002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 * 
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 * 
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
019// Contibutors: "Luke Blanshard" <Luke@quiq.com>
020//              "Mark DONSZELMANN" <Mark.Donszelmann@cern.ch>
021//               Anders Kristensen <akristensen@dynamicsoft.com>
023package org.apache.log4j;
025import java.io.FileInputStream;
026import java.io.IOException;
027import java.io.InputStream;
028import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
029import java.net.URLConnection;
030import java.util.Enumeration;
031import java.util.Hashtable;
032import java.util.Properties;
033import java.util.StringTokenizer;
034import java.util.Vector;
035import java.util.Iterator;
036import java.util.Map;
038import org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter;
039import org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog;
040import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog;
041import org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter;
042import org.apache.log4j.or.RendererMap;
043import org.apache.log4j.spi.Configurator;
044import org.apache.log4j.spi.Filter;
045import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory;
046import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository;
047import org.apache.log4j.spi.OptionHandler;
048import org.apache.log4j.spi.RendererSupport;
049import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableRenderer;
050import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableRendererSupport;
051import org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler;
054   Allows the configuration of log4j from an external file.  See
055   <b>{@link #doConfigure(String, LoggerRepository)}</b> for the
056   expected format.
058   <p>It is sometimes useful to see how log4j is reading configuration
059   files. You can enable log4j internal logging by defining the
060   <b>log4j.debug</b> variable.
062   <P>As of log4j version 0.8.5, at class initialization time class,
063   the file <b>log4j.properties</b> will be searched from the search
064   path used to load classes. If the file can be found, then it will
065   be fed to the {@link PropertyConfigurator#configure(java.net.URL)}
066   method.
068   <p>The <code>PropertyConfigurator</code> does not handle the
069   advanced configuration features supported by the {@link
070   org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator DOMConfigurator} such as
071   support custom {@link org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler ErrorHandlers},
072   nested appenders such as the {@link org.apache.log4j.AsyncAppender
073   AsyncAppender}, etc.
075   <p>All option <em>values</em> admit variable substitution. The
076   syntax of variable substitution is similar to that of Unix
077   shells. The string between an opening <b>&quot;${&quot;</b> and
078   closing <b>&quot;}&quot;</b> is interpreted as a key. The value of
079   the substituted variable can be defined as a system property or in
080   the configuration file itself. The value of the key is first
081   searched in the system properties, and if not found there, it is
082   then searched in the configuration file being parsed.  The
083   corresponding value replaces the ${variableName} sequence. For
084   example, if <code>java.home</code> system property is set to
085   <code>/home/xyz</code>, then every occurrence of the sequence
086   <code>${java.home}</code> will be interpreted as
087   <code>/home/xyz</code>.
090   @author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
091   @author Anders Kristensen
092   @since 0.8.1 */
093public class PropertyConfigurator implements Configurator {
095  /**
096     Used internally to keep track of configured appenders.
097   */
098  protected Hashtable registry = new Hashtable(11);  
099  private LoggerRepository repository;
100  protected LoggerFactory loggerFactory = new DefaultCategoryFactory();
102  static final String      CATEGORY_PREFIX = "log4j.category.";
103  static final String      LOGGER_PREFIX   = "log4j.logger.";
104  static final String       FACTORY_PREFIX = "log4j.factory";
105  static final String    ADDITIVITY_PREFIX = "log4j.additivity.";
106  static final String ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX = "log4j.rootCategory";
107  static final String ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX   = "log4j.rootLogger";
108  static final String      APPENDER_PREFIX = "log4j.appender.";
109  static final String      RENDERER_PREFIX = "log4j.renderer.";
110  static final String      THRESHOLD_PREFIX = "log4j.threshold";
111  private static final String      THROWABLE_RENDERER_PREFIX = "log4j.throwableRenderer";
112  private static final String LOGGER_REF        = "logger-ref";
113  private static final String ROOT_REF          = "root-ref";
114  private static final String APPENDER_REF_TAG  = "appender-ref";  
117  /** Key for specifying the {@link org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory
118      LoggerFactory}.  Currently set to "<code>log4j.loggerFactory</code>".  */
119  public static final String LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY = "log4j.loggerFactory";
121    /**
122     * If property set to true, then hierarchy will be reset before configuration.
