / n;
557                }
559                return 0;
560        }
562        /**
563         * Clustering coefficient for one node of the graph. For a node i with
564         * degree k, if Ni is the neighborhood of i (a set of nodes), clustering
565         * coefficient of i is defined as the count of edge e_uv with u,v in Ni
566         * divided by the maximum possible count, ie. k * (k-1) / 2.
567         * 
568         * This method only works with undirected graphs.
569         * 
570         * @param node
571         *            The node to compute the clustering coefficient for.
572         * @return The clustering coefficient for this node.
573         * @complexity O(d^2) where d is the degree of the given node.
574         * @reference D. J. Watts and Steven Strogatz (June 1998).
575         *            "Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks" . Nature 393
576         *            (6684): 440–442
577         */
578        public static double clusteringCoefficient(Node node) {
579                double coef = 0.0;
580                int n = node.getDegree();
582                if (n > 1) {
583                        Node[] nodes = new Node[n];
585                        //
586                        // Collect the neighbor nodes.
587                        //
588                        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
589                                nodes[i] = node.getEdge(i).getOpposite(node);
591                        //
592                        // Check all edge possibilities
593                        //
594                        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
595                                for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
596                                        if (j != i) {
597                                                Edge e = nodes[j].getEdgeToward(nodes[i].getId());
599                                                if (e != null && e.getSourceNode() == nodes[j])
600                                                        coef++;
601                                        }
603                        coef /= (n * (n - 1)) / 2.0;
604                }
606                return coef;
607        }
609        /**
610         * Choose a node at random.
611         * 
612         * @return A node chosen at random, null if the graph is empty.
613         * @complexity O(1).
614         */
615        public static Node randomNode(Graph graph) {
616                return randomNode(graph, new Random());
617        }
619        /**
620         * Choose a node at random.
621         * 
622         * @param random
623         *            The random number generator to use.
624         * @return A node chosen at random, null if the graph is empty.
625         * @complexity O(1).
626         */
627        public static Node randomNode(Graph graph, Random random) {
628                int n = graph.getNodeCount();
630                if (n > 0) {
631                        return graph.getNode(random.nextInt(n));
632                        // int r = random.nextInt(n);
633                        // int i = 0;
634                        //
635                        // for (Node node : graph) {
636                        // if (r == i)
637                        // return node;
638                        // i++;
639                        // }
640                }
642                return null;
643        }
645        /**
646         * Choose an edge at random.
647         * 
648         * @return An edge chosen at random.
649         * @complexity O(1).
650         */
651        public static Edge randomEdge(Graph graph) {
652                return randomEdge(graph, new Random());
653        }
655        /**
656         * Choose an edge at random.
657         * 
658         * @param random
659         *            The random number generator to use.
660         * @return O(1).
661         */
662        public static Edge randomEdge(Graph graph, Random random) {
663                int n = graph.getEdgeCount();
665                if (n > 0) {
666                        return graph.getEdge(random.nextInt(n));
667                        // int r = random.nextInt(n);
668                        // int i = 0;
669                        //
670                        // for (Edge edge : graph.getEachEdge()) {
671                        // if (r == i)
672                        // return edge;
673                        // i++;
674                        // }
675                }
677                return null;
678        }
680        /**
681         * Choose an edge at random from the edges connected to the given node.
682         * 
683         * @return O(1).
684         */
685        public static Edge randomEdge(Node node) {
686                return randomEdge(node, new Random());
687        }
689        /**
690         * Choose an edge at random from the entering edges connected to the given
691         * node.
692         * 
693         * @return O(1).
694         */
695        public static Edge randomInEdge(Node node) {
696                return randomInEdge(node, new Random());
697        }
699        /**
700         * Choose an edge at random from the leaving edges connected to the given
701         * node.
702         * 
703         * @return An edge chosen at random, null if the node has no leaving edges.
704         * @complexity O(1).
705         */
706        public static Edge randomOutEdge(Node node) {
707                return randomOutEdge(node, new Random());
708        }
710        /**
711         * Choose an edge at random from the edges connected to the given node.
712         * 
713         * @param random
714         *            The random number generator to use.
715         * @return An edge chosen at random, null if the node has no edges.
716         * @complexity O(1).
717         */
718        public static Edge randomEdge(Node node, Random random) {
719                int n = node.getDegree();
721                if (n > 0) {
722                        return node.getEdge(random.nextInt(n));
723                        // int r = random.nextInt(n);
724                        // int i = 0;
725                        //
726                        // for (Edge edge : node.getEdgeSet()) {
727                        // if (r == i)
728                        // return edge;
729                        // i++;
730                        // }
731                }
733                return null;
734        }
736        /**
737         * Choose an edge at random from the entering edges connected to the given
738         * node.
739         * 
740         * @param random
741         *            The random number generator to use.
742         * @return An edge chosen at random, null if the node has no entering edges.
743         * @complexity O(1).
744         */
745        public static Edge randomInEdge(Node node, Random random) {
746                int n = node.getInDegree();
748                if (n > 0) {
749                        return node.getEnteringEdge(random.nextInt(n));
750                        // int r = random.nextInt(n);
751                        // int i = 0;
752                        //
753                        // for (Edge edge : node.getEnteringEdgeSet()) {
754                        // if (r == i)
755                        // return edge;
756                        // i++;
757                        // }
758                }
760                return null;
761        }
763        /**
764         * Choose an edge at random from the leaving edges connected to the given
765         * node.
766         * 
767         * @param random
768         *            The random number generator to use.
769         * @return An edge chosen at random, null if the node has no leaving edges.
770         * @complexity O(1).
