002Copyright 2006 Jerry Huxtable
004Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006You may obtain a copy of the License at
008   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014limitations under the License.
017package com.jhlabs.image;
019import java.awt.*;
020import java.awt.image.*;
021import java.awt.geom.*;
024 * A filter which applies a convolution kernel to an image.
025 * @author Jerry Huxtable
026 */
027public class ConvolveFilter extends AbstractBufferedImageOp {
029    /**
030     * Treat pixels off the edge as zero.
031     */
032        public static int ZERO_EDGES = 0;
034    /**
035     * Clamp pixels off the edge to the nearest edge.
036     */
037        public static int CLAMP_EDGES = 1;
039    /**
040     * Wrap pixels off the edge to the opposite edge.
041     */
042        public static int WRAP_EDGES = 2;
044    /**
045     * The convolution kernel.
046     */
047        protected Kernel kernel = null;
049    /**
050     * Whether to convolve alpha.
051     */
052        protected boolean alpha = true;
054    /**
055     * Whether to promultiply the alpha before convolving.
056     */
057        protected boolean premultiplyAlpha = true;
059    /**
060     * What do do at the image edges.
061     */
062        private int edgeAction = CLAMP_EDGES;
064        /**
065         * Construct a filter with a null kernel. This is only useful if you're going to change the kernel later on.
066         */
067        public ConvolveFilter() {
068                this(new float[9]);
069        }
071        /**
072         * Construct a filter with the given 3x3 kernel.
073         * @param matrix an array of 9 floats containing the kernel
074         */
075        public ConvolveFilter(float[] matrix) {
076                this(new Kernel(3, 3, matrix));
077        }
079        /**
080         * Construct a filter with the given kernel.
081         * @param rows  the number of rows in the kernel
082         * @param cols  the number of columns in the kernel
083         * @param matrix        an array of rows*cols floats containing the kernel
084         */
085        public ConvolveFilter(int rows, int cols, float[] matrix) {
086                this(new Kernel(cols, rows, matrix));
087        }
089        /**
090         * Construct a filter with the given 3x3 kernel.
091         * @param kernel the convolution kernel
092         */
093        public ConvolveFilter(Kernel kernel) {
094                this.kernel = kernel;   
095        }
097    /**
098     * Set the convolution kernel.
099     * @param kernel the kernel
100     * @see #getKernel
101     */
102        public void setKernel(Kernel kernel) {
103                this.kernel = kernel;
104        }
106    /**
107     * Get the convolution kernel.
108     * @return the kernel
109     * @see #setKernel
110     */
111        public Kernel getKernel() {
112                return kernel;
113        }
115    /**
116     * Set the action to perfomr for pixels off the image edges.
117     * @param edgeAction the action
118     * @see #getEdgeAction
119     */
120        public void setEdgeAction(int edgeAction) {
121                this.edgeAction = edgeAction;
122        }
124    /**
125     * Get the action to perfomr for pixels off the image edges.
126     * @return the action
127     * @see #setEdgeAction
128     */
129        public int getEdgeAction() {
130                return edgeAction;
131        }
133    /**
134     * Set whether to convolve the alpha channel.
135     * @param useAlpha true to convolve the alpha
136     * @see #getUseAlpha
137     */
138        public void setUseAlpha( boolean useAlpha ) {
139                this.alpha = useAlpha;
140        }
142    /**
143     * Get whether to convolve the alpha channel.
144     * @return true to convolve the alpha
145     * @see #setUseAlpha
146     */
147        public boolean getUseAlpha() {
148                return alpha;
149        }
151    /**
152     * Set whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
153     * @param premultiplyAlpha true to premultiply the alpha
154     * @see #getPremultiplyAlpha
155     */
156        public void setPremultiplyAlpha( boolean premultiplyAlpha ) {
157                this.premultiplyAlpha = premultiplyAlpha;
158        }
160    /**
161     * Get whether to premultiply the alpha channel.