123     */
124  private static final String RESET_KEY = "log4j.reset";
126  static final private String INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME = "root";
128  /**
129    Read configuration from a file. <b>The existing configuration is
130    not cleared nor reset.</b> If you require a different behavior,
131    then call {@link  LogManager#resetConfiguration
132    resetConfiguration} method before calling
133    <code>doConfigure</code>.
135    <p>The configuration file consists of statements in the format
136    <code>key=value</code>. The syntax of different configuration
137    elements are discussed below.
139    <h3>Repository-wide threshold</h3>
141    <p>The repository-wide threshold filters logging requests by level
142    regardless of logger. The syntax is:
144    <pre>
145    log4j.threshold=[level]
146    </pre>
148    <p>The level value can consist of the string values OFF, FATAL,
149    ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL or a <em>custom level</em> value. A
150    custom level value can be specified in the form
151    level#classname. By default the repository-wide threshold is set
152    to the lowest possible value, namely the level <code>ALL</code>.
153    </p>
156    <h3>Appender configuration</h3>
158    <p>Appender configuration syntax is:
159    <pre>
160    # For appender named <i>appenderName</i>, set its class.
161    # Note: The appender name can contain dots.
162    log4j.appender.appenderName=fully.qualified.name.of.appender.class
164    # Set appender specific options.
165    log4j.appender.appenderName.option1=value1
166    ...
167    log4j.appender.appenderName.optionN=valueN
168    </pre>
170    For each named appender you can configure its {@link Layout}. The
171    syntax for configuring an appender's layout is:
172    <pre>
173    log4j.appender.appenderName.layout=fully.qualified.name.of.layout.class
174    log4j.appender.appenderName.layout.option1=value1
175    ....
176    log4j.appender.appenderName.layout.optionN=valueN
177    </pre>
179    The syntax for adding {@link Filter}s to an appender is:
180    <pre>
181    log4j.appender.appenderName.filter.ID=fully.qualified.name.of.filter.class
182    log4j.appender.appenderName.filter.ID.option1=value1
183    ...
184    log4j.appender.appenderName.filter.ID.optionN=valueN
185    </pre>
186    The first line defines the class name of the filter identified by ID;
187    subsequent lines with the same ID specify filter option - value
188    paris. Multiple filters are added to the appender in the lexicographic
189    order of IDs.
191    The syntax for adding an {@link ErrorHandler} to an appender is:
192    <pre>
193    log4j.appender.appenderName.errorhandler=fully.qualified.name.of.filter.class
194    log4j.appender.appenderName.errorhandler.root-ref={true|false}
195    log4j.appender.appenderName.errorhandler.logger-ref=loggerName
196    log4j.appender.appenderName.errorhandler.appender-ref=appenderName
197    log4j.appender.appenderName.errorhandler.option1=value1
198    ...
199    log4j.appender.appenderName.errorhandler.optionN=valueN
200    </pre>
202    <h3>Configuring loggers</h3>
204    <p>The syntax for configuring the root logger is:
205    <pre>
206      log4j.rootLogger=[level], appenderName, appenderName, ...
207    </pre>
209    <p>This syntax means that an optional <em>level</em> can be
210    supplied followed by appender names separated by commas.
212    <p>The level value can consist of the string values OFF, FATAL,
213    ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL or a <em>custom level</em> value. A
214    custom level value can be specified in the form
215    <code>level#classname</code>.
217    <p>If a level value is specified, then the root level is set
218    to the corresponding level.  If no level value is specified,
219    then the root level remains untouched.
221    <p>The root logger can be assigned multiple appenders.
223    <p>Each <i>appenderName</i> (separated by commas) will be added to
224    the root logger. The named appender is defined using the
225    appender syntax defined above.
227    <p>For non-root categories the syntax is almost the same:
228    <pre>
229    log4j.logger.logger_name=[level|INHERITED|NULL], appenderName, appenderName, ...
230    </pre>
232    <p>The meaning of the optional level value is discussed above
233    in relation to the root logger. In addition however, the value
234    INHERITED can be specified meaning that the named logger should
235    inherit its level from the logger hierarchy.