771         */
772        public static Edge randomOutEdge(Node node, Random random) {
773                int n = node.getOutDegree();
775                if (n > 0) {
776                        return node.getLeavingEdge(random.nextInt(n));
777                        // int r = random.nextInt(n);
778                        // int i = 0;
779                        //
780                        // for (Edge edge : node.getLeavingEdgeSet()) {
781                        // if (r == i)
782                        // return edge;
783                        // i += 1;
784                        // }
785                }
787                return null;
788        }
790        /**
791         * Return set of nodes grouped by the value of one attribute (the marker).
792         * For example, if the marker is "color" and in the graph there are nodes
793         * whose "color" attribute value is "red" and others with value "blue", this
794         * method will return two sets, one containing all nodes corresponding to
795         * the nodes whose "color" attribute is red, the other with blue nodes. If
796         * some nodes do not have the "color" attribute, a third set is returned.
797         * The returned sets are stored in a hash map whose keys are the values of
798         * the marker attribute (in our example, the keys would be "red" and "blue",
799         * and if there are nodes that do not have the "color" attribute, the third
800         * set will have key "NULL_COMMUNITY").
801         * 
802         * @param marker
803         *            The attribute that allows to group nodes.
804         * @return The communities indexed by the value of the marker.
805         * @complexity O(n) with n the number of nodes.
806         */
807        public static HashMap<Object, HashSet<Node>> communities(Graph graph,
808                        String marker) {
809                HashMap<Object, HashSet<Node>> communities = new HashMap<Object, HashSet<Node>>();
811                for (Node node : graph) {
812                        Object communityMarker = node.getAttribute(marker);
814                        if (communityMarker == null)
815                                communityMarker = "NULL_COMMUNITY";
817                        HashSet<Node> community = communities.get(communityMarker);
819                        if (community == null) {
820                                community = new HashSet<Node>();
821                                communities.put(communityMarker, community);
822                        }
824                        community.add(node);
825                }
827                return communities;
828        }
830        /**
831         * Create the modularity matrix E from the communities. The given
832         * communities are set of nodes forming the communities as produced by the
833         * {@link #communities(Graph,String)} method.
834         * 
835         * @param graph
836         *            Graph to which the computation will be applied
837         * @param communities
838         *            Set of nodes.
839         * @return The E matrix as defined by Newman and Girvan.
840         * @complexity O(m!k) with m the number of communities and k the average
841         *             number of nodes per community.
842         */
843        public static double[][] modularityMatrix(Graph graph,
844                        HashMap<Object, HashSet<Node>> communities) {
845                return modularityMatrix(graph, communities, null);
846        }
848        /**
849         * Create the weighted modularity matrix E from the communities. The given
850         * communities are set of nodes forming the communities as produced by the
851         * {@link #communities(Graph,String)} method.
852         * 
853         * @param graph
854         *            Graph to which the computation will be applied
855         * @param communities
856         *            Set of nodes.
857         * @param weightMarker
858         *            The marker used to store the weight of each edge
859         * @return The E matrix as defined by Newman and Girvan.
860         * @complexity O(m!k) with m the number of communities and k the average
861         *             number of nodes per community.
862         */
863        public static double[][] modularityMatrix(Graph graph,
864                        HashMap<Object, HashSet<Node>> communities, String weightMarker) {
866                double edgeCount = 0;
867                if (weightMarker == null) {
868                        edgeCount = graph.getEdgeCount();
869                } else {
870                        for (Edge e : graph.getEdgeSet()) {
871                                if (e.hasAttribute(weightMarker)) {
872                                        edgeCount += (Double) e.getAttribute(weightMarker);
873                                }
874                        }
875                }
877                int communityCount = communities.size();
879                double E[][] = new double[communityCount][];
880                Object keys[] = new Object[communityCount];
882                int k = 0;
884                for (Object key : communities.keySet())
885                        keys[k++] = key;
887                for (int i = 0; i < communityCount; ++i)
888                        E[i] = new double[communityCount];
890                for (int y = 0; y < communityCount; ++y) {
891                        for (int x = y; x < communityCount; ++x) {
892                                E[x][y] = modularityCountEdges(communities.get(keys[x]),
893                                                communities.get(keys[y]), weightMarker);
894                                E[x][y] /= edgeCount;
896                                if (x != y) {
897                                        E[y][x] = E[x][y] / 2;
898                                        E[x][y] = E[y][x];
899                                }
900                        }
901                }
903                return E;
904        }
906        /**
907         * Compute the modularity of the graph from the E matrix.
908         * 
909         * @param E
910         *            The E matrix given by {@link #modularityMatrix(Graph,HashMap)}
911         *            .
912         * @return The modularity of the graph.
913         * @complexity O(m!) with m the number of communities.
914         */
915        public static double modularity(double[][] E) {
916                double sumE = 0, Tr = 0;
917                double communityCount = E.length;
919//              for (int y = 0; y < communityCount; ++y) {
920//                      for (int x = y; x < communityCount; ++x) {
921//                              if (x == y)
922//                                      Tr += E[x][y];
924//                              sumE += E[x][y] * E[x][y];
925//                      }
926//              }
928                for (int i = 0; i < communityCount; i++) {
929                        Tr += E[i][i];
930                        double a = 0;
931                        for (int j = 0; j < communityCount; j++)
932                                a += E[i][j];
933                        sumE += a * a;
934                }
936                return (Tr - sumE);
937        }
939        /**
940         * Computes the modularity as defined by Newman and Girvan in "Finding and
941         * evaluating community structure in networks". This algorithm traverses the
942         * graph to count nodes in communities. For this to work, there must exist
943         * an attribute on each node whose value define the community the node
944         * pertains to (see {@link #communities(Graph,String)}).
945         * 
946         * This method is an utility method that call:
947         * <ul>
948         * <li>{@link #communities(Graph,String)}</li>
949         * <li>{@link #modularityMatrix(Graph,HashMap)}</li>
950         * <li>{@link #modularity(double[][])}</li>
951         * </ul>
952         * in order to produce the modularity value.