162     * @return true to premultiply the alpha
163     * @see #setPremultiplyAlpha
164     */
165        public boolean getPremultiplyAlpha() {
166                return premultiplyAlpha;
167        }
169    public BufferedImage filter( BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst ) {
170        int width = src.getWidth();
171        int height = src.getHeight();
173        if ( dst == null )
174            dst = createCompatibleDestImage( src, null );
176        int[] inPixels = new int[width*height];
177        int[] outPixels = new int[width*height];
178        getRGB( src, 0, 0, width, height, inPixels );
180        if ( premultiplyAlpha )
181                        ImageMath.premultiply( inPixels, 0, inPixels.length );
182                convolve(kernel, inPixels, outPixels, width, height, alpha, edgeAction);
183        if ( premultiplyAlpha )
184                        ImageMath.unpremultiply( outPixels, 0, outPixels.length );
186        setRGB( dst, 0, 0, width, height, outPixels );
187        return dst;
188    }
190    public BufferedImage createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage src, ColorModel dstCM) {
191        if ( dstCM == null )
192            dstCM = src.getColorModel();
193        return new BufferedImage(dstCM, dstCM.createCompatibleWritableRaster(src.getWidth(), src.getHeight()), dstCM.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
194    }
196    public Rectangle2D getBounds2D( BufferedImage src ) {
197        return new Rectangle(0, 0, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight());
198    }
200    public Point2D getPoint2D( Point2D srcPt, Point2D dstPt ) {
201        if ( dstPt == null )
202            dstPt = new Point2D.Double();
203        dstPt.setLocation( srcPt.getX(), srcPt.getY() );
204        return dstPt;
205    }
207    public RenderingHints getRenderingHints() {
208        return null;
209    }
211    /**
212     * Convolve a block of pixels.
213     * @param kernel the kernel
214     * @param inPixels the input pixels
215     * @param outPixels the output pixels
216     * @param width the width
217     * @param height the height
218     * @param edgeAction what to do at the edges
219     */
220        public static void convolve(Kernel kernel, int[] inPixels, int[] outPixels, int width, int height, int edgeAction) {
221                convolve(kernel, inPixels, outPixels, width, height, true, edgeAction);
222        }
224    /**
225     * Convolve a block of pixels.
226     * @param kernel the kernel
227     * @param inPixels the input pixels
228     * @param outPixels the output pixels
229     * @param width the width
230     * @param height the height
231     * @param alpha include alpha channel
232     * @param edgeAction what to do at the edges
233     */
234        public static void convolve(Kernel kernel, int[] inPixels, int[] outPixels, int width, int height, boolean alpha, int edgeAction) {
235                if (kernel.getHeight() == 1)
236                        convolveH(kernel, inPixels, outPixels, width, height, alpha, edgeAction);
237                else if (kernel.getWidth() == 1)
238                        convolveV(kernel, inPixels, outPixels, width, height, alpha, edgeAction);
239                else
240                        convolveHV(kernel, inPixels, outPixels, width, height, alpha, edgeAction);
241        }
243        /**
244         * Convolve with a 2D kernel.
245     * @param kernel the kernel
246     * @param inPixels the input pixels
247     * @param outPixels the output pixels
248     * @param width the width
249     * @param height the height
250     * @param alpha include alpha channel
251     * @param edgeAction what to do at the edges
252         */
253        public static void convolveHV(Kernel kernel, int[] inPixels, int[] outPixels, int width, int height, boolean alpha, int edgeAction) {
254                int index = 0;
255                float[] matrix = kernel.getKernelData( null );
256                int rows = kernel.getHeight();
257                int cols = kernel.getWidth();
258                int rows2 = rows/2;
259                int cols2 = cols/2;
261                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
262                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
263                                float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
265                                for (int row = -rows2; row <= rows2; row++) {
266                                        int iy = y+row;
267                                        int ioffset;
268                                        if (0 <= iy && iy < height)
269                                                ioffset = iy*width;
270                                        else if ( edgeAction == CLAMP_EDGES )
271                                                ioffset = y*width;
272                                        else if ( edgeAction == WRAP_EDGES )
273                                                ioffset = ((iy+height) % height) * width;
274                                        else
275                                                continue;
276                                        int moffset = cols*(row+rows2)+cols2;
277                                        for (int col = -cols2; col <= cols2; col++) {
278                                                float f = matrix[moffset+col];
280                                                if (f != 0) {
281                                                        int ix = x+col;
282                                                        if (!(0 <= ix && ix < width)) {
283                                                                if ( edgeAction == CLAMP_EDGES )
284                                                                        ix = x;
285                                                                else if ( edgeAction == WRAP_EDGES )
286                                                                        ix = (x+width) % width;
287                                                                else
288                                                                        continue;
289                                                        }
290                                                        int rgb = inPixels[ioffset+ix];
291                                                        a += f * ((rgb >> 24) & 0xff);
292                                                        r += f * ((rgb >> 16) & 0xff);
293                                                        g += f * ((rgb >> 8) & 0xff);
294                                                        b += f * (rgb & 0xff);
295                                                }
296                                        }
297                                }
298                                int ia = alpha ? PixelUtils.clamp((int)(a+0.5)) : 0xff;
299                                int ir = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(r+0.5));
300                                int ig = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(g+0.5));
301                                int ib = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(b+0.5));
302                                outPixels[index++] = (ia << 24) | (ir << 16) | (ig << 8) | ib;
303                        }
304                }
305        }
307        /**
308         * Convolve with a kernel consisting of one row.