237    <p>If no level value is supplied, then the level of the
238    named logger remains untouched.
240    <p>By default categories inherit their level from the
241    hierarchy. However, if you set the level of a logger and later
242    decide that that logger should inherit its level, then you should
243    specify INHERITED as the value for the level value. NULL is a
244    synonym for INHERITED.
246    <p>Similar to the root logger syntax, each <i>appenderName</i>
247    (separated by commas) will be attached to the named logger.
249    <p>See the <a href="../../../../manual.html#additivity">appender
250    additivity rule</a> in the user manual for the meaning of the
251    <code>additivity</code> flag.
253    <h3>ObjectRenderers</h3>
255    You can customize the way message objects of a given type are
256    converted to String before being logged. This is done by
257    specifying an {@link org.apache.log4j.or.ObjectRenderer ObjectRenderer}
258    for the object type would like to customize.
260    <p>The syntax is:
262    <pre>
263    log4j.renderer.fully.qualified.name.of.rendered.class=fully.qualified.name.of.rendering.class
264    </pre>
266    As in,
267    <pre>
268    log4j.renderer.my.Fruit=my.FruitRenderer
269    </pre>
271   <h3>ThrowableRenderer</h3>
273   You can customize the way an instance of Throwable is
274   converted to String before being logged. This is done by
275   specifying an {@link org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableRenderer ThrowableRenderer}.
277   <p>The syntax is:
279   <pre>
280   log4j.throwableRenderer=fully.qualified.name.of.rendering.class
281   log4j.throwableRenderer.paramName=paramValue
282   </pre>
284   As in,
285   <pre>
286   log4j.throwableRenderer=org.apache.log4j.EnhancedThrowableRenderer
287   </pre>
289    <h3>Logger Factories</h3>
291    The usage of custom logger factories is discouraged and no longer
292    documented.
294    <h3>Resetting Hierarchy</h3>
296    The hierarchy will be reset before configuration when
297    log4j.reset=true is present in the properties file.
299    <h3>Example</h3>
301    <p>An example configuration is given below. Other configuration
302    file examples are given in the <code>examples</code> folder.
304    <pre>
306    # Set options for appender named "A1".
307    # Appender "A1" will be a SyslogAppender
308    log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.net.SyslogAppender
310    # The syslog daemon resides on www.abc.net
311    log4j.appender.A1.SyslogHost=www.abc.net
313    # A1's layout is a PatternLayout, using the conversion pattern
314    # <b>%r %-5p %c{2} %M.%L %x - %m\n</b>. Thus, the log output will
315    # include # the relative time since the start of the application in
316    # milliseconds, followed by the level of the log request,
317    # followed by the two rightmost components of the logger name,
318    # followed by the callers method name, followed by the line number,
319    # the nested disgnostic context and finally the message itself.
320    # Refer to the documentation of {@link PatternLayout} for further information
321    # on the syntax of the ConversionPattern key.
322    log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
323    log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p %c{2} %M.%L %x - %m\n
325    # Set options for appender named "A2"
326    # A2 should be a RollingFileAppender, with maximum file size of 10 MB
327    # using at most one backup file. A2's layout is TTCC, using the
328    # ISO8061 date format with context printing enabled.
329    log4j.appender.A2=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
330    log4j.appender.A2.MaxFileSize=10MB
331    log4j.appender.A2.MaxBackupIndex=1
332    log4j.appender.A2.layout=org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout
333    log4j.appender.A2.layout.ContextPrinting=enabled
334    log4j.appender.A2.layout.DateFormat=ISO8601
336    # Root logger set to DEBUG using the A2 appender defined above.
337    log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A2
339    # Logger definitions:
340    # The SECURITY logger inherits is level from root. However, it's output
341    # will go to A1 appender defined above. It's additivity is non-cumulative.
342    log4j.logger.SECURITY=INHERIT, A1
343    log4j.additivity.SECURITY=false
345    # Only warnings or above will be logged for the logger "SECURITY.access".
346    # Output will go to A1.
347    log4j.logger.SECURITY.access=WARN
350    # The logger "class.of.the.day" inherits its level from the
351    # logger hierarchy.  Output will go to the appender's of the root
352    # logger, A2 in this case.