953         * 
954         * @param marker
955         *            The community attribute stored on nodes.
956         * @return The graph modularity.
957         * @complexity 0(n + m! + m!k) with n the number of nodes, m the number of
958         *             communities and k the average number of nodes per
959         *             communities.
960         * @see org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.Modularity
961         */
962        public static double modularity(Graph graph, String marker) {
963                return modularity(modularityMatrix(graph, communities(graph, marker)));
964        }
966        /**
967         * Computes the weighted modularity. This algorithm traverses the graph to
968         * count nodes in communities. For this to work, there must exist an
969         * attribute on each node whose value define the community the node pertains
970         * to (see {@link #communities(Graph,String)}) and a attribute on each edge
971         * storing their weight (all edges without this attribute will be ignored in
972         * the computation).
973         * 
974         * This method is an utility method that call:
975         * <ul>
976         * <li>{@link #communities(Graph,String)}</li>
977         * <li>{@link #modularityMatrix(Graph,HashMap,String)}</li>
978         * <li>{@link #modularity(double[][])}</li>
979         * </ul>
980         * in order to produce the modularity value.
981         * 
982         * @param marker
983         *            The community attribute stored on nodes.
984         * @param weightMarker
985         *            The marker used to store the weight of each edge.
986         * @return The graph modularity.
987         * @complexity 0(n + m! + m!k) with n the number of nodes, m the number of
988         *             communities and k the average number of nodes per
989         *             communities.
990         * @see org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.Modularity
991         */
992        public static double modularity(Graph graph, String marker,
993                        String weightMarker) {
994                return modularity(modularityMatrix(graph, communities(graph, marker),
995                                weightMarker));
996        }
998        /**
999         * Count the number of edges between the two communities (works if the two
1000         * communities are the same).
1001         * 
1002         * @param community
1003         *            The first community.
1004         * @param otherCommunity
1005         *            The second community.
1006         * @return The number of edges between the two communities.
1007         */
1008        protected static double modularityCountEdges(HashSet<Node> community,
1009                        HashSet<Node> otherCommunity) {
1010                return modularityCountEdges(community, otherCommunity, null);
1011        }
1013        /**
1014         * Count the total weight of edges between the two communities (works if the
1015         * two communities are the same).
1016         * 
1017         * @param community
1018         *            The first community.
1019         * @param otherCommunity
1020         *            The second community.
1021         * @param weightMarker
1022         *            The marker used to store the weight of each edge
1023         * @return The number of edges between the two communities.
1024         */
1025        protected static double modularityCountEdges(HashSet<Node> community,
1026                        HashSet<Node> otherCommunity, String weightMarker) {
1027                HashSet<Edge> marked = new HashSet<Edge>();
1029                float edgeCount = 0;
1031                if (community != otherCommunity) {
1032                        // Count edges between the two communities
1034                        for (Node node : community) {
1035                                for (Edge edge : node.getEdgeSet()) {
1036                                        if (!marked.contains(edge)) {
1037                                                marked.add(edge);
1039                                                if ((community.contains(edge.getNode0()) && otherCommunity
1040                                                                .contains(edge.getNode1()))
1041                                                                || (community.contains(edge.getNode1()) && otherCommunity
1042                                                                                .contains(edge.getNode0()))) {
1043                                                        if (weightMarker == null)
1044                                                                edgeCount++;
1045                                                        else if (edge.hasAttribute(weightMarker))
1046                                                                edgeCount += (Double) edge
1047                                                                                .getAttribute(weightMarker);
1048                                                }
1049                                        }
1050                                }
1051                        }
1052                } else {
1053                        // Count inner edges.
1055                        for (Node node : community) {
1056                                for (Edge edge : node.getEdgeSet()) {
1057                                        if (!marked.contains(edge)) {
1058                                                marked.add(edge);
1060                                                if (community.contains(edge.getNode0())
1061                                                                && community.contains(edge.getNode1())) {
1062                                                        if (weightMarker == null)
1063                                                                edgeCount++;
1064                                                        else if (edge.hasAttribute(weightMarker))
1065                                                                edgeCount += (Double) edge
1066                                                                                .getAttribute(weightMarker);
1067                                                }
1068                                        }
1069                                }
1070                        }
1071                }
1073                return edgeCount;
1074        }
1076        /**
1077         * Compute the diameter of the graph.
1078         * 
1079         * <p>
1080         * The diameter of the graph is the largest of all the shortest paths from
1081         * any node to any other node. The graph is considered non weighted.
1082         * </p>
1083         * 
1084         * <p>
1085         * Note that this operation can be quite costly, O(n*(n+m)).
1086         * </p>
1087         * 
1088         * <p>
1089         * The returned diameter is not an integer since some graphs have
1090         * non-integer weights on edges. Although this version of the diameter
1091         * algorithm will return an integer.
1092         * </p>
1093         * 
1094         * @param graph
1095         *            The graph to use.
1096         * @return The diameter.
1097         */
1098        public static double diameter(Graph graph) {
1099                return diameter(graph, null, false);
1100        }
1102        /**
1103         * Compute the diameter of the graph.
1104         * 
1105         * <p>
1106         * The diameter of the graph is the largest of all the shortest paths from
1107         * any node to any other node.
1108         * </p>
1109         * 
1110         * <p>
1111         * Note that this operation can be quite costly. Two algorithms are used
1112         * here. If the graph is not weighted (the weightAttributeName parameter is
1113         * null), the algorithm use breath first search from all the nodes to find
1114         * the max depth (or eccentricity) of each node. The diameter is then the
1115         * maximum of these maximum depths. The complexity of this algorithm is
1116         * O(n*(n+m)), with n the number of nodes and m the number of edges.
