001/* JOrbis
002 * Copyright (C) 2000 ymnk, JCraft,Inc.
003 *  
004 * Written by: 2000 ymnk<ymnk@jcaft.com>
005 *   
006 * Many thanks to 
007 *   Monty <monty@xiph.org> and 
008 *   The XIPHOPHORUS Company http://www.xiph.org/ .
009 * JOrbis has been based on their awesome works, Vorbis codec.
010 *   
011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
012 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
013 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
014 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
019 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
020 * 
021 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
022 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
023 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
024 */
026package com.jcraft.jorbis;
028import com.jcraft.jogg.*;
030class Residue0 extends FuncResidue{
031  void pack(Object vr, Buffer opb){
032    InfoResidue0 info=(InfoResidue0)vr;
033    int acc=0;
034    opb.write(info.begin,24);
035    opb.write(info.end,24);
037    opb.write(info.grouping-1,24);  /* residue vectors to group and 
038                                     code with a partitioned book */
039    opb.write(info.partitions-1,6); /* possible partition choices */
040    opb.write(info.groupbook,8);  /* group huffman book */
042    /* secondstages is a bitmask; as encoding progresses pass by pass, a
043       bitmask of one indicates this partition class has bits to write
044       this pass */
045    for(int j=0;j<info.partitions;j++){
046      if(ilog(info.secondstages[j])>3){
047      /* yes, this is a minor hack due to not thinking ahead */
048        opb.write(info.secondstages[j],3); 
049        opb.write(1,1);
050        opb.write(info.secondstages[j]>>>3,5); 
051      }
052      else{
053        opb.write(info.secondstages[j],4); /* trailing zero */
054      }
055      acc+=icount(info.secondstages[j]);
056   }
057    for(int j=0;j<acc;j++){
058      opb.write(info.booklist[j],8);
059    }
060  }
062  Object unpack(Info vi, Buffer opb){
063    int acc=0;
064    InfoResidue0 info=new InfoResidue0();
066    info.begin=opb.read(24);
067    info.end=opb.read(24);
068    info.grouping=opb.read(24)+1;
069    info.partitions=opb.read(6)+1;
070    info.groupbook=opb.read(8);
072    for(int j=0;j<info.partitions;j++){
073      int cascade=opb.read(3);
074      if(opb.read(1)!=0){
075        cascade|=(opb.read(5)<<3);
076      }
077      info.secondstages[j]=cascade;
078      acc+=icount(cascade);
079    }
081    for(int j=0;j<acc;j++){
082      info.booklist[j]=opb.read(8);
083//    if(info.booklist[j]==255)info.booklist[j]=-1;
084    }
086    if(info.groupbook>=vi.books){
087      free_info(info);
088      return(null);
089    }
091    for(int j=0;j<acc;j++){
092      if(info.booklist[j]>=vi.books){
093        free_info(info);
094        return(null);
095      }
096    }
097    return(info);
098//  errout:
099//    free_info(info);
100//    return(NULL);
101  }
103  Object look(DspState vd, InfoMode vm, Object vr){
104    InfoResidue0 info=(InfoResidue0)vr;
105    LookResidue0 look=new LookResidue0();
106    int acc=0;
107    int dim;
108    int maxstage=0;
109    look.info=info;
110    look.map=vm.mapping;
112    look.parts=info.partitions;
113    look.fullbooks=vd.fullbooks;
114    look.phrasebook=vd.fullbooks[info.groupbook];
116    dim=look.phrasebook.dim;
118    look.partbooks=new int[look.parts][];
120    for(int j=0;j<look.parts;j++){
121      int stages=ilog(info.secondstages[j]);
122      if(stages!=0){
123        if(stages>maxstage)maxstage=stages;
124        look.partbooks[j]=new int[stages];
125        for(int k=0; k<stages; k++){
126          if((info.secondstages[j]&(1<<k))!=0){
127            look.partbooks[j][k]=info.booklist[acc++];
128          }
129        }
130      }
131    }
133    look.partvals=(int)Math.rint(Math.pow(look.parts,dim));
134    look.stages=maxstage;
135    look.decodemap=new int[look.partvals][];
136    for(int j=0;j<look.partvals;j++){
137      int val=j;
138      int mult=look.partvals/look.parts;
139      look.decodemap[j]=new int[dim];
141      for(int k=0;k<dim;k++){
142        int deco=val/mult;
143        val-=deco*mult;
144        mult/=look.parts;
145        look.decodemap[j][k]=deco;
146      }
147    }
148    return(look);
149  }
150  void free_info(Object i){}
151  void free_look(Object i){}
152  int forward(Block vb,Object vl, float[][] in, int ch){
153    System.err.println("Residue0.forward: not implemented");
154    return 0;
155  }
157  static int[][][] partword=new int[2][][]; // _01inverse is synchronized for
158                                            // re-using partword
159  synchronized static int _01inverse(Block vb, Object vl, 
160                                     float[][] in,int ch,int decodepart){
161    int i,j,k,l,s;
162    LookResidue0 look=(LookResidue0 )vl;
163    InfoResidue0 info=look.info;
165    // move all this setup out later
166    int samples_per_partition=info.grouping;
167    int partitions_per_word=look.phrasebook.dim;
168    int n=info.end-info.begin;
170    int partvals=n/samples_per_partition;
171    int partwords=(partvals+partitions_per_word-1)/partitions_per_word;
173    if(partword.length<ch){
174      partword=new int[ch][][];
175      for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
176        partword[j]=new int[partwords][];
177      }
178    }
179    else{
180      for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
181        if(partword[j]==null || partword[j].length<partwords)
182          partword[j]=new int[partwords][];
183      }
184    }
186    for(s=0;s<look.stages;s++){
187      // each loop decodes on partition codeword containing 
188      // partitions_pre_word partitions
189      for(i=0,l=0;i<partvals;l++){
190        if(s==0){
191          // fetch the partition word for each channel
192          for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
