002 * Copyright 2006 - 2013
003 *     Stefan Balev     <stefan.balev@graphstream-project.org>
004 *     Julien Baudry    <julien.baudry@graphstream-project.org>
005 *     Antoine Dutot    <antoine.dutot@graphstream-project.org>
006 *     Yoann Pigné      <yoann.pigne@graphstream-project.org>
007 *     Guilhelm Savin   <guilhelm.savin@graphstream-project.org>
008 * 
009 * This file is part of GraphStream <http://graphstream-project.org>.
010 * 
011 * GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
012 * graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
013 * 
014 * This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
015 * CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
016 * License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
017 * of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
018 * URL <http://www.cecill.info> or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
019 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
020 * option) any later version.
021 * 
022 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
023 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
024 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
025 * 
026 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
027 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
028 * 
029 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
030 * knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
031 */
032package org.graphstream.algorithm;
034import java.util.ArrayList;
035import java.util.HashMap;
036import java.util.Iterator;
037import java.util.LinkedList;
038import java.util.List;
040import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
041import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
042import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
043import org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter;
044import org.graphstream.util.Filter;
045import org.graphstream.util.FilteredEdgeIterator;
046import org.graphstream.util.FilteredNodeIterator;
047import org.graphstream.util.Filters;
049//import org.graphstream.util.set.FixedArrayList;
052 * Compute and update the number of connected components of a dynamic graph.
053 * 
054 * <p>
055 * This algorithm computes the connected components for a given graph. Connected
056 * components are the set of its connected subgraphs. Two nodes belong to the
057 * same connected component when there exists a path (without considering the
058 * direction of the edges) between them. Therefore, the algorithm does not
059 * consider the direction of the edges. The number of connected components of an
060 * undirected graph is equal to the number of connected components of the same
061 * directed graph. See <a
062 * href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected_component_%28graph_theory%29"
063 * >wikipedia</a> for details.
064 * </p>
065 * 
066 * <h2>Dynamics</h2>
067 * 
068 * <p>
069 * This algorithm tries to handle the dynamics of the graph, trying not to
070 * recompute all from scratch at each change (kind of re-optimization). In this
071 * way, each instance of the algorithm is registered as a graph sink. Each
072 * change in the graph topology may affect the algorithm.
073 * </p>
074 * 
075 * <h2>Usage</h2>
076 * 
077 * <p>
078 * To start using the algorithm, you first need an instance of
079 * {@link org.graphstream.graph.Graph}, then you only have to instantiate the
080 * algorithm class. Whether you specify a reference to the graph in the
081 * constructor or you set it with the {@link #init(Graph)} method.
082 * </p>
083 * 
084 * <p>
085 * The computation of the algorithm starts only when the graph is specified with
086 * the {@link #init(Graph)} method or with the appropriated constructor. In case
087 * of a static graph, you may call the {@link #compute()} method. In case of a
088 * dynamic graph, the algorithm will compute itself automatically when an event
089 * (node or edge added or removed) occurs.
090 * </p>
091 * 
092 * <p>
093 * Finally you may ask the algorithm for the number of connected components at
094 * any moment with a call to the {@link #getConnectedComponentsCount()} method.