353    log4j.logger.class.of.the.day=INHERIT
354    </pre>
356    <p>Refer to the <b>setOption</b> method in each Appender and
357    Layout for class specific options.
359    <p>Use the <code>#</code> or <code>!</code> characters at the
360    beginning of a line for comments.
362   <p>
363   @param configFileName The name of the configuration file where the
364   configuration information is stored.
366  */
367  public
368  void doConfigure(String configFileName, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
369    Properties props = new Properties();
370    FileInputStream istream = null;
371    try {
372      istream = new FileInputStream(configFileName);
373      props.load(istream);
374      istream.close();
375    }
376    catch (Exception e) {
377      if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException || e instanceof InterruptedException) {
378          Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
379      }
380      LogLog.error("Could not read configuration file ["+configFileName+"].", e);
381      LogLog.error("Ignoring configuration file [" + configFileName+"].");
382      return;
383    } finally {
384        if(istream != null) {
385            try {
386                istream.close();
387            } catch(InterruptedIOException ignore) {
388                Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
389            } catch(Throwable ignore) {
390            }
392        }
393    }
394    // If we reach here, then the config file is alright.
395    doConfigure(props, hierarchy);
396  }
398  /**
399   */
400  static
401  public
402  void configure(String configFilename) {
403    new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(configFilename,
404                                           LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
405  }
407  /**
408  Read configuration options from url <code>configURL</code>.
410  @since 0.8.2
414void configure(java.net.URL configURL) {
415 new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(configURL,
416                    LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
420Reads configuration options from an InputStream.
422@since 1.2.17
426void configure(InputStream inputStream) {
427new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(inputStream,
428                  LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
432  /**
433     Read configuration options from <code>properties</code>.
435     See {@link #doConfigure(String, LoggerRepository)} for the expected format.
436  */
437  static
438  public
439  void configure(Properties properties) {
440    new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(properties,
441                                           LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
442  }
444  /**
445     Like {@link #configureAndWatch(String, long)} except that the
446     default delay as defined by {@link FileWatchdog#DEFAULT_DELAY} is
447     used.
449     @param configFilename A file in key=value format.
451  */
452  static
453  public
454  void configureAndWatch(String configFilename) {
455    configureAndWatch(configFilename, FileWatchdog.DEFAULT_DELAY);
456  }
459  /**
460     Read the configuration file <code>configFilename</code> if it
461     exists. Moreover, a thread will be created that will periodically
462     check if <code>configFilename</code> has been created or
463     modified. The period is determined by the <code>delay</code>
464     argument. If a change or file creation is detected, then
465     <code>configFilename</code> is read to configure log4j.
467      @param configFilename A file in key=value format.
468      @param delay The delay in milliseconds to wait between each check.
469  */
470  static
471  public
472  void configureAndWatch(String configFilename, long delay) {
473    PropertyWatchdog pdog = new PropertyWatchdog(configFilename);
474    pdog.setDelay(delay);
475    pdog.start();
476  }
479  /**
480     Read configuration options from <code>properties</code>.
482     See {@link #doConfigure(String, LoggerRepository)} for the expected format.
483  */
484  public
485  void doConfigure(Properties properties, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
486        repository = hierarchy;
487    String value = properties.getProperty(LogLog.DEBUG_KEY);
488    if(value == null) {
489      value = properties.getProperty("log4j.configDebug");
490      if(value != null)
491        LogLog.warn("[log4j.configDebug] is deprecated. Use [log4j.debug] instead.");
492    }
494    if(value != null) {
495      LogLog.setInternalDebugging(OptionConverter.toBoolean(value, true));
496    }
498      //
499      //   if log4j.reset=true then
500      //        reset hierarchy
501    String reset = properties.getProperty(RESET_KEY);
502    if (reset != null && OptionConverter.toBoolean(reset, false)) {
503          hierarchy.resetConfiguration();
504    }
506    String thresholdStr = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(THRESHOLD_PREFIX,
507                                                       properties);
508    if(thresholdStr != null) {
509      hierarchy.setThreshold(OptionConverter.toLevel(thresholdStr,
510                                                     (Level) Level.ALL));
511      LogLog.debug("Hierarchy threshold set to ["+hierarchy.getThreshold()+"].");
512    }
514    configureRootCategory(properties, hierarchy);
515    configureLoggerFactory(properties);
516    parseCatsAndRenderers(properties, hierarchy);
518    LogLog.debug("Finished configuring.");
519    // We don't want to hold references to appenders preventing their
520    // garbage collection.
