002 * Copyright 2006 - 2013
003 *     Stefan Balev     <stefan.balev@graphstream-project.org>
004 *     Julien Baudry    <julien.baudry@graphstream-project.org>
005 *     Antoine Dutot    <antoine.dutot@graphstream-project.org>
006 *     Yoann Pigné      <yoann.pigne@graphstream-project.org>
007 *     Guilhelm Savin   <guilhelm.savin@graphstream-project.org>
008 * 
009 * This file is part of GraphStream <http://graphstream-project.org>.
010 * 
011 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
012 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
013 * 
014 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
015 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
016 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
017 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
018 * URL <http://www.cecill.info> or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
019 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
020 * option) any later version.
021 * 
022 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
023 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
024 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
025 * 
026 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
027 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
028 * 
029 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
030 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
031 */
032package org.graphstream.algorithm;
034import java.util.ArrayList;
035import java.util.Collection;
036import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
037import java.util.RandomAccess;
040 * Array list with immutable element indices.
041 * 
042 * <p>A fixed array list is like an array list, but it ensures the property that
043 * each element will always stay at the same index, even if elements are
044 * removed in between. The counterpart of this property is that the array
045 * handles by itself the insertion of new elements (since when an element is
046 * removed in the middle, this position can be reused), and therefore indices
047 * cannot be chosen (i.e. only the {@link #add(Object)} and
048 * {@link #addAll(Collection)} methods are usable to insert new elements in the
049 * array).</p>
050 * 
051 * <p>This is the reason why this does not implement the List interface, because
052 * the add(int,E) method cannot be implemented.</p>
053 * 
054 * <p>Furthermore, this array cannot contain null values, because it marks
055 * unused positions within the array using the null value.</p>
056 * 
057 * @author Antoine Dutot
058 * @since 20040912
059 */
060public class FixedArrayList<E>
061        implements Collection<E>, RandomAccess
063// Attribute
065        /**
066         * List of elements.
067         */
068        protected ArrayList<E> elements = new ArrayList<E>();
070        /**
071         * List of free indices.
072         */
073        protected ArrayList<Integer> freeIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
075        /**
076         * Last inserted element index.
077         */
078        protected int lastIndex = -1;
080// Construction
082        public FixedArrayList() {
083                elements = new ArrayList<E>();
084                freeIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>(16);
085        }
087        public FixedArrayList(int capacity) {
088                elements = new ArrayList<E>(capacity);
089                freeIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>(16);
090        }
092// Access
094        /**
095         * Number of elements in the array.
096         * @return The number of elements in the array.
097         */
098        public int size() {
099                return elements.size() - freeIndices.size();
100        }
102        /**
103         * Real size of the array, counting elements that have been erased.
104         * @see #unsafeGet(int)
105         */
106        public int realSize() {
107                return elements.size();
108        }
110        public boolean isEmpty() {
111                return size() == 0;
112        }
114        /**
115         * True if the given index i references a value.
116         * @param i The index to test.
117         * @return True if a value exists at the given index.
118         */
119        public boolean hasIndex(int i) {
120                if(i>0 && i<elements.size()) {
121                        return elements.get(i) != null;
122                }
124                return false;
125        }
127        /**
128         * I-th element.
129         * @param i The element index.
130         * @return The element at index <code>i</code>.
131         */
132        public E get(int i) {
133                E e = elements.get(i);
135                if(e == null)
136                        throw new NoSuchElementException( "no element at index " + i );
138                return e;
139        }
141        /**
142         * I-th element. Like the {@link #get(int)} method but it does not check
143         * the element does not exists at the given index.
144         * @param i The element index.
145         * @return The element at index <code>i</code>.
146         */
147        public E unsafeGet(int i) {
148                return elements.get( i );
149        }
151        public boolean contains(Object o) {
152                int n = elements.size();
154                for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
155                        E e = elements.get(i);
157                        if(e != null) {
158                                if(e == o)
159                                        return true;
161                                if(elements.equals(o))
162                                        return true;
163                        }
164                }
166                return false;
167        }
169        public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
170                for(Object o: c) {
171                        if(! contains(o))
172                                return false;
173                }
175                return true;
176        }
178        @Override
179    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
180        public boolean equals(Object o) {
181                if(o instanceof FixedArrayList) {
182                        FixedArrayList<? extends E> other = (FixedArrayList<? extends E>) o;
184                        int n = size();
186                        if(other.size() == n) {
187                                for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
188                                        E e0 = elements.get(i);
189                                        E e1 = other.elements.get(i);
191                                        if(e0 != e1) {
192                                                if(e0 == null && e1 != null)
193                                                        return false;
195                                                if(e0 != null && e1 == null)
196                                                        return false;
198                                                if(! e0.equals(e1))
199                                                        return false;
200                                        }
201                                }
203                                return true;
204                        }
205                }
207                return false;
208        }
210        public java.util.Iterator<E> iterator() {
211                return new FixedArrayIterator();
212        }
214        /**
215         * Last index used by the {@link #add(Object)} method.
216         * @return The last insertion index.
217         */
218        public int getLastIndex() {
219                return lastIndex;
220        }
222        /**
223         * The index that will be used in case of a next insertion in this array.