095 * </p>
096 * 
097 * <h2>Example</h2>
098 * 
099 * <pre>
100 * import org.graphstream.algorithm.ConnectedComponents;
101 * import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
102 * import org.graphstream.graph.implementations.DefaultGraph;
103 * 
104 * public class CCTest {
105 *      public static void main(String[] args) {
106 * 
107 *              Graph graph = new DefaultGraph(&quot;CC Test&quot;);
108 * 
109 *              graph.addNode(&quot;A&quot;);
110 *              graph.addNode(&quot;B&quot;);
111 *              graph.addNode(&quot;C&quot;);
112 *              graph.addEdge(&quot;AB&quot;, &quot;A&quot;, &quot;B&quot;);
113 *              graph.addEdge(&quot;AC&quot;, &quot;A&quot;, &quot;C&quot;);
114 * 
115 *              ConnectedComponents cc = new ConnectedComponents();
116 *              cc.init(graph);
117 * 
118 *              System.out.printf(&quot;%d connected component(s) in this graph, so far.%n&quot;,
119 *                              cc.getConnectedComponentsCount());
120 * 
121 *              graph.removeEdge(&quot;AC&quot;);
122 * 
123 *              System.out.printf(&quot;Eventually, there are %d.%n&quot;, cc
124 *                              .getConnectedComponentsCount());
125 * 
126 *      }
127 * }
128 * </pre>
129 * 
130 * <h2>Additional features</h2>
131 * 
132 * 
133 * <h3>Threshold and Ceiling</h3>
134 * <p>
135 * It is possible to get rid of connected components belong a size threshold
136 * when counting the overall number of connected components. It is also possible
137 * to define a ceiling size for the connected component. Above that size
138 * ceiling, connected components will not be counted. Use the
139 * {@link #getConnectedComponentsCount(int)} or
140 * {@link #getConnectedComponentsCount(int, int)} methods.
141 * </p>
142 * 
143 * <h3>Components Identifiers</h3>
144 * <p>
145 * You can tag each node with an integer that identifies the component it
146 * pertains to using {@link #setCountAttribute(String)}. The argument of this
147 * method is an arbitrary name that will be used as attribute on each node of
148 * the graph. The value of this attribute will be an integer (counting from
149 * zero) that is different for each connected component.
150 * </p>
151 * 
152 * <h3>Giant component</h3>
153 * <p>
154 * The {@link #getGiantComponent()} method gives you a list of nodes belonging
155 * to the biggest connected component of the graph.
156 * </p>
157 * 
158 * <h3>Cut Attribute</h3>
159 * <p>
160 * The cut attribute is a feature that can optionally simulate a given edge to
161 * be invisible (as if the edge did not exist). In other words if an edge is
162 * given such a cut attribute, it will be ignored by the algorithm when
163 * counting. You can enable (or disable by passing null) the cut attribute by
164 * specifying it with the {@link #setCutAttribute(String)} method, and by giving
165 * the special edges the same attribute.
166 * </p>
167 * <p>
168 * What is it useful for? Well you may want to simulate the removal of a given
169 * edge and see if it increases the number of connected components. You may not
170 * want to really remove and then re-add that edge in the graph, because such
171 * removal event may have consequences on other algorithms, viewer, writers...
172 * </p>
173 * <p>
174 * Note that setting the cut attribute will trigger a new computation of the
175 * algorithm.
176 * </p>
177 * 
178 * @author Yoann Pigné
179 * @author Antoine Dutot
180 * @author Guillaume-Jean Herbiet
181 * 
182 * @since June 26 2007
183 * 
184 * @complexity For the initial computation, let n be the number of nodes, then
185 *             the complexity is 0(n). For the re-optimization steps, let k be
186 *             the number of nodes concerned by the changes (k <= n), the
187 *             complexity is O(k).
188 */
189public class ConnectedComponents extends SinkAdapter implements
190                DynamicAlgorithm, Iterable<ConnectedComponents.ConnectedComponent> {
192        /**
193         * Map of connected components.
194         */
195        private HashMap<Node, Integer> connectedComponentsMap;
197        /**
198         * The Graph the algorithm is working on.
199         */
200        protected Graph graph;
202        /**
203         * The number of connected components
204         */
205        protected int connectedComponents = 0;
207        /**
208         * Size of each connected component
209         */
210        protected HashMap<Integer, Integer> connectedComponentsSize;
212        /**
213         * Single IDs to identify the connected components.
214         */
215        protected FixedArrayList<String> ids = new FixedArrayList<String>();
217        protected FixedArrayList<ConnectedComponent> components = new FixedArrayList<ConnectedComponent>();
219        /**
220         * A token to decide whether or not the algorithm is started.
