001/* JOrbis
002 * Copyright (C) 2000 ymnk, JCraft,Inc.
003 *  
004 * Written by: 2000 ymnk<ymnk@jcaft.com>
005 *   
006 * Many thanks to 
007 *   Monty <monty@xiph.org> and 
008 *   The XIPHOPHORUS Company http://www.xiph.org/ .
009 * JOrbis has been based on their awesome works, Vorbis codec.
010 *   
011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
012 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
013 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
014 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
019 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
020 * 
021 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
022 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
023 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
024 */
026package com.jcraft.jorbis;
028import com.jcraft.jogg.*;
030class StaticCodeBook{
031  int   dim;            // codebook dimensions (elements per vector)
032  int   entries;        // codebook entries
033  int[] lengthlist;     // codeword lengths in bits
035  // mapping
036  int   maptype;        // 0=none
037                        // 1=implicitly populated values from map column 
038                        // 2=listed arbitrary values
040  // The below does a linear, single monotonic sequence mapping.
041  int   q_min;       // packed 32 bit float; quant value 0 maps to minval
042  int   q_delta;     // packed 32 bit float; val 1 - val 0 == delta
043  int   q_quant;     // bits: 0 < quant <= 16
044  int   q_sequencep; // bitflag
046  // additional information for log (dB) mapping; the linear mapping
047  // is assumed to actually be values in dB.  encodebias is used to
048  // assign an error weight to 0 dB. We have two additional flags:
049  // zeroflag indicates if entry zero is to represent -Inf dB; negflag
050  // indicates if we're to represent negative linear values in a
051  // mirror of the positive mapping.
053  int[] quantlist;  // map == 1: (int)(entries/dim) element column map
054                    // map == 2: list of dim*entries quantized entry vals
056  // encode helpers
057  EncodeAuxNearestMatch nearest_tree;
058  EncodeAuxThreshMatch  thresh_tree;
060  StaticCodeBook(){}
061  StaticCodeBook(int dim, int entries, int[] lengthlist,
062                 int maptype, int q_min, int q_delta, 
063                 int q_quant, int q_sequencep, int[] quantlist,
064                 //EncodeAuxNearestmatch nearest_tree,
065                 Object nearest_tree,
066                 // EncodeAuxThreshmatch thresh_tree,
067                 Object thresh_tree
068                 ){
069    this();
070    this.dim=dim; this.entries=entries; this.lengthlist=lengthlist;
071    this.maptype=maptype; this.q_min=q_min; this.q_delta=q_delta;
072    this.q_quant=q_quant; this.q_sequencep=q_sequencep; 
073    this.quantlist=quantlist;
074  }
076  int pack(Buffer opb){
077    int i;
078    boolean ordered=false;
080    opb.write(0x564342,24);
081    opb.write(dim, 16);
082    opb.write(entries, 24);
084    // pack the codewords.  There are two packings; length ordered and
085    // length random.  Decide between the two now.
087    for(i=1;i<entries;i++){
088      if(lengthlist[i]<lengthlist[i-1])break;
089    }
090    if(i==entries)ordered=true;
092    if(ordered){
093      // length ordered.  We only need to say how many codewords of
094      // each length.  The actual codewords are generated
095      // deterministically
097      int count=0;
098      opb.write(1,1);               // ordered
099      opb.write(lengthlist[0]-1,5); // 1 to 32
101      for(i=1;i<entries;i++){
102        int _this=lengthlist[i];
103        int _last=lengthlist[i-1];
104        if(_this>_last){
105          for(int j=_last;j<_this;j++){
106            opb.write(i-count,ilog(entries-count));
107            count=i;
108          }
109        }
110      }
111      opb.write(i-count,ilog(entries-count));
112    }
113    else{
114      // length random.  Again, we don't code the codeword itself, just
115      // the length.  This time, though, we have to encode each length
116      opb.write(0,1);   // unordered
118      // algortihmic mapping has use for 'unused entries', which we tag
119      // here.  The algorithmic mapping happens as usual, but the unused
120      // entry has no codeword.
121      for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
122        if(lengthlist[i]==0)break;
123      }
125      if(i==entries){
126        opb.write(0,1); // no unused entries
127        for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
128          opb.write(lengthlist[i]-1,5);
129        }
130      }
131      else{
132        opb.write(1,1); // we have unused entries; thus we tag
133        for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
134          if(lengthlist[i]==0){
135            opb.write(0,1);
136          }
137          else{
138            opb.write(1,1);
139            opb.write(lengthlist[i]-1,5);
140          }
141        }
142      }
143    }
145    // is the entry number the desired return value, or do we have a
146    // mapping? If we have a mapping, what type?