521    registry.clear();
522  }
524    /**
525     * Read configuration options from url <code>configURL</code>.
526     * 
527     * @since 1.2.17
528     */
529    public void doConfigure(InputStream inputStream, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
530        Properties props = new Properties();
531        try {
532            props.load(inputStream);
533        } catch (IOException e) {
534            if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) {
535                Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
536            }
537            LogLog.error("Could not read configuration file from InputStream [" + inputStream
538                 + "].", e);
539            LogLog.error("Ignoring configuration InputStream [" + inputStream +"].");
540            return;
541          }
542        this.doConfigure(props, hierarchy);
543    }
545  /**
546     Read configuration options from url <code>configURL</code>.
547   */
548  public
549  void doConfigure(java.net.URL configURL, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
550    Properties props = new Properties();
551    LogLog.debug("Reading configuration from URL " + configURL);
552    InputStream istream = null;
553    URLConnection uConn = null;
554    try {
555      uConn = configURL.openConnection();
556      uConn.setUseCaches(false);
557      istream = uConn.getInputStream();
558      props.load(istream);
559    }
560    catch (Exception e) {
561      if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException || e instanceof InterruptedException) {
562          Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
563      }
564      LogLog.error("Could not read configuration file from URL [" + configURL
565                   + "].", e);
566      LogLog.error("Ignoring configuration file [" + configURL +"].");
567      return;
568    }
569    finally {
570        if (istream != null) {
571            try {
572                istream.close();
573            } catch(InterruptedIOException ignore) {
574                Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
575            } catch(IOException ignore) {
576            } catch(RuntimeException ignore) {
577            }
578        }
579    }
580    doConfigure(props, hierarchy);
581  }
584  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
585  // Internal stuff
586  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
588  /**
589     Check the provided <code>Properties</code> object for a
590     {@link org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory LoggerFactory}
591     entry specified by {@link #LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY}.  If such an entry
592     exists, an attempt is made to create an instance using the default
593     constructor.  This instance is used for subsequent Category creations
594     within this configurator.
596     @see #parseCatsAndRenderers
597   */
598  protected void configureLoggerFactory(Properties props) {
599    String factoryClassName = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY,
600                                                           props);
601    if(factoryClassName != null) {
602      LogLog.debug("Setting category factory to ["+factoryClassName+"].");
603      loggerFactory = (LoggerFactory)
604                  OptionConverter.instantiateByClassName(factoryClassName,
605                                                         LoggerFactory.class,
606                                                         loggerFactory);
607      PropertySetter.setProperties(loggerFactory, props, FACTORY_PREFIX + ".");
608    }
609  }
611  /*
612  void configureOptionHandler(OptionHandler oh, String prefix,
613                              Properties props) {
614    String[] options = oh.getOptionStrings();
615    if(options == null)
616      return;
618    String value;
619    for(int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
620      value =  OptionConverter.findAndSubst(prefix + options[i], props);
621      LogLog.debug(
622         "Option " + options[i] + "=[" + (value == null? "N/A" : value)+"].");
623      // Some option handlers assume that null value are not passed to them.
624      // So don't remove this check
625      if(value != null) {
626        oh.setOption(options[i], value);
627      }
628    }
629    oh.activateOptions();
630  }
631  */
634  void configureRootCategory(Properties props, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
635    String effectiveFrefix = ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX;
636    String value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX, props);
638    if(value == null) {
639      value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX, props);
640      effectiveFrefix = ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX;
641    }
643    if(value == null)
644      LogLog.debug("Could not find root logger information. Is this OK?");
645    else {
646      Logger root = hierarchy.getRootLogger();
647      synchronized(root) {
648        parseCategory(props, root, effectiveFrefix, INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME, value);