221         */
222        protected boolean started = false;
224        /**
225         * Optional edge attribute that make it "invisible". The algorithm will find
226         * two connected components if such an edge is the only link between two
227         * node groups.
228         */
229        protected String cutAttribute = null;
231        /**
232         * Optional attribute to set on each node of a given component. This
233         * attribute will have for value an index different for each component.
234         */
235        protected String countAttribute = null;
237        /**
238         * Construction of an instance with no parameter. The process is not
239         * initialized and the algorithm will not receive any event from any graph.
240         * You will have to call the {@link #init(Graph)} method with a reference to
241         * a graph so that the computation is able to start.
242         * 
243         * After the {@link #init(Graph)} method is invoked, the computation starts
244         * as soon as and event is received or if the {@link #compute()} method is
245         * invoked.
246         */
247        public ConnectedComponents() {
248                this(null);
249        }
251        /**
252         * Constructor with the given graph. The computation of the algorithm start
253         * only when the {@link #init(Graph)} method is invoked. This Constructor
254         * will call the {@link #init(Graph)} method anyway.
255         * 
256         * @param graph
257         *            The graph who's connected components will be computed.
258         */
259        public ConnectedComponents(Graph graph) {
260                ids.add(""); // The dummy first identifier (since zero is a special
261                // value).
263                if (graph != null)
264                        init(graph);
265        }
267        /**
268         * Computes a list of nodes that belong to the biggest connected component.
269         * 
270         * @return nodes of the biggest CC.
271         */
272        public List<Node> getGiantComponent() {
273                if (!started) {
274                        compute();
275                }
277                // Get the biggest component
278                int maxSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
279                int maxIndex = -1;
280                for (Integer c : connectedComponentsSize.keySet()) {
281                        if (connectedComponentsSize.get(c) > maxSize) {
282                                maxSize = connectedComponentsSize.get(c);
283                                maxIndex = c;
284                        }
285                }
286                // Get the list of nodes within this component
287                if (maxIndex != -1) {
288                        ArrayList<Node> giant = new ArrayList<Node>();
289                        for (Node n : graph.getNodeSet()) {
290                                if (connectedComponentsMap.get(n) == maxIndex) {
291                                        giant.add(n);
292                                }
293                        }
294                        return giant;
295                } else {
296                        return null;
297                }
298        }
300        /**
301         * Ask the algorithm for the number of connected components.
302         * 
303         * @return the number of connected components in this graph.
304         */
305        public int getConnectedComponentsCount() {
306                return getConnectedComponentsCount(1);
307        }
309        /**
310         * Ask the algorithm for the number of connected components whose size is
311         * equal to or greater than the specified threshold.
312         * 
313         * @param sizeThreshold
314         *            Minimum size for the connected component to be considered
315         * 
316         * @return the number of connected components, bigger than the given size
317         *         threshold, in this graph.
318         */
319        public int getConnectedComponentsCount(int sizeThreshold) {
320                return getConnectedComponentsCount(sizeThreshold, 0);
321        }
323        /**
324         * Ask the algorithm for the number of connected components whose size is
325         * equal to or greater than the specified threshold and lesser than the
326         * specified ceiling.
327         * 
328         * @param sizeThreshold
329         *            Minimum size for the connected component to be considered
330         * @param sizeCeiling
331         *            Maximum size for the connected component to be considered (use
332         *            0 or lower values to ignore the ceiling)
333         * 
334         * @return the number of connected components, bigger than the given size
335         *         threshold, and smaller than the given size ceiling, in this
336         *         graph.