147    opb.write(maptype,4);
148    switch(maptype){
149    case 0:
150      // no mapping
151      break;
152    case 1:
153    case 2:
154      // implicitly populated value mapping
155      // explicitly populated value mapping
156      if(quantlist==null){
157        // no quantlist?  error
158        return(-1);
159      }
161      // values that define the dequantization
162      opb.write(q_min,32);
163      opb.write(q_delta,32);
164      opb.write(q_quant-1,4);
165      opb.write(q_sequencep,1);
167      {
168        int quantvals=0;
169        switch(maptype){
170        case 1:
171          // a single column of (c->entries/c->dim) quantized values for
172          // building a full value list algorithmically (square lattice)
173          quantvals=maptype1_quantvals();
174          break;
175        case 2:
176          // every value (c->entries*c->dim total) specified explicitly
177          quantvals=entries*dim;
178          break;
179        }
181        // quantized values
182        for(i=0;i<quantvals;i++){
183          opb.write(Math.abs(quantlist[i]),q_quant);
184        }
185      }
186      break;
187    default:
188      // error case; we don't have any other map types now
189      return(-1);
190    }
191    return(0);
192  }
196  // unpacks a codebook from the packet buffer into the codebook struct,
197  // readies the codebook auxiliary structures for decode
198  int unpack(Buffer opb){
199    int i;
200    //memset(s,0,sizeof(static_codebook));
202    // make sure alignment is correct
203    if(opb.read(24)!=0x564342){
204//    goto _eofout;
205      clear();
206      return(-1); 
207    }
209    // first the basic parameters
210    dim=opb.read(16);
211    entries=opb.read(24);
212    if(entries==-1){
213//    goto _eofout;
214      clear();
215      return(-1); 
216    }
218    // codeword ordering.... length ordered or unordered?
219    switch(opb.read(1)){
220    case 0:
221      // unordered
222      lengthlist=new int[entries];
224      // allocated but unused entries?
225      if(opb.read(1)!=0){
226        // yes, unused entries
228        for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
229          if(opb.read(1)!=0){
230            int num=opb.read(5);
231            if(num==-1){
232//            goto _eofout;
233              clear();
234              return(-1); 
235            }
236            lengthlist[i]=num+1;
237          }
238          else{
239            lengthlist[i]=0;
240          }
241        }
242      }
243      else{
244        // all entries used; no tagging
245        for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
246          int num=opb.read(5);
247          if(num==-1){
248//          goto _eofout;
249            clear();
250            return(-1); 
251          }
252          lengthlist[i]=num+1;
253        }
254      }
255      break;
256    case 1:
257      // ordered
258      {
259        int length=opb.read(5)+1;
260        lengthlist=new int[entries];
262        for(i=0;i<entries;){
263          int num=opb.read(ilog(entries-i));
264          if(num==-1){
265//          goto _eofout;
266            clear();
267            return(-1); 
268          }
269          for(int j=0;j<num;j++,i++){
270            lengthlist[i]=length;
271          }
272          length++;
273        }
274      }
275      break;
276    default:
277      // EOF
278      return(-1);
279    }
281    // Do we have a mapping to unpack?
282    switch((maptype=opb.read(4))){
283    case 0:
284      // no mapping
285      break;
286    case 1:
287    case 2:
288      // implicitly populated value mapping
289      // explicitly populated value mapping
290      q_min=opb.read(32);
291      q_delta=opb.read(32);
292      q_quant=opb.read(4)+1;
293      q_sequencep=opb.read(1);
295      {
296        int quantvals=0;
297        switch(maptype){
298        case 1:
299          quantvals=maptype1_quantvals();
300          break;
301        case 2:
302          quantvals=entries*dim;
303          break;
304        }
306        // quantized values
307        quantlist=new int[quantvals];
308        for(i=0;i<quantvals;i++){
309          quantlist[i]=opb.read(q_quant);
310        }
311        if(quantlist[quantvals-1]==-1){
312//        goto _eofout;
313          clear();
314          return(-1); 
315        }
316      }
317      break;
318    default:
319//    goto _eofout;
320      clear();
321      return(-1); 
322    }
323    // all set