649      }
650    }
651  }
654  /**
655     Parse non-root elements, such non-root categories and renderers.
656  */
657  protected
658  void parseCatsAndRenderers(Properties props, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
659    Enumeration enumeration = props.propertyNames();
660    while(enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
661      String key = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
662      if(key.startsWith(CATEGORY_PREFIX) || key.startsWith(LOGGER_PREFIX)) {
663        String loggerName = null;
664        if(key.startsWith(CATEGORY_PREFIX)) {
665          loggerName = key.substring(CATEGORY_PREFIX.length());
666        } else if(key.startsWith(LOGGER_PREFIX)) {
667          loggerName = key.substring(LOGGER_PREFIX.length());
668        }
669        String value =  OptionConverter.findAndSubst(key, props);
670        Logger logger = hierarchy.getLogger(loggerName, loggerFactory);
671        synchronized(logger) {
672          parseCategory(props, logger, key, loggerName, value);
673          parseAdditivityForLogger(props, logger, loggerName);
674        }
675      } else if(key.startsWith(RENDERER_PREFIX)) {
676        String renderedClass = key.substring(RENDERER_PREFIX.length());
677        String renderingClass = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(key, props);
678        if(hierarchy instanceof RendererSupport) {
679          RendererMap.addRenderer((RendererSupport) hierarchy, renderedClass,
680                                  renderingClass);
681        }
682      } else if (key.equals(THROWABLE_RENDERER_PREFIX)) {
683          if (hierarchy instanceof ThrowableRendererSupport) {
684            ThrowableRenderer tr = (ThrowableRenderer)
685                  OptionConverter.instantiateByKey(props,
686                          THROWABLE_RENDERER_PREFIX,
687                          org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableRenderer.class,
688                          null);
689            if(tr == null) {
690                LogLog.error(
691                    "Could not instantiate throwableRenderer.");
692            } else {
693                PropertySetter setter = new PropertySetter(tr);
694                setter.setProperties(props, THROWABLE_RENDERER_PREFIX + ".");
695                ((ThrowableRendererSupport) hierarchy).setThrowableRenderer(tr);
697            }
698          }
699      }
700    }
701  }
703  /**
704     Parse the additivity option for a non-root category.
705   */
706  void parseAdditivityForLogger(Properties props, Logger cat,
707                                  String loggerName) {
708    String value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ADDITIVITY_PREFIX + loggerName,
709                                             props);
710    LogLog.debug("Handling "+ADDITIVITY_PREFIX + loggerName+"=["+value+"]");
711    // touch additivity only if necessary
712    if((value != null) && (!value.equals(""))) {
713      boolean additivity = OptionConverter.toBoolean(value, true);
714      LogLog.debug("Setting additivity for \""+loggerName+"\" to "+
715                   additivity);
716      cat.setAdditivity(additivity);
717    }
718  }
720  /**
721     This method must work for the root category as well.
722   */
723  void parseCategory(Properties props, Logger logger, String optionKey,
724                     String loggerName, String value) {
726    LogLog.debug("Parsing for [" +loggerName +"] with value=[" + value+"].");
727    // We must skip over ',' but not white space
728    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
730    // If value is not in the form ", appender.." or "", then we should set
731    // the level of the loggeregory.
733    if(!(value.startsWith(",") || value.equals(""))) {
735      // just to be on the safe side...
736      if(!st.hasMoreTokens())
737        return;
739      String levelStr = st.nextToken();
740      LogLog.debug("Level token is [" + levelStr + "].");
742      // If the level value is inherited, set category level value to
743      // null. We also check that the user has not specified inherited for the
744      // root category.
745      if(INHERITED.equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr) || 
746                                          NULL.equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) {
747        if(loggerName.equals(INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME)) {
748          LogLog.warn("The root logger cannot be set to null.");
749        } else {
750          logger.setLevel(null);
751        }
752      } else {
753        logger.setLevel(OptionConverter.toLevel(levelStr, (Level) Level.DEBUG));
754      }
755      LogLog.debug("Category " + loggerName + " set to " + logger.getLevel());
756    }
758    // Begin by removing all existing appenders.
