002 * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
003 * 
004 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
005 * redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL 
007 */
008package com.sun.speech.freetts.audio;
010import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
011import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
012import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
013import javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl;
014import javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent;
015import javax.sound.sampled.LineListener;
016import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
017import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
019import com.sun.speech.freetts.util.BulkTimer;
020import com.sun.speech.freetts.util.Timer;
021import com.sun.speech.freetts.util.Utilities;
024 * Streams audio to java audio. This class provides a low latency
025 * method of sending audio output through the javax.sound audio API.
026 * Audio data is sent in small sets to the audio system allowing it to
027 * be played soon after it is generated.
028 *
029 *  Unfortunately, the current release of the JDK (JDK 1.4 beta 2) has 
030 *  a bug or two in
031 *  the implementation of 'SourceDataLine.drain'.  A workaround solution that
032 *  sleep/waits on SourceDataLine.isActive is used here instead.  To
033 *  disable the work around (i.e use the real 'drain') set the
034 *  property:
035 * <p>
036 * <code>
037 *   com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.drainWorksProperly;
038 * </code>
039 * to <code>true</code>.
040 *
041 * If the workaround is enabled, the line.isActive method will be
042 * performed periodically. The period of the test can be controlled
043 * with:
044 *
045 * <p>
046 * <code>
047 *   com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.drainDelay"
048 * </code>
049 *
050 * <p>
051 * The default if 5ms.
052 *
053 * <p>
054 * The property 
055 * <code>
056 *   com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.bufferSize"
057 * </code>
058 *
059 * <p>
060 * Controls the audio buffer size, it defaults to 8192
061 *
062 * <p>
063 * Even with this drain work around, there are some issues with this
064 * class. The workaround drain is not completely reliable.
065 * A <code>resume</code> following a <code>pause</code> does not
066 * always continue at the proper position in the audio. On a rare
067 * occasion, sound output will be repeated a number of times. This may
068 * be related to bug 4421330 in the Bug Parade database.
069 *
070 *
071 */
072public class JavaStreamingAudioPlayer implements AudioPlayer {
074    private volatile boolean paused;
075    private volatile boolean done = false;
076    private volatile boolean cancelled = false;
078    private SourceDataLine line;
079    private float volume = 1.0f;  // the current volume
080    private long timeOffset = 0L;
081    private BulkTimer timer = new BulkTimer();
083    // default format is 8khz
084    private AudioFormat defaultFormat = 
085                new AudioFormat(8000f, 16, 1, true, true);
086    private AudioFormat currentFormat = defaultFormat;
088    private boolean debug = false;
089    private boolean audioMetrics = false;
090    private boolean firstSample = true;
092    private long cancelDelay;
093    private long drainDelay;
094    private long openFailDelayMs;
095    private long totalOpenFailDelayMs;
097    private Object openLock = new Object();
098    private Object lineLock = new Object();
101    /**
102     * controls the buffering to java audio
103     */
104    private final static int AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE = Utilities.getInteger(
105     "com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.bufferSize", 8192).intValue();
107    /**
108     * controls the number of bytes of audio to write to the buffer
109     * for each call to write()
110     */
111    private final static int BYTES_PER_WRITE = Utilities.getInteger
112        ("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.bytesPerWrite", 160).intValue();
115    /**
116     * Constructs a default JavaStreamingAudioPlayer 
117     */
118    public JavaStreamingAudioPlayer() {
119        debug = Utilities.getBoolean
120            ("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.debug");
121        cancelDelay = Utilities.getLong
122            ("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.cancelDelay",
123             0L).longValue();
124        drainDelay = Utilities.getLong
125            ("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.drainDelay",
126             150L).longValue();
127        openFailDelayMs = Utilities.getLong
128            ("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.openFailDelayMs",
129             0L).longValue();
130        totalOpenFailDelayMs = Utilities.getLong
131            ("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.totalOpenFailDelayMs",
132             0L).longValue();
133        audioMetrics = Utilities.getBoolean
134            ("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.showAudioMetrics");
136        line = null;
137        setPaused(false);
138    }
140    /**
141     * Sets the audio format for this player
142     *
143     * @param format the audio format
144     *
145     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the line cannot be opened with
146     *     the given format
147     */
148    public synchronized void setAudioFormat(AudioFormat format) {