309     * @param kernel the kernel
310     * @param inPixels the input pixels
311     * @param outPixels the output pixels
312     * @param width the width
313     * @param height the height
314     * @param alpha include alpha channel
315     * @param edgeAction what to do at the edges
316         */
317        public static void convolveH(Kernel kernel, int[] inPixels, int[] outPixels, int width, int height, boolean alpha, int edgeAction) {
318                int index = 0;
319                float[] matrix = kernel.getKernelData( null );
320                int cols = kernel.getWidth();
321                int cols2 = cols/2;
323                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
324                        int ioffset = y*width;
325                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
326                                float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
327                                int moffset = cols2;
328                                for (int col = -cols2; col <= cols2; col++) {
329                                        float f = matrix[moffset+col];
331                                        if (f != 0) {
332                                                int ix = x+col;
333                                                if ( ix < 0 ) {
334                                                        if ( edgeAction == CLAMP_EDGES )
335                                                                ix = 0;
336                                                        else if ( edgeAction == WRAP_EDGES )
337                                                                ix = (x+width) % width;
338                                                } else if ( ix >= width) {
339                                                        if ( edgeAction == CLAMP_EDGES )
340                                                                ix = width-1;
341                                                        else if ( edgeAction == WRAP_EDGES )
342                                                                ix = (x+width) % width;
343                                                }
344                                                int rgb = inPixels[ioffset+ix];
345                                                a += f * ((rgb >> 24) & 0xff);
346                                                r += f * ((rgb >> 16) & 0xff);
347                                                g += f * ((rgb >> 8) & 0xff);
348                                                b += f * (rgb & 0xff);
349                                        }
350                                }
351                                int ia = alpha ? PixelUtils.clamp((int)(a+0.5)) : 0xff;
352                                int ir = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(r+0.5));
353                                int ig = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(g+0.5));
354                                int ib = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(b+0.5));
355                                outPixels[index++] = (ia << 24) | (ir << 16) | (ig << 8) | ib;
356                        }
357                }
358        }
360        /**
361         * Convolve with a kernel consisting of one column.
362     * @param kernel the kernel
363     * @param inPixels the input pixels
364     * @param outPixels the output pixels
365     * @param width the width
366     * @param height the height
367     * @param alpha include alpha channel
368     * @param edgeAction what to do at the edges
369         */
370        public static void convolveV(Kernel kernel, int[] inPixels, int[] outPixels, int width, int height, boolean alpha, int edgeAction) {
371                int index = 0;
372                float[] matrix = kernel.getKernelData( null );
373                int rows = kernel.getHeight();
374                int rows2 = rows/2;
376                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
377                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
378                                float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
380                                for (int row = -rows2; row <= rows2; row++) {
381                                        int iy = y+row;
382                                        int ioffset;
383                                        if ( iy < 0 ) {
384                                                if ( edgeAction == CLAMP_EDGES )
385                                                        ioffset = 0;
386                                                else if ( edgeAction == WRAP_EDGES )
387                                                        ioffset = ((y+height) % height)*width;
388                                                else
389                                                        ioffset = iy*width;
390                                        } else if ( iy >= height) {
391                                                if ( edgeAction == CLAMP_EDGES )
392                                                        ioffset = (height-1)*width;
393                                                else if ( edgeAction == WRAP_EDGES )
394                                                        ioffset = ((y+height) % height)*width;
395                                                else
396                                                        ioffset = iy*width;
397                                        } else
398                                                ioffset = iy*width;
400                                        float f = matrix[row+rows2];
402                                        if (f != 0) {
403                                                int rgb = inPixels[ioffset+x];
404                                                a += f * ((rgb >> 24) & 0xff);
405                                                r += f * ((rgb >> 16) & 0xff);
406                                                g += f * ((rgb >> 8) & 0xff);
407                                                b += f * (rgb & 0xff);
408                                        }
409                                }
410                                int ia = alpha ? PixelUtils.clamp((int)(a+0.5)) : 0xff;
411                                int ir = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(r+0.5));
412                                int ig = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(g+0.5));
413                                int ib = PixelUtils.clamp((int)(b+0.5));
414                                outPixels[index++] = (ia << 24) | (ir << 16) | (ig << 8) | ib;
415                        }
416                }
417        }
419        public String toString() {
420                return "Blur/Convolve...";
421        }