759    logger.removeAllAppenders();
761    Appender appender;
762    String appenderName;
763    while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
764      appenderName = st.nextToken().trim();
765      if(appenderName == null || appenderName.equals(","))
766        continue;
767      LogLog.debug("Parsing appender named \"" + appenderName +"\".");
768      appender = parseAppender(props, appenderName);
769      if(appender != null) {
770        logger.addAppender(appender);
771      }
772    }
773  }
775  Appender parseAppender(Properties props, String appenderName) {
776    Appender appender = registryGet(appenderName);
777    if((appender != null)) {
778      LogLog.debug("Appender \"" + appenderName + "\" was already parsed.");
779      return appender;
780    }
781    // Appender was not previously initialized.
782    String prefix = APPENDER_PREFIX + appenderName;
783    String layoutPrefix = prefix + ".layout";
785    appender = (Appender) OptionConverter.instantiateByKey(props, prefix,
786                                              org.apache.log4j.Appender.class,
787                                              null);
788    if(appender == null) {
789      LogLog.error(
790              "Could not instantiate appender named \"" + appenderName+"\".");
791      return null;
792    }
793    appender.setName(appenderName);
795    if(appender instanceof OptionHandler) {
796      if(appender.requiresLayout()) {
797        Layout layout = (Layout) OptionConverter.instantiateByKey(props,
798                                                                  layoutPrefix,
799                                                                  Layout.class,
800                                                                  null);
801        if(layout != null) {
802          appender.setLayout(layout);
803          LogLog.debug("Parsing layout options for \"" + appenderName +"\".");
804          //configureOptionHandler(layout, layoutPrefix + ".", props);
805          PropertySetter.setProperties(layout, props, layoutPrefix + ".");
806          LogLog.debug("End of parsing for \"" + appenderName +"\".");
807        }
808      }
809      final String errorHandlerPrefix = prefix + ".errorhandler";
810      String errorHandlerClass = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(errorHandlerPrefix, props);
811      if (errorHandlerClass != null) {
812                ErrorHandler eh = (ErrorHandler) OptionConverter.instantiateByKey(props,
813                                          errorHandlerPrefix,
814                                          ErrorHandler.class,
815                                          null);
816                if (eh != null) {
817                          appender.setErrorHandler(eh);
818                          LogLog.debug("Parsing errorhandler options for \"" + appenderName +"\".");
819                          parseErrorHandler(eh, errorHandlerPrefix, props, repository);
820                          final Properties edited = new Properties();
821                          final String[] keys = new String[] { 
822                                          errorHandlerPrefix + "." + ROOT_REF,
823                                          errorHandlerPrefix + "." + LOGGER_REF,
824                                          errorHandlerPrefix + "." + APPENDER_REF_TAG
825                          };
826                          for(Iterator iter = props.entrySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
827                                  Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
828                                  int i = 0;
829                                  for(; i < keys.length; i++) {
830                                          if(keys[i].equals(entry.getKey())) break;
831                                  }
832                                  if (i == keys.length) {
833                                          edited.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
834                                  }
835                          }
836                      PropertySetter.setProperties(eh, edited, errorHandlerPrefix + ".");
837                          LogLog.debug("End of errorhandler parsing for \"" + appenderName +"\".");
838                }
840      }
841      //configureOptionHandler((OptionHandler) appender, prefix + ".", props);
842      PropertySetter.setProperties(appender, props, prefix + ".");
843      LogLog.debug("Parsed \"" + appenderName +"\" options.");
844    }
845    parseAppenderFilters(props, appenderName, appender);
846    registryPut(appender);
847    return appender;
848  }
850  private void parseErrorHandler(
851                  final ErrorHandler eh,
852                  final String errorHandlerPrefix,
853                  final Properties props, 
854                  final LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
855                boolean rootRef = OptionConverter.toBoolean(
856                                          OptionConverter.findAndSubst(errorHandlerPrefix + ROOT_REF, props), false);
857                if (rootRef) {