149        currentFormat = format;
150        debugPrint("AF changed to " + format);
151    }
154    /**
155     * Gets the audio format for this player
156     *
157     * @return format the audio format
158     */
159    public AudioFormat getAudioFormat() {
160        return currentFormat;
161    }
163    /**
164     * Starts the first sample timer
165     */
166    public void startFirstSampleTimer() {
167        timer.start("firstAudio");
168        firstSample = true;
169    }
172    /**
173     * Opens the audio
174     *
175     * @param format the format for the audio
176     *
177     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the line cannot be opened with
178     *     the given format
179     */
180    private synchronized void openLine(AudioFormat format) {
181        synchronized (lineLock) {
182            if (line != null) {
183                line.close();
184                line = null;
185            }
186        }
187        DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
189        boolean opened = false;
190        long totalDelayMs = 0;
192        do {
193            try {
194                line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
195                line.addLineListener(new JavaStreamLineListener());
197                synchronized (openLock) {
198                    line.open(format, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE);
199                    try {
200                        openLock.wait();
201                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
202                        ie.printStackTrace();
203                    }
204                    opened = true;
205                }                
206            } catch (LineUnavailableException lue) {
207                System.err.println("LINE UNAVAILABLE: " +
208                                   "Format is " + currentFormat);
209                try {
210                    Thread.sleep(openFailDelayMs);
211                    totalDelayMs += openFailDelayMs;
212                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
213                    ie.printStackTrace();
214                }
215            }
216        } while (!opened && totalDelayMs < totalOpenFailDelayMs);
218        if (opened) {
219            setVolume(line, volume);
220            resetTime();
221            if (isPaused() && line.isRunning()) {
222                line.stop();
223            } else {
224                line.start();
225            }
226        } else {
227            if (line != null) {
228                line.close();
229            }
230            line = null;
231        }
232    }
235    /**
236     * Pauses audio output
237     */
238    public synchronized void pause() {
239        if (!isPaused()) {
240            setPaused(true);
241            if (line != null) {
242                line.stop();
243            }
244        }
245    }
247    /**
248     * Resumes audio output
249     */
250    public synchronized void resume() {
251        if (isPaused()) {
252            setPaused(false);
253            if (!isCancelled() && line != null) {
254                 line.start();
255                 notify();
256            }
257        }
258    }
261    /**
262     * Cancels currently playing audio.
263     */
265     // [[[ WORKAROUND TODO
266     // The "Thread.sleep(cancelDelay)" is added to fix a problem in the
267     // FreeTTSEmacspeak demo. The problem was that the engine would 
268     // stutter after using it for a while. Adding this sleep() fixed the
269     // problem. If we later find out that this problem no longer exists,
270     // we should remove the thread.sleep(). ]]]
271    public void cancel() {
272        debugPrint("cancelling...");
274        if (audioMetrics) {
275            timer.start("audioCancel");
276        }
278        if (cancelDelay > 0) {
279            try {
280                Thread.sleep(cancelDelay);
281            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
282                ie.printStackTrace();
283            }
284        }
286        synchronized (lineLock) {
287            if (line != null && line.isRunning()) {
288                line.stop();
289                line.flush();
290            }
291        }
293        /* sets 'cancelled' to false, which breaks the write while loop */
294        synchronized (this) {
295            cancelled = true;
296            notify();
297        }
299        if (audioMetrics) {
300            timer.stop("audioCancel");
301            Timer.showTimesShortTitle("");
302            timer.getTimer("audioCancel").showTimesShort(0);
303        }
305        debugPrint("...cancelled");
306    }
308    /**
309     * Prepares for another batch of output. Larger groups of output
310     * (such as all output associated with a single FreeTTSSpeakable)
311     * should be grouped between a reset/drain pair.
312     */
313    public synchronized void reset() {
314        timer.start("audioOut");
315        if (line != null) {
316            waitResume();
317            if (isCancelled() && !isDone()) {
318                cancelled = false;
319                line.start();
320            }
321        }
322    }
324    /**
325     * Closes this audio player
326     */
327    public synchronized void close() {
328        done = true;
329        if (line != null && line.isOpen()) {
330            line.close();
331            line = null;
332            notify();
333        }
334    }
337    /**
338     * Returns the current volume.