337         */
338        public int getConnectedComponentsCount(int sizeThreshold, int sizeCeiling) {
339                if (!started) {
340                        compute();
341                }
343                // Simplest case : threshold is lesser than or equal to 1 and
344                // no ceiling is specified, we return all the counted components
345                if (sizeThreshold <= 1 && sizeCeiling <= 0) {
346                        return connectedComponents;
347                }
349                // Otherwise, parse the connected components size map to consider only
350                // the components whose size is in [sizeThreshold ; sizeCeiling [
351                else {
352                        int count = 0;
353                        for (Integer c : connectedComponentsSize.keySet()) {
354                                if (connectedComponentsSize.get(c) >= sizeThreshold
355                                                && (sizeCeiling <= 0 || connectedComponentsSize.get(c) < sizeCeiling)) {
356                                        count++;
357                                }
358                        }
359                        return count;
360                }
361        }
363        public Iterator<ConnectedComponent> iterator() {
364                while (components.size() > connectedComponents)
365                        components.remove(components.getLastIndex());
367                return components.iterator();
368        }
370        /**
371         * Allocate a new identifier for a connected component.
372         * 
373         * @return The new component identifier.
374         */
375        protected int addIdentifier() {
376                ids.add("");
377                return ids.getLastIndex();
378        }
380        /**
381         * Remove a identifier that is no more used.
382         * 
383         * @param identifier
384         *            The identifier to remove.
385         */
386        protected void removeIdentifier(int identifier) {
387                /*
388                 * // Eventual verification to ensure no used identifier is removed.
389                 * 
390                 * for( Node node: graph.getNodeSet() ) { if(
391                 * connectedComponentsMap.get( node ) == identifier ) System.err.printf(
392                 * "     **** ID %d STILL USED BY node %s%n", identifier, node.getId()
393                 * ); }
394                 */
395                ids.remove(identifier);
396        }
398        /**
399         * Enable (or disable by passing null) an optional attribute that makes
400         * edges that have it invisible (as if the edge did not existed). Be
401         * careful, setting the cut attribute will trigger a new computation of the
402         * algorithm.
403         * 
404         * @param cutAttribute
405         *            The name for the cut attribute or null if the cut attribute
406         *            option must be disabled.
407         */
408        public void setCutAttribute(String cutAttribute) {
409                this.cutAttribute = cutAttribute;
411                compute();
412        }
414        /**
415         * Enable (or disable by passing null for countAttribute) an optional
416         * attribute that will be assigned to each node. The value of this attribute
417         * will be an integer different for each computed component.
418         * 
419         * @param countAttribute
420         *            The name of the attribute to put on each node (pass null to
421         *            disable this feature).
422         */
423        public void setCountAttribute(String countAttribute) {
424                removeMarks();
425                this.countAttribute = countAttribute;
426                remapMarks();
427        }
429        protected void removeMarks() {
430                Iterator<? extends Node> nodes = graph.getNodeIterator();
432                while (nodes.hasNext()) {
433                        Node node = nodes.next();
435                        if (countAttribute == null)
436                                node.removeAttribute(countAttribute);
437                }
438        }
440        protected void remapMarks() {
442                if (countAttribute != null && connectedComponentsMap != null) {
443                        Iterator<? extends Node> nodes = graph.getNodeIterator();
445                        while (nodes.hasNext()) {
446                                Node v = nodes.next();
447                                int id = connectedComponentsMap.get(v);
449                                v.addAttribute(countAttribute, id - 1);
450                        }
451                }
452        }
454        /*
455         * (non-Javadoc)
456         * 
457         * @see
458         * org.graphstream.algorithm.Algorithm#init(org.graphstream.graph.Graph)
459         */
460        public void init(Graph graph) {
461                if (this.graph != null)
462                        this.graph.removeSink(this);
464                this.graph = graph;
466                this.graph.addSink(this);
467        }
469        /*
470         * (non-Javadoc)
471         * 
472         * @see org.graphstream.algorithm.Algorithm#compute()
473         */
474        public void compute() {
475                connectedComponents = 0;
476                started = true;
478                ids.clear();
479                ids.add(""); // The dummy first identifier (since zero is a special
480                // value).