1117         * </p>
1118         * 
1119         * <p>
1120         * If the graph is weighted, the algorithm used to compute all shortest
1121         * paths is the Floyd-Warshall algorithm whose complexity is at worst of
1122         * O(n^3).
1123         * </p>
1124         * 
1125         * <p>
1126         * The returned diameter is not an integer since weighted graphs have
1127         * non-integer weights on edges.
1128         * </p>
1129         * 
1130         * @param graph
1131         *            The graph to use.
1132         * @param weightAttributeName
1133         *            The name used to store weights on the edges (must be a
1134         *            Number).
1135         * @param directed
1136         *            Does The edge direction should be considered ?.
1137         * @return The diameter.
1138         */
1139        public static double diameter(Graph graph, String weightAttributeName,
1140                        boolean directed) {
1141                double diameter = Double.MIN_VALUE;
1143                if (weightAttributeName == null) {
1144                        int d = 0;
1146                        for (Node node : graph) {
1147                                d = unweightedEccentricity(node, directed);
1148                                if (d > diameter)
1149                                        diameter = d;
1150                        }
1151                } else {
1152                        APSP apsp = new APSP(graph, weightAttributeName, directed);
1154                        apsp.compute();
1156                        for (Node node : graph) {
1157                                APSP.APSPInfo info = (APSP.APSPInfo) node
1158                                                .getAttribute(APSP.APSPInfo.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
1160                                for (APSP.TargetPath path : info.targets.values()) {
1161                                        if (path.distance > diameter)
1162                                                diameter = path.distance;
1163                                }
1164                        }
1166                }
1168                return diameter;
1169        }
1171        /**
1172         * Eccentricity of a node not considering edge weights.
1173         * 
1174         * <p>
1175         * The eccentricity is the largest shortest path between the given node and
1176         * any other. It is here computed on number of edges crossed, not
1177         * considering the eventual weights of edges.
1178         * </p>
1179         * 
1180         * <p>
1181         * This is computed using a breath first search and looking at the maximum
1182         * depth of the search.
1183         * </p>
1184         * 
1185         * @param node
1186         *            The node for which the eccentricity is to be computed.
1187         * @param directed
1188         *            If true, the computation will respect edges direction, if any.
1189         * 
1190         * @complexity O(n+m) with n the number of nodes and m the number of edges.
1191         * 
1192         * @return The eccentricity.
1193         */
1194        public static int unweightedEccentricity(Node node, boolean directed) {
1195                BreadthFirstIterator<Node> k = new BreadthFirstIterator<Node>(node,
1196                                directed);
1197                while (k.hasNext()) {
1198                        k.next();
1199                }
1200                return k.getDepthMax();
1201        }
1203        /**
1204         * Checks if a set of nodes is a clique.
1205         * 
1206         * @param nodes
1207         *            a set of nodes
1208         * @return {@code true} if {@code nodes} form a clique
1209         * @complexity O(<i>k</i>), where <i>k</i> is the size of {@code nodes}
1210         */
1211        public static boolean isClique(Collection<? extends Node> nodes) {
1212                if (nodes.isEmpty())
1213                        return false;
1214                for (Node x : nodes)
1215                        for (Node y : nodes)
1216                                if (x != y && x.getEdgeBetween(y.getId()) == null)
1217                                        return false;
1218                return true;
1219        }
1221        /**
1222         * Checks if a set of nodes is a maximal clique.
1223         * 
1224         * @param nodes
1225         *            a set of nodes
1226         * @return {@code true} if {@nodes} form a maximal clique
1227         * @complexity O(<i>kn</i>), where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes in the
1228         *             graph and <i>k</i> is the size of {@code nodes}
1229         */
1230        public static boolean isMaximalClique(Collection<? extends Node> nodes,
1231                        Graph graph) {
1232                if (!isClique(nodes))
1233                        return false;
1234                for (Node x : graph) {
1235                        String xId = x.getId();
1236                        boolean isXConnectedToAll = true;
1237                        for (Node y : nodes)
1238                                if (y == x || y.getEdgeBetween(xId) == null) {
1239                                        isXConnectedToAll = false;
1240                                        break;
1241                                }
1242                        if (isXConnectedToAll)
1243                                return false;
1244                }
1245                return true;
1246        }
1248        /**
1249         * This iterator traverses all the maximal cliques in a graph. Each call to
1250         * {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} returns a maximal clique in the form of
1251         * list of nodes. This iterator does not support remove.
1252         * 
1253         * @param graph
1254         *            a graph, must not have loop edges
1255         * @return an iterator on the maximal cliques of {@code graph}
1256         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1257         *             if {@code graph} has loop edges
1258         * @complexity This iterator implements the Bron–Kerbosch algorithm. There
1259         *             is no guarantee that each call to
1260         *             {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} will run in polynomial
1261         *             time. However, iterating over <em>all</em> the maximal
1262         *             cliques is efficient in worst case sense. The whole iteration
1263         *             takes O(3<sup><i>n</i>/3</sup>) time in the worst case and it
1264         *             is known that a <i>n</i>-node graph has at most
1265         *             3<sup><i>n</i>/3</sup> maximal cliques.
1266         */
1267        public static <T extends Node> Iterator<List<T>> getMaximalCliqueIterator(
1268                        Graph graph) {
1269                for (Edge edge : graph.getEachEdge())
1270                        if (edge.isLoop())
1271                                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
1272                                                "The graph must not have loop edges");
1273                return new BronKerboschIterator<T>(graph);
1274        }
1276        /**
1277         * An iterable view of the set of all the maximal cliques in a graph. Uses
1278         * {@link #getMaximalCliqueIterator(Graph)}.
1279         * 
1280         * @param graph
1281         *            a graph
1282         * @return An iterable view of the maximal cliques in {@code graph}.
