002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 * 
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 * 
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
018package org.apache.log4j.net;
020import org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton;
021import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
022import org.apache.log4j.helpers.SyslogQuietWriter;
023import org.apache.log4j.helpers.SyslogWriter;
024import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
026import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
027import java.util.Date;
028import java.util.Locale;
029import java.net.InetAddress;
030import java.net.UnknownHostException;
031import java.io.IOException;
033// Contributors: Yves Bossel <ybossel@opengets.cl>
034//               Christopher Taylor <cstaylor@pacbell.net>
037    Use SyslogAppender to send log messages to a remote syslog daemon.
039    @author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
040    @author Anders Kristensen
041 */
042public class SyslogAppender extends AppenderSkeleton {
043  // The following constants are extracted from a syslog.h file
044  // copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California
045  // I hope nobody at Berkley gets offended.
047  /** Kernel messages */
048  final static public int LOG_KERN     = 0;
049  /** Random user-level messages */
050  final static public int LOG_USER     = 1<<3;
051  /** Mail system */
052  final static public int LOG_MAIL     = 2<<3;
053  /** System daemons */
054  final static public int LOG_DAEMON   = 3<<3;
055  /** security/authorization messages */
056  final static public int LOG_AUTH     = 4<<3;
057  /** messages generated internally by syslogd */
058  final static public int LOG_SYSLOG   = 5<<3;
060  /** line printer subsystem */
061  final static public int LOG_LPR      = 6<<3;
062  /** network news subsystem */
063  final static public int LOG_NEWS     = 7<<3;
064  /** UUCP subsystem */
065  final static public int LOG_UUCP     = 8<<3;
066  /** clock daemon */
067  final static public int LOG_CRON     = 9<<3;
068  /** security/authorization  messages (private) */
069  final static public int LOG_AUTHPRIV = 10<<3;
070  /** ftp daemon */
071  final static public int LOG_FTP      = 11<<3;
073  // other codes through 15 reserved for system use
074  /** reserved for local use */
075  final static public int LOG_LOCAL0 = 16<<3;
076  /** reserved for local use */
077  final static public int LOG_LOCAL1 = 17<<3;
078  /** reserved for local use */
079  final static public int LOG_LOCAL2 = 18<<3;
080  /** reserved for local use */
081  final static public int LOG_LOCAL3 = 19<<3;
082  /** reserved for local use */
083  final static public int LOG_LOCAL4 = 20<<3;
084  /** reserved for local use */
085  final static public int LOG_LOCAL5 = 21<<3;
086  /** reserved for local use */
087  final static public int LOG_LOCAL6 = 22<<3;
088  /** reserved for local use*/
089  final static public int LOG_LOCAL7 = 23<<3;
091  protected static final int SYSLOG_HOST_OI = 0;
092  protected static final int FACILITY_OI = 1;
094  static final String TAB = "    ";
096  // Have LOG_USER as default
097  int syslogFacility = LOG_USER;
098  String facilityStr;
099  boolean facilityPrinting = false;
101  //SyslogTracerPrintWriter stp;
102  SyslogQuietWriter sqw;
103  String syslogHost;
105    /**
106     * If true, the appender will generate the HEADER (timestamp and host name)
107     * part of the syslog packet.
108     * @since 1.2.15
109     */
110  private boolean header = false;
111    /**
112     * Date format used if header = true.
113     * @since 1.2.15
114     */
115  private final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd HH:mm:ss ", Locale.ENGLISH);
116    /**
117     * Host name used to identify messages from this appender.
118     * @since 1.2.15
119     */
120  private String localHostname;
122    /**
123     * Set to true after the header of the layout has been sent or if it has none.