481                components.add(new ConnectedComponent(0));
483                connectedComponentsMap = new HashMap<Node, Integer>();
485                // Initialize the size count structure
486                connectedComponentsSize = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
488                Iterator<? extends Node> nodes = graph.getNodeIterator();
490                while (nodes.hasNext()) {
491                        connectedComponentsMap.put(nodes.next(), 0);
492                }
494                nodes = graph.getNodeIterator();
496                while (nodes.hasNext()) {
497                        Node v = nodes.next();
499                        if (connectedComponentsMap.get(v) == 0) {
500                                connectedComponents++;
502                                int newIdentifier = addIdentifier();
503                                int size = computeConnectedComponent(v, newIdentifier, null);
505                                if (size > 0)
506                                        components.add(new ConnectedComponent(newIdentifier));
508                                // Initial size count of all connected components
509                                connectedComponentsSize.put(newIdentifier, size);
510                        }
511                }
513                remapMarks();
514        }
516        /*
517         * (non-Javadoc)
518         * 
519         * @see org.graphstream.algorithm.DynamicAlgorithm#terminate()
520         */
521        public void terminate() {
522                if (graph != null) {
523                        graph.removeSink(this);
525                        graph = null;
526                        started = false;
528                        connectedComponents = 0;
529                        connectedComponentsSize.clear();
530                }
531        }
533        /**
534         * Goes recursively (depth first) into the connected component and assigns
535         * each node an id.
536         * 
537         * @param v
538         *            The considered node.
539         * @param id
540         *            The id to assign to the given node.
541         * @param exception
542         *            An optional edge that may not be considered (useful when
543         *            receiving a {@link #edgeRemoved(String, long, String)} event.
544         * @return size The size (number of elements) of the connected component
545         */
546        private int computeConnectedComponent(Node v, int id, Edge exception) {
547                int size = 0;
549                LinkedList<Node> open = new LinkedList<Node>();
551                open.add(v);
553                while (!open.isEmpty()) {
554                        Node n = open.remove();
556                        connectedComponentsMap.put(n, id);
557                        size++;
559                        markNode(n, id);
561                        Iterator<? extends Edge> edges = n.getEdgeIterator();
563                        while (edges.hasNext()) {
564                                Edge e = edges.next();
566                                if (e != exception) {
567                                        if ((cutAttribute != null) ? (!e.hasAttribute(cutAttribute))
568                                                        : true) {
569                                                Node n2 = e.getOpposite(n);
571                                                if (connectedComponentsMap.get(n2) != id) {
572                                                        open.add(n2);
573                                                        connectedComponentsMap.put(n2, id);
574                                                        markNode(n2, id); /* useless */
575                                                }
576                                                // Also work with (but slower):
577                                                /*
578                                                 * if( connectedComponentsMap.get( n2 ) != id && !
579                                                 * open.contains(n2) ) { open.add( n2 ); }
580                                                 */
582                                        }
583                                }
584                        }
585                }
586                return size;
587        }
589        protected void markNode(Node node, int id) {
590                if (countAttribute != null) {
591                        node.addAttribute(countAttribute, id - 1);
592                }
593        }
595        /*
596         * (non-Javadoc)
597         * 
598         * @see org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter#edgeAdded(java.lang.String, long,
599         * java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)
600         */
601        @Override
602        public void edgeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId,
603                        String fromNodeId, String toNodeId, boolean directed) {
604                if (!started && graph != null) {
605                        compute();
606                } else if (started) {
607                        Edge edge = graph.getEdge(edgeId);
609                        if (edge != null) {
610                                if (!(connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0())
611                                                .equals(connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode1())))) {
612                                        connectedComponents--;
614                                        int id0 = connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0());
615                                        int id1 = connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode1());
617                                        computeConnectedComponent(edge.getNode1(), id0, edge);
618                                        removeIdentifier(id1);
620                                        // Merge the size of the two connected components
621                                        // and remove the entry for the dismissed identifier
622                                        connectedComponentsSize.put(id0, connectedComponentsSize
623                                                        .get(id0)
624                                                        + connectedComponentsSize.get(id1));