1283         */
1284        public static <T extends Node> Iterable<List<T>> getMaximalCliques(
1285                        final Graph graph) {
1286                return new Iterable<List<T>>() {
1287                        public Iterator<List<T>> iterator() {
1288                                return getMaximalCliqueIterator(graph);
1289                        }
1291                };
1292        }
1294        protected static class StackElement<T extends Node> {
1295                protected List<T> candidates;
1296                protected int candidateIndex;
1297                protected List<T> excluded;
1298                protected String pivotId;
1300                protected boolean moreCandidates() {
1301                        return candidateIndex < candidates.size();
1302                }
1304                protected T currentCandidate() {
1305                        return candidates.get(candidateIndex);
1306                }
1308                protected int nonNeighborCandidateCount(Node node) {
1309                        int count = 0;
1310                        String nodeId = node.getId();
1311                        for (T c : candidates)
1312                                if (c.getEdgeBetween(nodeId) == null)
1313                                        count++;
1314                        return count;
1315                }
1317                protected void setPivot() {
1318                        pivotId = null;
1319                        int minCount = candidates.size() + 1;
1320                        for (T x : candidates) {
1321                                int count = nonNeighborCandidateCount(x);
1322                                if (count < minCount) {
1323                                        minCount = count;
1324                                        pivotId = x.getId();
1325                                }
1326                        }
1327                        for (T x : excluded) {
1328                                int count = nonNeighborCandidateCount(x);
1329                                if (count < minCount) {
1330                                        minCount = count;
1331                                        pivotId = x.getId();
1332                                }
1333                        }
1334                }
1336                protected boolean skipCurrentCandidate() {
1337                        return currentCandidate().getEdgeBetween(pivotId) != null;
1338                }
1340                protected void forwardIndex() {
1341                        while (moreCandidates() && skipCurrentCandidate())
1342                                candidateIndex++;
1343                }
1345                protected StackElement<T> nextElement() {
1346                        StackElement<T> next = new StackElement<T>();
1347                        String currentId = currentCandidate().getId();
1349                        next.candidates = new ArrayList<T>();
1350                        for (T x : candidates)
1351                                if (x.getEdgeBetween(currentId) != null)
1352                                        next.candidates.add(x);
1354                        next.excluded = new ArrayList<T>();
1355                        for (T x : excluded)
1356                                if (x.getEdgeBetween(currentId) != null)
1357                                        next.excluded.add(x);
1359                        next.setPivot();
1360                        next.candidateIndex = 0;
1361                        next.forwardIndex();
1362                        return next;
1363                }
1365                protected void forward() {
1366                        excluded.add(candidates.remove(candidateIndex));
1367                        forwardIndex();
1368                }
1369        }
1371        protected static class BronKerboschIterator<T extends Node> implements
1372                        Iterator<List<T>> {
1374                protected Stack<StackElement<T>> stack;
1375                protected Stack<T> clique;
1377                protected void constructNextClique() {
1378                        // backtrack
1379                        while (!clique.isEmpty() && !stack.peek().moreCandidates()) {
1380                                stack.pop();
1381                                clique.pop();
1382                        }
1383                        // forward
1384                        StackElement<T> currentElement = stack.peek();
1385                        while (currentElement.moreCandidates()) {
1386                                clique.push(currentElement.currentCandidate());
1387                                stack.push(currentElement.nextElement());
1388                                currentElement.forward();
1389                                currentElement = stack.peek();
1390                        }
1391                }
1393                protected void constructNextMaximalClique() {
1394                        do {
1395                                constructNextClique();
1396                        } while (!clique.isEmpty() && !stack.peek().excluded.isEmpty());
1397                }
1399                protected BronKerboschIterator(Graph graph) {
1400                        clique = new Stack<T>();
1401                        stack = new Stack<StackElement<T>>();
1402                        StackElement<T> initial = new StackElement<T>();
1404                        // initial.candidates = new ArrayList<T>(graph.<T> getNodeSet());
1405                        // More efficient initial order
1406                        initial.candidates = new ArrayList<T>(graph.getNodeCount());
1407                        getDegeneracy(graph, initial.candidates);
1409                        initial.excluded = new ArrayList<T>();
1410                        initial.setPivot();
1411                        initial.candidateIndex = 0;
1412                        initial.forwardIndex();
1413                        stack.push(initial);
1414                        constructNextMaximalClique();
1415                }
1417                public boolean hasNext() {
1418                        return !clique.isEmpty();
1419                }
1421                public List<T> next() {
1422                        if (clique.isEmpty())
1423                                throw new NoSuchElementException();
1424                        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(clique);
1425                        constructNextMaximalClique();
1426                        return result;
1427                }
1429                public void remove() {
1430                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
1431                                        "This iterator does not support remove");
1432                }
1433        }
1435        /**
1436         * <p>
1437         * This method computes the gedeneracy and the degeneracy ordering of a
1438         * graph.
1439         * </p>
1440         * 
1441         * <p>
1442         * The degeneracy of a graph is the smallest number <i>d</i> such that every
1443         * subgraph has a node with degree <i>d</i> or less. The degeneracy is a
1444         * measure of sparseness of graphs. A degeneracy ordering is an ordering of
1445         * the nodes such that each node has at most <i>d</i> neighbors following it
1446         * in the ordering. The degeneracy ordering is used, among others, in greedy
1447         * coloring algorithms.
1448         * </p>
1449         * 
1450         * 
1451         * @param graph
1452         *            a graph
1453         * @param ordering
1454         *            a list of nodes. If not {@code null}, this list is first
1455         *            cleared and then filled with the nodes of the graph in
1456         *            degeneracy order.