224         * @return
225         */
226        public int getNextAddIndex() {
227                int n = freeIndices.size();
229                if(n > 0)
230                     return freeIndices.get(n - 1);
231                else return elements.size();
232        }
234        public Object[] toArray() {
235                int n = size();
236                int m = elements.size();
237                int j = 0;
238                Object a[] = new Object[n];
240                for(int i=0; i<m; ++i) {
241                        E e = elements.get(i);
243                        if(e != null)
244                                a[j++] = e;
245                }
247                assert(j == n);
248                return a;
249        }
251        public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
252                // TODO
253                throw new RuntimeException( "not implemented yet" );
254        }
256// Commands
258        /**
259         * Add one <code>element</code> in the array. The index used for inserting
260         * the element is then available using {@link #getLastIndex()}. This method
261         * complexity is O(1).
262         * @see #getLastIndex()
263         * @param element The element to add.
264         * @return Always true.
265         * @throws NullPointerException If a null value is inserted.
266         */
267        public boolean add(E element) throws java.lang.NullPointerException {
268                if(element == null)
269                        throw new java.lang.NullPointerException( "this array cannot contain null value" );
271                int n = freeIndices.size();
273                if(n > 0) {
274                        int i = freeIndices.remove(n - 1);
275                        elements.set(i, element);
276                        lastIndex = i;
277                } else {
278                        elements.add(element);
279                        lastIndex = elements.size() - 1;
280                }
282                return true;
283        }
285        public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
286                java.util.Iterator<? extends E> k = c.iterator();
288                while(k.hasNext()) {
289                        add(k.next());
290                }
292                return true;
293        }
295        /**
296         * This operation set the i-th cell with the given value.
297         * 
298         * This works only
299         * if the cell is empty, or if i is larger or equal to the size of the
300         * array (if larger, empty cells are added to fill the gap, and free
301         * indices will be used by the add() method).
302         * 
303         * If the cell is not empty, the return value is false.
304         * 
305         * This method is a convenience method, and its complexity is not O(1)
306         * like the add() and remove() methods. At worse the complexity is O(n).
307         * It is optimized so that when adding the element whose id is the one
308         * given by {@link FixedArrayList#getNextAddIndex()} its complexity is O(1).
309         * 
310         * @param i The index of the cell to change.
311         * @param element The value to set.
312         * @return false If the insertion was not successful (there was already
313         * something in the set).
314         */
315        public boolean addAt(int i, E element) {
316                if(i >= elements.size()) {
317                        // Add at the end or at a non existent position at the end.
319                        int n = elements.size();
320                        int d = i - n;
322                        for(int j=0; j<d; j++) {
323                                elements.add(null);
324                                freeIndices.add(n+j);
326                        }
327                        elements.add(element);
328                        assert(elements.size()-1 == i);
329                        lastIndex = i;
330                } else {
331                        // Add at an existing position
332                        if(elements.get(i) == null) {
333                                // Add the element and release the index in the index list.
334                                elements.set(i, element);
335                                freeIndices.remove(freeIndices.lastIndexOf(i)); // O(n)
336                        } else {
337                                return false;
338                        }
339                }
341                return true;
342        }
344        /**
345         * Remove the element at index <code>i</code>. This method complexity
346         * is O(1).
347         * @param i Index of the element to remove.
348         * @return The removed element.
349         */
350        public E remove(int i) {
351                int n = elements.size();
353                if(i < 0 || i >= n)
354                        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index "+i+" does not exist");
356                if(n > 0) {
357                        if( elements.get( i ) == null )
358                                throw new NullPointerException("no element stored at index " + i);
360                        if(i == (n - 1)) {
361                                return elements.remove( i );
362                        } else {
363                                E e = elements.get(i);
364                                elements.set(i, null);
365                                freeIndices.add(i);
366                                return e;
367                        }
368                }
370                throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("index "+i+" does not exist");
371        }
373        protected void removeIt(int i) {
374                remove(i);
375        }
377        /**
378         * Remove the element <code>e</code>. At worse the complexity is
379         * O(n).
380         * @param e The element to remove.
381         * @return True if removed.
382         */
383        public boolean remove(Object e) {
384                int n = elements.size();
386                for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
387                        if(elements.get(i) == e) {
388                                elements.remove(i);
389                                return true;
390                        }
391                }
393                return false;
394        }
396        public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
397                throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "not implemented yet" );
398        }
400        public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
401                throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "not implemented yet" );
402        }
404        public void clear() {
405                elements.clear();
406                freeIndices.clear();
407        }
409// Nested classes
411protected class FixedArrayIterator implements java.util.Iterator<E> {
412        int i;
414        public FixedArrayIterator() {
415                i = -1;
416        }
418        public boolean hasNext() {
419                int n = elements.size();
421                for(int j=i+1; j<n; ++j) {
422                        if(elements.get(j) != null)
423                                return true;
424                }
426                return false;
427        }
429        public E next() {
430                int n = elements.size();
432                for(int j=i+1; j<n; ++j) {
433                        E e = elements.get(j);
435                        if(e != null) {
436                                i = j;
437                                return e;
438                        }
439                }
441                throw new NoSuchElementException("no more elements in iterator");
442        }
444        public void remove() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
445                if(i >= 0 && i < elements.size() && elements.get(i) != null) {
446                        removeIt(i);    // A parent class method cannot be called if it has
447                                                        // the same name as one in the inner class
448                                                        // (normal), but even if they have distinct
449                                                        // arguments types. Hence this strange removeIt()
450                                                        // method...
451                } else {
452                        throw new IllegalStateException("no such element");
453                }
454        }