625                                        connectedComponentsSize.remove(id1);
626                                }
627                        }
628                }
629        }
631        /*
632         * (non-Javadoc)
633         * 
634         * @see org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter#nodeAdded(java.lang.String, long,
635         * java.lang.String)
636         */
637        @Override
638        public void nodeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId) {
639                if (!started && graph != null) {
640                        compute();
641                } else if (started) {
642                        Node node = graph.getNode(nodeId);
644                        if (node != null) {
645                                connectedComponents++;
647                                int id = addIdentifier();
649                                connectedComponentsMap.put(node, id);
650                                markNode(node, id);
652                                // Node is a new connected component
653                                connectedComponentsSize.put(id, 1);
654                        }
655                }
656        }
658        /*
659         * (non-Javadoc)
660         * 
661         * @see org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter#edgeRemoved(java.lang.String,
662         * long, java.lang.String)
663         */
664        @Override
665        public void edgeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId) {
666                if (!started && graph != null) {
667                        compute();
668                }
670                if (started) {
671                        Edge edge = graph.getEdge(edgeId);
673                        if (edge != null) {
674                                int id = addIdentifier();
675                                int oldId = connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0());
677                                // Get the size of the "old" component
678                                int oldSize = connectedComponentsSize.get(oldId);
679                                int newSize = computeConnectedComponent(edge.getNode0(), id,
680                                                edge);
682                                if (!(connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0())
683                                                .equals(connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode1())))) {
685                                        // Two new connected components are created
686                                        // we need to get the size of each of them
687                                        if (newSize > 0) {
688                                                connectedComponentsSize.put(id, newSize);
689                                                connectedComponents++;
690                                        }
692                                        if (oldSize - newSize > 0) {
693                                                connectedComponentsSize.put(oldId, oldSize - newSize);
695                                        } else {
696                                                connectedComponentsSize.remove(oldId);
697                                                connectedComponents--;
698                                        }
700                                } else {
701                                        removeIdentifier(oldId);
703                                        // No new connected component, simply "translate" the entry
704                                        connectedComponentsSize.put(id, connectedComponentsSize
705                                                        .get(oldId));
706                                        connectedComponentsSize.remove(oldId);
708                                }
709                        }
710                }
711        }
713        /*
714         * (non-Javadoc)
715         * 
716         * @see org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter#nodeRemoved(java.lang.String,
717         * long, java.lang.String)
718         */
719        @Override
720        public void nodeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId) {
721                if (!started && graph != null) {
722                        compute();
723                }
725                if (started) {
726                        Node node = graph.getNode(nodeId);
728                        if (node != null) {
730                                // Delete the entry corresponding to this node
731                                connectedComponentsSize
732                                                .remove(connectedComponentsMap.get(node));
734                                connectedComponents--;
735                                removeIdentifier(connectedComponentsMap.get(node));
736                        }
737                }
738        }
740        /*
741         * (non-Javadoc)
742         * 
743         * @see org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter#graphCleared(java.lang.String,
744         * long)
745         */
746        @Override
747        public void graphCleared(String graphId, long timeId) {
748                // terminate();
749                if (started) {
750                        connectedComponents = 0;
751                        ids.clear();
752                        ids.add("");
753                        components.clear();
754                        components.add(new ConnectedComponent(0));
756                        connectedComponentsMap.clear();
757                        connectedComponentsSize.clear();
758                }
759        }
761        /*
762         * (non-Javadoc)
763         * 
764         * @see
765         * org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter#edgeAttributeAdded(java.lang.String,
766         * long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
767         */
768        @Override
769        public void edgeAttributeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId,
770                        String attribute, Object value) {
771                if (cutAttribute != null && attribute.equals(cutAttribute)) {
772                        if (!started && graph != null)
773                                compute();
775                        Edge edge = graph.getEdge(edgeId);
777                        // The attribute is added. Do as if the edge was removed.