1457         * @return the degeneracy of {@code graph}
1458         * @complexity O(<i>m</i>) where <i>m</i> is the number of edges in the
1459         *             graph
1460         */
1461        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1462        public static <T extends Node> int getDegeneracy(Graph graph,
1463                        List<T> ordering) {
1464                int n = graph.getNodeCount();
1465                if (ordering != null)
1466                        ordering.clear();
1467                int maxDeg = 0;
1468                for (Node x : graph)
1469                        if (x.getDegree() > maxDeg)
1470                                maxDeg = x.getDegree();
1471                List<DegenEntry> heads = new ArrayList<DegenEntry>(maxDeg + 1);
1472                for (int d = 0; d <= maxDeg; d++)
1473                        heads.add(null);
1475                Map<Node, DegenEntry> map = new HashMap<Node, DegenEntry>(
1476                                4 * (n + 2) / 3);
1477                for (Node x : graph) {
1478                        DegenEntry entry = new DegenEntry();
1479                        entry.node = x;
1480                        entry.deg = x.getDegree();
1481                        entry.addToList(heads);
1482                        map.put(x, entry);
1483                }
1485                int degeneracy = 0;
1486                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1487                        int i;
1488                        DegenEntry entry;
1489                        for (i = 0; (entry = heads.get(i)) == null; i++)
1490                                ;
1491                        if (i > degeneracy)
1492                                degeneracy = i;
1493                        entry.removeFromList(heads);
1494                        entry.deg = -1;
1495                        if (ordering != null)
1496                                ordering.add((T) entry.node);
1497                        Iterator<Node> neighborIt = entry.node.getNeighborNodeIterator();
1498                        while (neighborIt.hasNext()) {
1499                                Node x = neighborIt.next();
1500                                DegenEntry entryX = map.get(x);
1501                                if (entryX.deg == -1)
1502                                        continue;
1503                                entryX.removeFromList(heads);
1504                                entryX.deg--;
1505                                entryX.addToList(heads);
1506                        }
1507                }
1508                if (ordering != null)
1509                        Collections.reverse(ordering);
1510                return degeneracy;
1511        }
1513        protected static class DegenEntry {
1514                Node node;
1515                int deg;
1516                DegenEntry prev, next;
1518                protected void addToList(List<DegenEntry> heads) {
1519                        DegenEntry oldHead = heads.get(deg);
1520                        heads.set(deg, this);
1521                        prev = null;
1522                        next = oldHead;
1523                        if (oldHead != null)
1524                                oldHead.prev = this;
1525                }
1527                protected void removeFromList(List<DegenEntry> heads) {
1528                        if (prev == null)
1529                                heads.set(deg, next);
1530                        else
1531                                prev.next = next;
1532                        if (next != null)
1533                                next.prev = prev;
1534                }
1535        }
1537        /**
1538         * Fills an array with the adjacency matrix of a graph.
1539         * 
1540         * The adjacency matrix of a graph is a <i>n</i> times <i>n</i> matrix
1541         * {@code a}, where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes of the graph. The
1542         * element {@code a[i][j]} of this matrix is equal to the number of edges
1543         * from the node {@code graph.getNode(i)} to the node
1544         * {@code graph.getNode(j)}. An undirected edge between i-th and j-th node
1545         * is counted twice: in {@code a[i][j]} and in {@code a[j][i]}.
1546         * 
1547         * @param graph
1548         *            A graph.
1549         * @param matrix
1550         *            The array where the adjacency matrix is stored. Must be of
1551         *            size at least <i>n</i> times <i>n</i>
1552         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
1553         *             if the size of the matrix is insufficient.
1554         * @see Toolkit#getAdjacencyMatrix(Graph)
1555         * @complexity <i>O(n<sup>2</sup>)</i>, where <i>n</i> is the number of
1556         *             nodes.
1557         */
1558        public static void fillAdjacencyMatrix(Graph graph, int[][] matrix) {
1559                for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++)
1560                        Arrays.fill(matrix[i], 0);
1562                for (Edge e : graph.getEachEdge()) {
1563                        int i = e.getSourceNode().getIndex();
1564                        int j = e.getTargetNode().getIndex();
1565                        matrix[i][j]++;
1566                        if (!e.isDirected())
1567                                matrix[j][i]++;
1568                }
1569        }
1571        /**
1572         * Returns the adjacency matrix of a graph.
1573         * 
1574         * The adjacency matrix of a graph is a <i>n</i> times <i>n</i> matrix
1575         * {@code a}, where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes of the graph. The
1576         * element {@code a[i][j]} of this matrix is equal to the number of edges
1577         * from the node {@code graph.getNode(i)} to the node
1578         * {@code graph.getNode(j)}. An undirected edge between i-th and j-th node
1579         * is counted twice: in {@code a[i][j]} and in {@code a[j][i]}.
1580         * 
1581         * @param graph
1582         *            A graph
1583         * @return The adjacency matrix of the graph.
1584         * @see Toolkit#fillAdjacencyMatrix(Graph, int[][])
1585         * @complexity <i>O(n<sup>2</sup>)</i>, where <i>n</i> is the number of
1586         *             nodes.
1587         */
1588        public static int[][] getAdjacencyMatrix(Graph graph) {
1589                int n = graph.getNodeCount();
1590                int[][] matrix = new int[n][n];
1591                fillAdjacencyMatrix(graph, matrix);
1592                return matrix;
1593        }
1595        /**
1596         * Fills an array with the incidence matrix of a graph.
1597         * 
1598         * The incidence matrix of a graph is a <i>n</i> times <i>m</i> matrix
1599         * {@code a}, where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes and <i>m</i> is the
1600         * number of edges of the graph. The coefficients {@code a[i][j]} of this
1601         * matrix have the following values:
1602         * <ul>
1603         * <li>-1 if {@code graph.getEdge(j)} is directed and
1604         * {@code graph.getNode(i)} is its source.</li>
1605         * <li>1 if {@code graph.getEdge(j)} is undirected and
1606         * {@code graph.getNode(i)} is its source.</li>
1607         * <li>1 if {@code graph.getNode(i)} is the target of
1608         * {@code graph.getEdge(j)}.</li>
1609         * <li>0 otherwise.