339     *
340     * @return the current volume (between 0 and 1)
341     */
342    public float getVolume() {
343        return volume;
344    }         
346    /**
347     * Sets the current volume.
348     *
349     * @param volume  the current volume (between 0 and 1)
350     */
351    public void setVolume(float volume) {
352        if (volume > 1.0f) {
353            volume = 1.0f;
354        }
355        if (volume < 0.0f) {
356            volume = 0.0f;
357        }
358        this.volume = volume;
359    }
361    /**
362     * Sets us in pause mode
363     *
364     * @param state true if we are paused
365     */
366    private void setPaused(boolean state) {
367        paused = state;
368    }
370    /**
371     * Returns true if we are in pause mode
372     *
373     * @return true if paused
374     */
375    private boolean isPaused() {
376        return paused;
377    }
379    /**
380     * Sets the volume on the given clip
381     *
382     * @param line the line to set the volume on
383     * @param vol the volume (range 0 to 1)
384     */
385    private void setVolume(SourceDataLine line, float vol) {
386        if (line != null &&
387            line.isControlSupported (FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN)) {
388            FloatControl volumeControl = 
389                (FloatControl) line.getControl (FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN);
390            float range = volumeControl.getMaximum() -
391                          volumeControl.getMinimum();
392            volumeControl.setValue(vol * range + volumeControl.getMinimum());
393        }
394    }
396    /**
397     * Starts the output of a set of data.
398     * For this JavaStreamingAudioPlayer, it actually opens the audio line.
399     * Since this is a streaming audio player, the <code>size</code>
400     * parameter has no meaning and effect at all, so any value can be used.
401     * Audio data for a single utterance should be grouped 
402     * between begin/end pairs.
403     *
404     * @param size supposedly the size of data between now and the end,
405     *    but since this is a streaming audio player, this parameter
406     *    has no meaning and effect at all
407     */
408    public void begin(int size) {
409        debugPrint("opening Stream...");
410        openLine(currentFormat);
411        reset();
412        debugPrint("...Stream opened");
413    }
415    /**
416     *  Marks the end of a set of data. Audio data for a single 
417     *  utterance should be groupd between begin/end pairs.
418     *
419     *  @return true if the audio was output properly, false if the
420     *      output was cancelled or interrupted.
421     *
422     */
423    public synchronized boolean end()  {
424        if (line != null) {
425            drain();
426            synchronized (lineLock) {
427                line.close();
428                line = null;
429            }
430            notify();
431            debugPrint("ended stream...");
432        }
433        return true;
434    }
436    /**
437     * Waits for all queued audio to be played
438     *
439     * @return true if the audio played to completion, false if
440     *   the audio was stopped
441     *
442     *  [[[ WORKAROUND TODO
443     *   The javax.sound.sampled drain is almost working properly.  On
444     *   linux, there is still a little bit of sound that needs to go
445     *   out, even after drain is called. Thus, the drainDelay. We
446     *   wait for a few hundred milliseconds while the data is really
447     *   drained out of the system
448     * ]]]
449     */
450    public boolean drain()  {
451        if (line != null) {
452            debugPrint("started draining...");
453            if (line.isOpen()) {
454                line.drain();
455                if (drainDelay > 0L) {
456                    try {
457                        Thread.sleep(drainDelay);
458                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
459                    }
460                }
461            }
462            debugPrint("...finished draining");
463        }
464        timer.stop("audioOut");
466        return !isCancelled();
467    }
469    /**
470     * Gets the amount of played since the last mark
471     *
472     * @return the amount of audio in milliseconds
473     */
474    public synchronized long getTime()  {
475        return (line.getMicrosecondPosition() - timeOffset) / 1000L;
476    }
479    /**
480     * Resets the audio clock
481     */
482    public synchronized void resetTime() {
483        timeOffset = line.getMicrosecondPosition();
484    }
488    /**
489     * Writes the given bytes to the audio stream
490     *
491     * @param audioData audio data to write to the device
492     *
493     * @return <code>true</code> of the write completed successfully, 
494     *          <code> false </code>if the write was cancelled.