779                        int id = addIdentifier();
780                        int oldId = connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0());
782                        // Get the size of the "old" component
783                        int oldSize = connectedComponentsSize.get(oldId);
784                        int newSize = computeConnectedComponent(edge.getNode0(), id, edge);
786                        if (!connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0()).equals(
787                                        connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode1()))) {
789                                // Two new connected components are created
790                                // we need to get the size of each of them
791                                if (newSize > 0) {
792                                        connectedComponentsSize.put(id, newSize);
793                                        connectedComponents++;
794                                }
796                                if (oldSize - newSize > 0) {
797                                        connectedComponentsSize.put(oldId, oldSize - newSize);
799                                } else {
800                                        connectedComponentsSize.remove(oldId);
801                                        connectedComponents--;
802                                }
804                        } else {
805                                removeIdentifier(oldId);
807                                // No new connected component, simply "translate" the entry
808                                connectedComponentsSize.put(id, connectedComponentsSize
809                                                .get(oldId));
810                                connectedComponentsSize.remove(oldId);
811                        }
812                }
813        }
815        /*
816         * (non-Javadoc)
817         * 
818         * @see
819         * org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter#edgeAttributeRemoved(java.lang.String,
820         * long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
821         */
822        @Override
823        public void edgeAttributeRemoved(String graphId, long timeId,
824                        String edgeId, String attribute) {
825                if (cutAttribute != null && attribute.equals(cutAttribute)) {
826                        if (!started && graph != null)
827                                compute();
829                        Edge edge = graph.getEdge(edgeId);
831                        // The attribute is removed. Do as if the edge was added.
833                        if (!(connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0())
834                                        .equals(connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode1())))) {
835                                connectedComponents--;
837                                int id0 = connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode0());
838                                int id1 = connectedComponentsMap.get(edge.getNode1());
840                                computeConnectedComponent(edge.getNode1(), id0, edge);
841                                removeIdentifier(id1);
843                                // Merge the size of the two connected components
844                                // and remove the entry for the dismissed identifier
845                                connectedComponentsSize.put(id0, connectedComponentsSize
846                                                .get(id0)
847                                                + connectedComponentsSize.get(id1));
848                                connectedComponentsSize.remove(id1);
849                        }
850                }
851        }
853        public class ConnectedComponent implements Iterable<Node> {
854                public final Integer id;
855                Filter<Node> nodeFilter;
856                Filter<Edge> edgeFilter;
857                Iterable<Edge> eachEdge;
859                public ConnectedComponent(Integer id) {
860                        this.id = id;
861                        this.nodeFilter = null;
862                        this.edgeFilter = null;
863                        this.eachEdge = null;
864                }
866                public Iterator<Node> iterator() {
867                        if (nodeFilter == null)
868                                nodeFilter = Filters.byAttributeFilter(countAttribute, id);
870                        return new FilteredNodeIterator<Node>(graph, nodeFilter);
871                }
873                public Iterable<Node> getEachNode() {
874                        return this;
875                }
877                public Iterable<Edge> getEachEdge() {
878                        if (eachEdge == null) {
879                                eachEdge = new Iterable<Edge>() {
880                                        public Iterator<Edge> iterator() {
881                                                return getEdgeIterator();
882                                        }
883                                };
884                        }
886                        return eachEdge;
887                }
889                public Iterator<Edge> getEdgeIterator() {
890                        if (edgeFilter == null) {
891                                if (nodeFilter == null)
892                                        nodeFilter = Filters.byAttributeFilter(countAttribute, id);
894                                edgeFilter = new EdgeFilter(nodeFilter);
895                        }
897                        return new FilteredEdgeIterator<Edge>(graph, edgeFilter);
898                }
899        }
901        private static class EdgeFilter implements Filter<Edge> {
902                Filter<Node> f;
904                public EdgeFilter(Filter<Node> f) {
905                        this.f = f;
906                }
908                public boolean isAvailable(Edge e) {
909                        return f.isAvailable(e.getNode0()) && f.isAvailable(e.getNode1());
910                }
911        }