324    return(0);
325//    _errout:
326//    _eofout:
327//    vorbis_staticbook_clear(s);
328//    return(-1); 
329  }
331  // there might be a straightforward one-line way to do the below
332  // that's portable and totally safe against roundoff, but I haven't
333  // thought of it.  Therefore, we opt on the side of caution
334  private int maptype1_quantvals(){
335    int vals=(int)(Math.floor(Math.pow(entries,1./dim)));
337    // the above *should* be reliable, but we'll not assume that FP is
338    // ever reliable when bitstream sync is at stake; verify via integer
339    // means that vals really is the greatest value of dim for which
340    // vals^b->bim <= b->entries
341    // treat the above as an initial guess
342    while(true){
343      int acc=1;
344      int acc1=1;
345      for(int i=0;i<dim;i++){
346        acc*=vals;
347        acc1*=vals+1;
348      }
349      if(acc<=entries && acc1>entries){ return(vals); }
350      else{
351        if(acc>entries){ vals--; }
352        else{ vals++; }
353      }
354    }
355  }
357  void clear(){
358//  if(quantlist!=null)free(b->quantlist);
359//  if(lengthlist!=null)free(b->lengthlist);
360//  if(nearest_tree!=null){
361//    free(b->nearest_tree->ptr0);
362//    free(b->nearest_tree->ptr1);
363//    free(b->nearest_tree->p);
364//    free(b->nearest_tree->q);
365//    memset(b->nearest_tree,0,sizeof(encode_aux_nearestmatch));
366//    free(b->nearest_tree);
367//  }
368//  if(thresh_tree!=null){
369//    free(b->thresh_tree->quantthresh);
370//    free(b->thresh_tree->quantmap);
371//    memset(b->thresh_tree,0,sizeof(encode_aux_threshmatch));
372//    free(b->thresh_tree);
373//  }
374//  memset(b,0,sizeof(static_codebook));
375  }
377  // unpack the quantized list of values for encode/decode
378  // we need to deal with two map types: in map type 1, the values are
379  // generated algorithmically (each column of the vector counts through
380  // the values in the quant vector). in map type 2, all the values came
381  // in in an explicit list.  Both value lists must be unpacked
382  float[] unquantize(){
384    if(maptype==1 || maptype==2){
385      int quantvals;
386      float mindel=float32_unpack(q_min);
387      float delta=float32_unpack(q_delta);
388      float[] r=new float[entries*dim];
390       //System.err.println("q_min="+q_min+", mindel="+mindel);
392      // maptype 1 and 2 both use a quantized value vector, but
393      // different sizes
394      switch(maptype){
395      case 1:
396        // most of the time, entries%dimensions == 0, but we need to be
397        // well defined.  We define that the possible vales at each
398        // scalar is values == entries/dim.  If entries%dim != 0, we'll
399        // have 'too few' values (values*dim<entries), which means that
400        // we'll have 'left over' entries; left over entries use zeroed
401        // values (and are wasted).  So don't generate codebooks like that
402        quantvals=maptype1_quantvals();
403        for(int j=0;j<entries;j++){
404          float last=0.f;
405          int indexdiv=1;
406          for(int k=0;k<dim;k++){
407            int index=(j/indexdiv)%quantvals;
408            float val=quantlist[index];
409            val=Math.abs(val)*delta+mindel+last;
410            if(q_sequencep!=0)last=val;   
411            r[j*dim+k]=val;
412            indexdiv*=quantvals;
413          }
414        }
415        break;
416      case 2:
417        for(int j=0;j<entries;j++){
418          float last=0.f;
419          for(int k=0;k<dim;k++){
420            float val=quantlist[j*dim+k];
421//if((j*dim+k)==0){System.err.println(" | 0 -> "+val+" | ");}
422            val=Math.abs(val)*delta+mindel+last;
423            if(q_sequencep!=0)last=val;   
424            r[j*dim+k]=val;
425//if((j*dim+k)==0){System.err.println(" $ r[0] -> "+r[0]+" | ");}
426          }
427        }
429      }
430      return(r);
431    }
432    return(null);
433  }
435  private static int ilog(int v){
436    int ret=0;
437    while(v!=0){
438      ret++;
439      v>>>=1;
440    }
441    return(ret);
442  }
444  // 32 bit float (not IEEE; nonnormalized mantissa +
445  // biased exponent) : neeeeeee eeemmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm 
446  // Why not IEEE?  It's just not that important here.
448  static final int VQ_FEXP=10;
449  static final int VQ_FMAN=21;
450  static final int VQ_FEXP_BIAS=768; // bias toward values smaller than 1.