858                                  eh.setLogger(hierarchy.getRootLogger());
859            }
860                String loggerName = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(errorHandlerPrefix + LOGGER_REF , props);
861                if (loggerName != null) {
862                        Logger logger = (loggerFactory == null) ? hierarchy.getLogger(loggerName)
863                                        : hierarchy.getLogger(loggerName, loggerFactory);
864                        eh.setLogger(logger);
865                }
866                String appenderName = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(errorHandlerPrefix + APPENDER_REF_TAG, props);
867                if (appenderName != null) {
868                        Appender backup = parseAppender(props, appenderName);
869                        if (backup != null) {
870                                eh.setBackupAppender(backup);
871                        }
872                }
873  }
876  void parseAppenderFilters(Properties props, String appenderName, Appender appender) {
877    // extract filters and filter options from props into a hashtable mapping
878    // the property name defining the filter class to a list of pre-parsed
879    // name-value pairs associated to that filter
880    final String filterPrefix = APPENDER_PREFIX + appenderName + ".filter.";
881    int fIdx = filterPrefix.length();
882    Hashtable filters = new Hashtable();
883    Enumeration e = props.keys();
884    String name = "";
885    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
886      String key = (String) e.nextElement();
887      if (key.startsWith(filterPrefix)) {
888        int dotIdx = key.indexOf('.', fIdx);
889        String filterKey = key;
890        if (dotIdx != -1) {
891          filterKey = key.substring(0, dotIdx);
892          name = key.substring(dotIdx+1);
893        }
894        Vector filterOpts = (Vector) filters.get(filterKey);
895        if (filterOpts == null) {
896          filterOpts = new Vector();
897          filters.put(filterKey, filterOpts);
898        }
899        if (dotIdx != -1) {
900          String value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(key, props);
901          filterOpts.add(new NameValue(name, value));
902        }
903      }
904    }
906    // sort filters by IDs, insantiate filters, set filter options,
907    // add filters to the appender
908    Enumeration g = new SortedKeyEnumeration(filters);
909    while (g.hasMoreElements()) {
910      String key = (String) g.nextElement();
911      String clazz = props.getProperty(key);
912      if (clazz != null) {
913        LogLog.debug("Filter key: ["+key+"] class: ["+props.getProperty(key) +"] props: "+filters.get(key));
914        Filter filter = (Filter) OptionConverter.instantiateByClassName(clazz, Filter.class, null);
915        if (filter != null) {
916          PropertySetter propSetter = new PropertySetter(filter);
917          Vector v = (Vector)filters.get(key);
918          Enumeration filterProps = v.elements();
919          while (filterProps.hasMoreElements()) {
920            NameValue kv = (NameValue)filterProps.nextElement();
921            propSetter.setProperty(kv.key, kv.value);
922          }
923          propSetter.activate();
924          LogLog.debug("Adding filter of type ["+filter.getClass()
925           +"] to appender named ["+appender.getName()+"].");
926          appender.addFilter(filter);
927        }
928      } else {
929        LogLog.warn("Missing class definition for filter: ["+key+"]");
930      }
931    }
932  }
935  void  registryPut(Appender appender) {
936    registry.put(appender.getName(), appender);
937  }
939  Appender registryGet(String name) {
940    return (Appender) registry.get(name);
941  }
944class PropertyWatchdog extends FileWatchdog {
946  PropertyWatchdog(String filename) {
947    super(filename);
948  }
950  /**
951     Call {@link PropertyConfigurator#configure(String)} with the
952     <code>filename</code> to reconfigure log4j. */
953  public
954  void doOnChange() {
955    new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(filename,
956                                           LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
957  }
960class NameValue {
961  String key, value;
962  public NameValue(String key, String value) {
963    this.key = key;
964    this.value = value;
965  }
966  public String toString() {
967    return key + "=" + value;
968  }
971class SortedKeyEnumeration implements Enumeration {
973  private Enumeration e;
975  public SortedKeyEnumeration(Hashtable ht) {
976    Enumeration f = ht.keys();
977    Vector keys = new Vector(ht.size());
978    for (int i, last = 0; f.hasMoreElements(); ++last) {
979      String key = (String) f.nextElement();
980      for (i = 0; i < last; ++i) {
981        String s = (String) keys.get(i);
982        if (key.compareTo(s) <= 0) break;
983      }
984      keys.add(i, key);
985    }
986    e = keys.elements();
987  }
989  public boolean hasMoreElements() {
990    return e.hasMoreElements();
991  }
993  public Object nextElement() {
994    return e.nextElement();
995  }