124     */
125  private boolean layoutHeaderChecked = false;
127  public
128  SyslogAppender() {
129    this.initSyslogFacilityStr();
130  }
132  public
133  SyslogAppender(Layout layout, int syslogFacility) {
134    this.layout = layout;
135    this.syslogFacility = syslogFacility;
136    this.initSyslogFacilityStr();
137  }
139  public
140  SyslogAppender(Layout layout, String syslogHost, int syslogFacility) {
141    this(layout, syslogFacility);
142    setSyslogHost(syslogHost);
143  }
145  /**
146     Release any resources held by this SyslogAppender.
148     @since 0.8.4
149   */
150  synchronized
151  public
152  void close() {
153    closed = true;
154    if (sqw != null) {
155        try {
156            if (layoutHeaderChecked && layout != null && layout.getFooter() != null) {
157                sendLayoutMessage(layout.getFooter());
158            }
159            sqw.close();
160            sqw = null;
161        } catch(java.io.InterruptedIOException e) {
162            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
163            sqw = null;
164        } catch(IOException e) {
165            sqw = null;
166        }
167    }
168  }
170  private
171  void initSyslogFacilityStr() {
172    facilityStr = getFacilityString(this.syslogFacility);
174    if (facilityStr == null) {
175      System.err.println("\"" + syslogFacility +
176                  "\" is an unknown syslog facility. Defaulting to \"USER\".");
177      this.syslogFacility = LOG_USER;
178      facilityStr = "user:";
179    } else {
180      facilityStr += ":";
181    }
182  }
184  /**
185     Returns the specified syslog facility as a lower-case String,
186     e.g. "kern", "user", etc.
187  */
188  public
189  static
190  String getFacilityString(int syslogFacility) {
191    switch(syslogFacility) {
192    case LOG_KERN:      return "kern";
193    case LOG_USER:      return "user";
194    case LOG_MAIL:      return "mail";
195    case LOG_DAEMON:    return "daemon";
196    case LOG_AUTH:      return "auth";
197    case LOG_SYSLOG:    return "syslog";
198    case LOG_LPR:       return "lpr";
199    case LOG_NEWS:      return "news";
200    case LOG_UUCP:      return "uucp";
201    case LOG_CRON:      return "cron";
202    case LOG_AUTHPRIV:  return "authpriv";
203    case LOG_FTP:       return "ftp";
204    case LOG_LOCAL0:    return "local0";
205    case LOG_LOCAL1:    return "local1";
206    case LOG_LOCAL2:    return "local2";
207    case LOG_LOCAL3:    return "local3";
208    case LOG_LOCAL4:    return "local4";
209    case LOG_LOCAL5:    return "local5";
210    case LOG_LOCAL6:    return "local6";
211    case LOG_LOCAL7:    return "local7";
212    default:            return null;
213    }
214  }
216  /**
217     Returns the integer value corresponding to the named syslog
218     facility, or -1 if it couldn't be recognized.