452  // doesn't currently guard under/overflow 
453  static long float32_pack(float val){
454    int sign=0;
455    int exp;
456    int mant;
457    if(val<0){
458      sign=0x80000000;
459      val= -val;
460    }
461    exp=(int)Math.floor(Math.log(val)/Math.log(2));
462    mant=(int)Math.rint(Math.pow(val,(VQ_FMAN-1)-exp));
463    exp=(exp+VQ_FEXP_BIAS)<<VQ_FMAN;
464    return(sign|exp|mant);
465  }
467  static float float32_unpack(int val){
468    float mant=val&0x1fffff;
469    float sign=val&0x80000000;
470    float exp =(val&0x7fe00000)>>>VQ_FMAN;
471//System.err.println("mant="+mant+", sign="+sign+", exp="+exp);
472    //if(sign!=0.0)mant= -mant;
473    if((val&0x80000000)!=0)mant= -mant;
475    return(ldexp(mant,((int)exp)-(VQ_FMAN-1)-VQ_FEXP_BIAS));
476  }
478  static float ldexp(float foo, int e){
479    return (float)(foo*Math.pow(2, e));
480  }
483  // TEST
484  // Unit tests of the dequantizer; this stuff will be OK
485  // cross-platform, I simply want to be sure that special mapping cases
486  // actually work properly; a bug could go unnoticed for a while
488  // cases:
489  //
490  // no mapping
491  // full, explicit mapping
492  // algorithmic mapping
493  //
494  // nonsequential
495  // sequential
497  static int[] full_quantlist1={0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7, 8,3,6,1};
498  static int[] partial_quantlist1={0,7,2};
500  // no mapping
501  static StaticCodeBook test1=new StaticCodeBook(4,16,null,
502                                                 0,0,0,0,0,
503                                                 null,null,null);
504  static float[] test1_result=null;
506  // linear, full mapping, nonsequential
507  static StaticCodeBook test2=new StaticCodeBook(4,3,null,
508                                                 2,-533200896,1611661312,4,0,
509                                                 full_quantlist1, null, null);
510  static float[] test2_result={-3,-2,-1,0, 1,2,3,4, 5,0,3,-2};
512  // linear, full mapping, sequential
513  static StaticCodeBook test3=new StaticCodeBook(4,3,null,
514                                                 2, -533200896,1611661312,4,1,
515                                                 full_quantlist1,null, null);
516  static float[] test3_result={-3,-5,-6,-6, 1,3,6,10, 5,5,8,6};
518  // linear, algorithmic mapping, nonsequential
519  static StaticCodeBook test4=new StaticCodeBook(3,27,null,
520                                                 1,-533200896,1611661312,4,0,
521                                                 partial_quantlist1,null,null);
522  static float[] test4_result={-3,-3,-3, 4,-3,-3, -1,-3,-3,
523                                -3, 4,-3, 4, 4,-3, -1, 4,-3,
524                                -3,-1,-3, 4,-1,-3, -1,-1,-3, 
525                                -3,-3, 4, 4,-3, 4, -1,-3, 4,
526                                -3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, -1, 4, 4,
527                                -3,-1, 4, 4,-1, 4, -1,-1, 4,
528                                -3,-3,-1, 4,-3,-1, -1,-3,-1,
529                                -3, 4,-1, 4, 4,-1, -1, 4,-1,
530                                -3,-1,-1, 4,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1};
532  // linear, algorithmic mapping, sequential
533  static StaticCodeBook test5=new StaticCodeBook(3,27,null,
534                                                 1,-533200896,1611661312,4,1,
535                                                 partial_quantlist1,null,null);
536  static float[] test5_result={-3,-6,-9, 4, 1,-2, -1,-4,-7,
537                                -3, 1,-2, 4, 8, 5, -1, 3, 0,
538                                -3,-4,-7, 4, 3, 0, -1,-2,-5, 
539                                -3,-6,-2, 4, 1, 5, -1,-4, 0,
540                                -3, 1, 5, 4, 8,12, -1, 3, 7,
541                                -3,-4, 0, 4, 3, 7, -1,-2, 2,
542                                -3,-6,-7, 4, 1, 0, -1,-4,-5,
543                                -3, 1, 0, 4, 8, 7, -1, 3, 2,
544                                -3,-4,-5, 4, 3, 2, -1,-2,-3};
546  void run_test(float[] comp){
547    float[] out=unquantize();
548    if(comp!=null){
549      if(out==null){
550        System.err.println("_book_unquantize incorrectly returned NULL");
551        System.exit(1);
552      }
553      for(int i=0;i<entries*dim;i++){
554        if(Math.abs(out[i]-comp[i])>.0001){
555          System.err.println("disagreement in unquantized and reference data:\nposition "+i+": "+out[i]+" != "+comp[i]);
556          System.exit(1);
557        }
558      }
559    }
560    else{
561      if(out!=null){
562        System.err.println("_book_unquantize returned a value array:\n  correct result should have been NULL");
563        System.exit(1);
564      }
565    }
566  }
568  public static void main(String[] arg){
569    // run the nine dequant tests, and compare to the hand-rolled results
570    System.err.print("Dequant test 1... ");
571    test1.run_test(test1_result);
572    System.err.print("OK\nDequant test 2... ");
573    test2.run_test(test2_result);
574    System.err.print("OK\nDequant test 3... ");
575    test3.run_test(test3_result);
576    System.err.print("OK\nDequant test 4... ");
577    test4.run_test(test4_result);
578    System.err.print("OK\nDequant test 5... ");
579    test5.run_test(test5_result);
580    System.err.print("OK\n\n");
581  }