1610         * </ul>
1611         * In the special case when the j-th edge is a loop connecting the i-th node
1612         * to itself, the coefficient {@code a[i][j]} is 0 if the loop is directed
1613         * and 2 if the loop is undirected. All the other coefficients in the j-th
1614         * column are 0.
1615         * 
1616         * @param graph
1617         *            A graph
1618         * @param matrix
1619         *            The array where the incidence matrix is stored. Must be at
1620         *            least of size <i>n</i> times <i>m</i>
1621         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
1622         *             if the size of the matrix is insufficient
1623         * @see #getIncidenceMatrix(Graph)
1624         * @complexity <i>O(mn)</i>, where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes and
1625         *             <i>m</i> is the number of edges.
1626         */
1627        public static void fillIncidenceMatrix(Graph graph, byte[][] matrix) {
1628                for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++)
1629                        Arrays.fill(matrix[i], (byte) 0);
1631                for (Edge e : graph.getEachEdge()) {
1632                        int j = e.getIndex();
1633                        matrix[e.getSourceNode().getIndex()][j] += e.isDirected() ? -1 : 1;
1634                        matrix[e.getTargetNode().getIndex()][j] += 1;
1635                }
1636        }
1638        /**
1639         * Returns the incidence matrix of a graph.
1640         * 
1641         * The incidence matrix of a graph is a <i>n</i> times <i>m</i> matrix
1642         * {@code a}, where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes and <i>m</i> is the
1643         * number of edges of the graph. The coefficients {@code a[i][j]} of this
1644         * matrix have the following values:
1645         * <ul>
1646         * <li>-1 if {@code graph.getEdge(j)} is directed and
1647         * {@code graph.getNode(i)} is its source.</li>
1648         * <li>1 if {@code graph.getEdge(j)} is undirected and
1649         * {@code graph.getNode(i)} is its source.</li>
1650         * <li>1 if {@code graph.getNode(i)} is the target of
1651         * {@code graph.getEdge(j)}.</li>
1652         * <li>0 otherwise.</li>
1653         * </ul>
1654         * In the special case when the j-th edge is a loop connecting the i-th node
1655         * to itself, the coefficient {@code a[i][j]} is 0 if the loop is directed
1656         * and 2 if the loop is undirected. All the other coefficients in the j-th
1657         * column are 0.
1658         * 
1659         * @param graph
1660         *            A graph
1661         * @return The incidence matrix of the graph.
1662         * @see #fillIncidenceMatrix(Graph, byte[][])
1663         * @complexity <i>O(mn)</i>, where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes and
1664         *             <i>m</i> is the number of edges.
1665         */
1666        public static byte[][] getIncidenceMatrix(Graph graph) {
1667                byte[][] matrix = new byte[graph.getNodeCount()][graph.getEdgeCount()];
1668                fillIncidenceMatrix(graph, matrix);
1669                return matrix;
1670        }
1672        /**
1673         * Compute coordinates of nodes using a layout algorithm.
1674         * 
1675         * @param g
1676         *            the graph
1677         * @param layout
1678         *            layout algorithm to use for computing coordinates
1679         * @param stab
1680         *            stabilization limit
1681         */
1682        public static void computeLayout(Graph g, Layout layout, double stab) {
1683                GraphReplay r = new GraphReplay(g.getId());
1685                stab = Math.min(stab, 1);
1687                layout.addAttributeSink(g);
1688                r.addSink(layout);
1689                r.replay(g);
1690                r.removeSink(layout);
1692                layout.shake();
1693                layout.compute();
1695                do
1696                        layout.compute();
1697                while (layout.getStabilization() < stab);
1699                layout.removeAttributeSink(g);
1700        }
1702        /**
1703         * Compute coordinates of nodes using default layout algorithm (SpringBox).
1704         * 
1705         * @param g
1706         *            the graph
1707         * @param stab
1708         *            stabilization limit
1709         */
1710        public static void computeLayout(Graph g, double stab) {
1711                computeLayout(g, new SpringBox(), stab);
1712        }
1714        /**
1715         * Compute coordinates of nodes using default layout algorithm and default
1716         * stabilization limit.
1717         * 
1718         * @param g
1719         *            the graph
1720         */
1721        public static void computeLayout(Graph g) {
1722                computeLayout(g, new SpringBox(), 0.99);
1723        }
1725        /**
1726         * Returns a random subset of nodes of fixed size. Each node has the same
1727         * chance to be chosen.
1728         * 
1729         * @param graph
1730         *            A graph.
1731         * @param k
1732         *            The size of the subset.
1733         * @return A random subset of nodes of size <code>k</code>.
1734         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1735         *             If <code>k</code> is negative or greater than the number of
1736         *             nodes.
1737         * @complexity O(<code>k</code>)
1738         */
1739        public static <T extends Node> List<T> randomNodeSet(Graph graph, int k) {
1740                return randomNodeSet(graph, k, new Random());
1741        }
1743        /**
1744         * Returns a random subset of nodes of fixed size. Each node has the same
1745         * chance to be chosen.
1746         * 
1747         * @param graph
1748         *            A graph.
1749         * @param k
1750         *            The size of the subset.
1751         * @param random
1752         *            A source of randomness.
1753         * @return A random subset of nodes of size <code>k</code>.
1754         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1755         *             If <code>k</code> is negative or greater than the number of
1756         *             nodes.