220     @param facilityName one of the strings KERN, USER, MAIL, DAEMON,
222            LOCAL1, LOCAL2, LOCAL3, LOCAL4, LOCAL5, LOCAL6, LOCAL7.
223            The matching is case-insensitive.
225     @since 1.1
226  */
227  public
228  static
229  int getFacility(String facilityName) {
230    if(facilityName != null) {
231      facilityName = facilityName.trim();
232    }
233    if("KERN".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
234      return LOG_KERN;
235    } else if("USER".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
236      return LOG_USER;
237    } else if("MAIL".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
238      return LOG_MAIL;
239    } else if("DAEMON".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
240      return LOG_DAEMON;
241    } else if("AUTH".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
242      return LOG_AUTH;
243    } else if("SYSLOG".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
244      return LOG_SYSLOG;
245    } else if("LPR".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
246      return LOG_LPR;
247    } else if("NEWS".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
248      return LOG_NEWS;
249    } else if("UUCP".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
250      return LOG_UUCP;
251    } else if("CRON".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
252      return LOG_CRON;
253    } else if("AUTHPRIV".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
254      return LOG_AUTHPRIV;
255    } else if("FTP".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
256      return LOG_FTP;
257    } else if("LOCAL0".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
258      return LOG_LOCAL0;
259    } else if("LOCAL1".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
260      return LOG_LOCAL1;
261    } else if("LOCAL2".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
262      return LOG_LOCAL2;
263    } else if("LOCAL3".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
264      return LOG_LOCAL3;
265    } else if("LOCAL4".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
266      return LOG_LOCAL4;
267    } else if("LOCAL5".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
268      return LOG_LOCAL5;
269    } else if("LOCAL6".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
270      return LOG_LOCAL6;
271    } else if("LOCAL7".equalsIgnoreCase(facilityName)) {
272      return LOG_LOCAL7;
273    } else {
274      return -1;
275    }
276  }
279  private void splitPacket(final String header, final String packet) {
280      int byteCount = packet.getBytes().length;
281      //
282      //   if packet is less than RFC 3164 limit
283      //      of 1024 bytes, then write it
284      //      (must allow for up 5to 5 characters in the PRI section
285      //          added by SyslogQuietWriter)
286      if (byteCount <= 1019) {
287          sqw.write(packet);
288      } else {
289          int split = header.length() + (packet.length() - header.length())/2;
290          splitPacket(header, packet.substring(0, split) + "...");
291          splitPacket(header, header + "..." + packet.substring(split));
292      }      
293  }
295  public
296  void append(LoggingEvent event) {
298    if(!isAsSevereAsThreshold(event.getLevel()))
299      return;
301    // We must not attempt to append if sqw is null.
302    if(sqw == null) {
303      errorHandler.error("No syslog host is set for SyslogAppedender named \""+
304                        this.name+"\".");
305      return;
306    }
308    if (!layoutHeaderChecked) {
309        if (layout != null && layout.getHeader() != null) {
310            sendLayoutMessage(layout.getHeader());
311        }
312        layoutHeaderChecked = true;
313    }
315    String hdr = getPacketHeader(event.timeStamp);
316    String packet;
317    if (layout == null) {
318        packet = String.valueOf(event.getMessage());
319    } else {
320        packet = layout.format(event);
321    }
322    if(facilityPrinting || hdr.length() > 0) {
323        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(hdr);
324        if(facilityPrinting) {
325            buf.append(facilityStr);
326        }
327        buf.append(packet);
328        packet = buf.toString();
329    }
331    sqw.setLevel(event.getLevel().getSyslogEquivalent());
332    //
333    //   if message has a remote likelihood of exceeding 1024 bytes
334    //      when encoded, consider splitting message into multiple packets
335    if (packet.length() > 256) {
336        splitPacket(hdr, packet);
337    } else {
338        sqw.write(packet);
339    }
341    if (layout == null || layout.ignoresThrowable()) {
342      String[] s = event.getThrowableStrRep();
343      if (s != null) {
344        for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
345            if (s[i].startsWith("\t")) {
346               sqw.write(hdr+TAB+s[i].substring(1));
347            } else {
348               sqw.write(hdr+s[i]);
349            }
350        }
351      }
352    }
353  }
355  /**
356     This method returns immediately as options are activated when they
357     are set.
358  */
359  public
360  void activateOptions() {
361      if (header) {
362        getLocalHostname();
363      }
364      if (layout != null && layout.getHeader() != null) {
365          sendLayoutMessage(layout.getHeader());
366      }
367      layoutHeaderChecked = true;
368  }
370  /**
371     The SyslogAppender requires a layout. Hence, this method returns
372     <code>true</code>.
374     @since 0.8.4 */
375  public
376  boolean requiresLayout() {
377    return true;
378  }
380  /**
381    The <b>SyslogHost</b> option is the name of the the syslog host
382    where log output should go.  A non-default port can be specified by
383    appending a colon and port number to a host name,
384    an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address enclosed in square brackets.
386    <b>WARNING</b> If the SyslogHost is not set, then this appender
387    will fail.