495     */
496    public boolean write(byte[] audioData) {
497        return write(audioData, 0, audioData.length);
498    }
500    /**
501     * Writes the given bytes to the audio stream
502     *
503     * @param bytes audio data to write to the device
504     * @param offset the offset into the buffer
505     * @param size the size into the buffer
506     *
507     * @return <code>true</code> of the write completed successfully, 
508     *          <code> false </code>if the write was cancelled.
509     */
510    public boolean write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int size) {
511        if (line == null) {
512            return false;
513        }
515        int bytesRemaining = size;
516        int curIndex = offset;
518        if (firstSample) {
519            firstSample = false;
520            timer.stop("firstAudio");
521            if (audioMetrics) {
522                Timer.showTimesShortTitle("");
523                timer.getTimer("firstAudio").showTimesShort(0);
524            }
525        }
526        debugPrint(" au write " + bytesRemaining + 
527                   " pos " + line.getMicrosecondPosition() 
528                   + " avail " + line.available() + " bsz " +
529                   line.getBufferSize());
531        while  (bytesRemaining > 0 && !isCancelled()) {
533            if (!waitResume()) {
534                return false;
535            }
537            debugPrint("   queueing cur " + curIndex + " br " + bytesRemaining);
538            int bytesWritten;
540            synchronized (lineLock) {
541                bytesWritten = line.write
542                    (bytes, curIndex, 
543                     Math.min(BYTES_PER_WRITE, bytesRemaining));
545                if (bytesWritten != bytesRemaining) {
546                    debugPrint
547                        ("RETRY! bw" +bytesWritten + " br " + bytesRemaining);
548                }
549                // System.out.println("BytesWritten: " + bytesWritten);
550                curIndex += bytesWritten;
551                bytesRemaining -= bytesWritten;
552            }
554            debugPrint("   wrote " + " cur " + curIndex 
555                    + " br " + bytesRemaining
556                    + " bw " + bytesWritten);
558        }
559        return !isCancelled() && !isDone();
560    }
563    /**
564     * Waits for resume. If this audio player
565     * is paused waits for the player to be resumed.
566     * Returns if resumed, cancelled or shutdown.
567     *
568     * @return true if the output has been resumed, false if the
569     *     output has been cancelled or shutdown.
570     */
571    private synchronized boolean waitResume() {
572        while (isPaused() && !isCancelled() && !isDone()) {
573            try {
574                debugPrint("   paused waiting ");
575                wait();
576            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
577            }
578        }
580        return !isCancelled() && !isDone();
581    }
584    /**
585     * Returns the name of this audioplayer
586     *
587     * @return the name of the audio player
588     */
589    public String toString() {
590        return "JavaStreamingAudioPlayer";
591    }
594    /**
595     * Outputs a debug message if debugging is turned on
596     *
597     * @param msg the message to output
598     */
599    private void debugPrint(String msg) {
600        if (debug) {
601            System.out.println(toString() + ": " + msg);
602        }
603    }
605    /**
606     * Shows metrics for this audio player
607     */
608    public void showMetrics() {
609        timer.show("JavaStreamingAudioPlayer");
610    }
612    /**
613     * Determines if the output has been canceled. Access to the
614     * canceled variable should be within a synchronized block such
615     * as this to ensure that access is coherent.
616     *
617     * @return true if output has been canceled
618     */
619    private synchronized boolean isCancelled() {
620        return cancelled;
621    }
623    /**
624     * Determines if the output is done. Access to the
625     * done variable should be within a synchronized block such
626     * as this to ensure that access is coherent.
627     *
628     * @return true if output has completed
629     */
630    private synchronized boolean isDone() {
631        return done;
632    }
634    /**
635     * Provides a LineListener for this clas.
636     */
637    private class JavaStreamLineListener implements LineListener {
639        /**
640         * Implements update() method of LineListener interface. Responds
641         * to the line events as appropriate.
642         *
643         * @param event the LineEvent to handle
644         */
645        public void update(LineEvent event) {
646            if (event.getType().equals(LineEvent.Type.OPEN)) {
647                synchronized (openLock) {
648                    openLock.notifyAll();
649                }
650            }
651        }
652    }