1757         * @complexity O(<code>k</code>)
1758         */
1759        public static <T extends Node> List<T> randomNodeSet(Graph graph, int k,
1760                        Random random) {
1761                if (k < 0 || k > graph.getNodeCount())
1762                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("k must be between 0 and "
1763                                        + graph.getNodeCount());
1764                Set<Integer> subset = RandomTools.randomKsubset(graph.getNodeCount(),
1765                                k, null, random);
1766                List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(subset.size());
1767                for (int i : subset)
1768                        result.add(graph.<T> getNode(i));
1769                return result;
1770        }
1772        /**
1773         * Returns a random subset of nodes. Each node is chosen with given
1774         * probability.
1775         * 
1776         * @param graph
1777         *            A graph.
1778         * @param p
1779         *            The probability to choose each node.
1780         * @return A random subset of nodes.
1781         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1782         *             If <code>p</code> is negative or greater than one.
1783         * @complexity In average O(<code>n * p<code>), where <code>n</code> is the
1784         *             number of nodes.
1785         */
1786        public static <T extends Node> List<T> randomNodeSet(Graph graph, double p) {
1787                return randomNodeSet(graph, p, new Random());
1788        }
1790        /**
1791         * Returns a random subset of nodes. Each node is chosen with given
1792         * probability.
1793         * 
1794         * @param graph
1795         *            A graph.
1796         * @param p
1797         *            The probability to choose each node.
1798         * @param random
1799         *            A source of randomness.
1800         * @return A random subset of nodes.
1801         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1802         *             If <code>p</code> is negative or greater than one.
1803         * @complexity In average O(<code>n * p<code>), where <code>n</code> is the
1804         *             number of nodes.
1805         */
1806        public static <T extends Node> List<T> randomNodeSet(Graph graph, double p,
1807                        Random random) {
1808                if (p < 0 || p > 1)
1809                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("p must be between 0 and 1");
1810                Set<Integer> subset = RandomTools.randomPsubset(graph.getNodeCount(),
1811                                p, null, random);
1812                List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(subset.size());
1813                for (int i : subset)
1814                        result.add(graph.<T> getNode(i));
1815                return result;
1816        }
1818        /**
1819         * Returns a random subset of edges of fixed size. Each edge has the same
1820         * chance to be chosen.
1821         * 
1822         * @param graph
1823         *            A graph.
1824         * @param k
1825         *            The size of the subset.
1826         * @return A random subset of edges of size <code>k</code>.
1827         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1828         *             If <code>k</code> is negative or greater than the number of
1829         *             edges.
1830         * @complexity O(<code>k</code>)
1831         */
1832        public static <T extends Edge> List<T> randomEdgeSet(Graph graph, int k) {
1833                return randomEdgeSet(graph, k, new Random());
1834        }
1836        /**
1837         * Returns a random subset of edges of fixed size. Each edge has the same
1838         * chance to be chosen.
1839         * 
1840         * @param graph
1841         *            A graph.
1842         * @param k
1843         *            The size of the subset.
1844         * @param random
1845         *            A source of randomness.
1846         * @return A random subset of edges of size <code>k</code>.
1847         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1848         *             If <code>k</code> is negative or greater than the number of
1849         *             edges.
1850         * @complexity O(<code>k</code>)
1851         */
1852        public static <T extends Edge> List<T> randomEdgeSet(Graph graph, int k,
1853                        Random random) {
1854                if (k < 0 || k > graph.getEdgeCount())
1855                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("k must be between 0 and "
1856                                        + graph.getEdgeCount());
1857                Set<Integer> subset = RandomTools.randomKsubset(graph.getEdgeCount(),
1858                                k, null, random);
1859                List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(subset.size());
1860                for (int i : subset)
1861                        result.add(graph.<T> getEdge(i));
1862                return result;
1863        }
1865        /**
1866         * Returns a random subset of edges. Each edge is chosen with given
1867         * probability.
1868         * 
1869         * @param graph
1870         *            A graph.
1871         * @param p
1872         *            The probability to choose each edge.
1873         * @return A random subset of edges.
1874         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1875         *             If <code>p</code> is negative or greater than one.
1876         * @complexity In average O(<code>m * p<code>), where <code>m</code> is the
1877         *             number of edges.
1878         */
1879        public static <T extends Edge> List<T> randomEdgeSet(Graph graph, double p) {
1880                return randomEdgeSet(graph, p, new Random());
1881        }
1883        /**
1884         * Returns a random subset of edges. Each edge is chosen with given
1885         * probability.
1886         * 
1887         * @param graph
1888         *            A graph.
1889         * @param p
1890         *            The probability to choose each edge.
1891         * @param random
1892         *            A source of randomness.
1893         * @return A random subset of edges.
1894         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
1895         *             If <code>p</code> is negative or greater than one.
1896         * @complexity In average O(<code>m * p<code>), where <code>m</code> is the
1897         *             number of edges.
1898         */
1899        public static <T extends Edge> List<T> randomEdgeSet(Graph graph, double p,
1900                        Random random) {
1901                if (p < 0 || p > 1)
1902                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("p must be between 0 and 1");
1903                Set<Integer> subset = RandomTools.randomPsubset(graph.getEdgeCount(),
1904                                p, null, random);
1905                List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(subset.size());
1906                for (int i : subset)
1907                        result.add(graph.<T> getEdge(i));
1908                return result;
1909        }
1911        /**
1912         * Determines if a graph is (weakly) connected.
1913         * 
1914         * @param graph A graph.
1915         * @return {@code true} if the graph is connected.
1916         * @complexity O({@code m + n}) where {@code m} is the number of edges and {@code n} is the number of nodes.
1917         */
1918        public static boolean isConnected(Graph graph) {
1919                if (graph.getNodeCount() == 0)
1920                        return true;
1921                Iterator<Node> it = graph.getNode(0).getBreadthFirstIterator(false);
1922                int visited = 0;
1923                while (it.hasNext()) {
1924                        it.next();
1925                        visited++;
1926                }
1927                return visited == graph.getNodeCount();
1928        }