388   */
389  public
390  void setSyslogHost(final String syslogHost) {
391    this.sqw = new SyslogQuietWriter(new SyslogWriter(syslogHost),
392                                     syslogFacility, errorHandler);
393    //this.stp = new SyslogTracerPrintWriter(sqw);
394    this.syslogHost = syslogHost;
395  }
397  /**
398     Returns the value of the <b>SyslogHost</b> option.
399   */
400  public
401  String getSyslogHost() {
402    return syslogHost;
403  }
405  /**
406     Set the syslog facility. This is the <b>Facility</b> option.
408     <p>The <code>facilityName</code> parameter must be one of the
411     LOCAL5, LOCAL6, LOCAL7. Case is unimportant.
413     @since 0.8.1 */
414  public
415  void setFacility(String facilityName) {
416    if(facilityName == null)
417      return;
419    syslogFacility = getFacility(facilityName);
420    if (syslogFacility == -1) {
421      System.err.println("["+facilityName +
422                  "] is an unknown syslog facility. Defaulting to [USER].");
423      syslogFacility = LOG_USER;
424    }
426    this.initSyslogFacilityStr();
428    // If there is already a sqw, make it use the new facility.
429    if(sqw != null) {
430      sqw.setSyslogFacility(this.syslogFacility);
431    }
432  }
434  /**
435     Returns the value of the <b>Facility</b> option.
436   */
437  public
438  String getFacility() {
439    return getFacilityString(syslogFacility);
440  }
442  /**
443    If the <b>FacilityPrinting</b> option is set to true, the printed
444    message will include the facility name of the application. It is
445    <em>false</em> by default.
446   */
447  public
448  void setFacilityPrinting(boolean on) {
449    facilityPrinting = on;
450  }
452  /**
453     Returns the value of the <b>FacilityPrinting</b> option.
454   */
455  public
456  boolean getFacilityPrinting() {
457    return facilityPrinting;
458  }
460  /**
461   * If true, the appender will generate the HEADER part (that is, timestamp and host name)
462   * of the syslog packet.  Default value is false for compatibility with existing behavior,
463   * however should be true unless there is a specific justification.
464   * @since 1.2.15
465  */
466  public final boolean getHeader() {
467      return header;
468  }
470    /**
471     * Returns whether the appender produces the HEADER part (that is, timestamp and host name)
472     * of the syslog packet.
473     * @since 1.2.15
474    */
475  public final void setHeader(final boolean val) {
476      header = val;
477  }
479    /**
480     * Get the host name used to identify this appender.
481     * @return local host name
482     * @since 1.2.15
483     */
484  private String getLocalHostname() {
485      if (localHostname == null) {
486          try {
487            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
488            localHostname = addr.getHostName();
489          } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
490            localHostname = "UNKNOWN_HOST";
491          }
492      }
493      return localHostname;
494  }
496    /**
497     * Gets HEADER portion of packet.
498     * @param timeStamp number of milliseconds after the standard base time.
499     * @return HEADER portion of packet, will be zero-length string if header is false.
500     * @since 1.2.15
501     */
502  private String getPacketHeader(final long timeStamp) {
503      if (header) {
504        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(dateFormat.format(new Date(timeStamp)));
505        //  RFC 3164 says leading space, not leading zero on days 1-9
506        if (buf.charAt(4) == '0') {
507          buf.setCharAt(4, ' ');
508        }
509        buf.append(getLocalHostname());
510        buf.append(' ');
511        return buf.toString();
512      }
513      return "";
514  }
516    /**
517     * Set header or footer of layout.
518     * @param msg message body, may not be null.
519     */
520  private void sendLayoutMessage(final String msg) {
521      if (sqw != null) {
522          String packet = msg;
523          String hdr = getPacketHeader(new Date().getTime());
524          if(facilityPrinting || hdr.length() > 0) {
525              StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(hdr);
526              if(facilityPrinting) {
527                  buf.append(facilityStr);
528              }
529              buf.append(msg);
530              packet = buf.toString();
531          }
532          sqw.setLevel(6);
533          sqw.write(packet);
534      }
535  }