193            int temp=look.phrasebook.decode(vb.opb);
194            if(temp==-1){
195              //goto eopbreak;
196              return(0);
197            }
198            partword[j][l]=look.decodemap[temp];
199            if(partword[j][l]==null){
200//            goto errout;
201              return(0);
202            }
203          } 
204        }
206        // now we decode residual values for the partitions
207        for(k=0;k<partitions_per_word && i<partvals;k++,i++)
208          for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
209            int offset=info.begin+i*samples_per_partition;
210            if((info.secondstages[partword[j][l][k]]&(1<<s))!=0){
211              CodeBook stagebook=look.fullbooks[look.partbooks[partword[j][l][k]][s]];
212//            CodeBook stagebook=look.partbooks[partword[j][l][k]][s];
213              if(stagebook!=null){
214                  if(decodepart==0){
215                    if(stagebook.decodevs_add(in[j],offset,vb.opb,samples_per_partition)==-1){
216                      // goto errout;
217                      return(0);
218                    }
219                  }
220                  else if(decodepart==1){
221                    if(stagebook.decodev_add(in[j], offset, vb.opb,samples_per_partition)==-1){
222                      // goto errout;
223                      return(0);
224                    }
225                  }
226              }
227            }
228          }
229      } 
230    }
231//  errout:
232//  eopbreak:
233  return(0);
234  }
236  static int _2inverse(Block vb, Object vl, float[][] in, int ch){
237    int i,j,k,l,s;
238    LookResidue0 look=(LookResidue0 )vl;
239    InfoResidue0 info=look.info;
241    // move all this setup out later
242    int samples_per_partition=info.grouping;
243    int partitions_per_word=look.phrasebook.dim;
244    int n=info.end-info.begin;
246    int partvals=n/samples_per_partition;
247    int partwords=(partvals+partitions_per_word-1)/partitions_per_word;
249    int[][] partword=new int[partwords][];
250    for(s=0;s<look.stages;s++){
251      for(i=0,l=0;i<partvals;l++){
252        if(s==0){
253          // fetch the partition word for each channel
254          int temp=look.phrasebook.decode(vb.opb);
255          if(temp==-1){
256            // goto eopbreak;
257            return(0);
258          }
259          partword[l]=look.decodemap[temp];
260          if(partword[l]==null){
261            // goto errout;
262            return(0);
263          }
264        }
266        // now we decode residual values for the partitions
267        for(k=0;k<partitions_per_word && i<partvals;k++,i++){
268          int offset=info.begin+i*samples_per_partition;
269          if((info.secondstages[partword[l][k]]&(1<<s))!=0){
270            CodeBook stagebook=look.fullbooks[look.partbooks[partword[l][k]][s]];
271            if(stagebook!=null){
272              if(stagebook.decodevv_add(in, offset, ch, vb.opb,samples_per_partition)==-1){
273                // goto errout;
274                return(0);
275              }
276            }
277          } 
278        }
279      }
280    }
281//  errout:
282//  eopbreak:
283    return(0);
284  }
286  int inverse(Block vb, Object vl, float[][] in, int[] nonzero, int ch){
287    //System.err.println("Residue0.inverse");
288    int used=0;
289    for(int i=0;i<ch;i++){
290      if(nonzero[i]!=0){
291        in[used++]=in[i];
292      }
293    }
294    if(used!=0)
295      return(_01inverse(vb,vl,in,used,0));
296    else
297      return(0);
298  }
301  int inverse(Block vb, Object vl, float[][] in, int ch){
303    int i,j,k,l,transend=vb.pcmend/2;
304    LookResidue0 look=(LookResidue0 )vl;
305    InfoResidue0 info=look.info;
307    // move all this setup out later
308    int samples_per_partition=info.grouping;
309    int partitions_per_word=look.phrasebook.dim;
310    int n=info.end-info.begin;
312    int partvals=n/samples_per_partition;
313    int partwords=(partvals+partitions_per_word-1)/partitions_per_word;
314    int[][] partword=new int[ch][];
315    float[] work=new float[samples_per_partition];
316    partvals=partwords*partitions_per_word;
318    // make sure we're zeroed up to the start
319    for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
320      for(k=0; k<info.begin; k++)in[j][k]=0.0f;
321    }
323    for(i=info.begin,l=0;i<info.end;){
324      // fetch the partition word for each channel
325      for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
326        int temp=look.phrasebook.decode(vb.opb);
327        if(temp==-1){
328          //goto eopbreak;
329          if(i<transend){
330            for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
331              for(k=0;k<transend-i;k++)in[j][i+k]=0.0f;
332            }
333          }
334          return(0);
335        }
336        partword[j]=look.decodemap[temp];
337        if(partword[j]==null){
338          //goto errout;
339          for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
340            for(k=0;k<transend;k++)in[j][k]=0.0f;
341          }
342          return(0);
343        }
344      }
346      // now we decode interleaved residual values for the partitions
347      for(k=0;k<partitions_per_word;k++,l++,i+=samples_per_partition){
348        for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
349          int part=partword[j][k];
350          if(decodepart(vb.opb,work, in[j], i,samples_per_partition,
351                        info.secondstages[part],
352                        look.partbooks[part])==-1){
353            //goto eopbreak;
354            if(i<transend){
355              for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
356                for(k=0;k<transend-i;k++)in[j][i+k]=0.0f;
357              }
358            }
359            return(0);
360          }
361        }
362      }
363    }
365// eopbreak:
366    if(i<transend){
367      for(j=0;j<ch;j++){
368        for(k=0;k<transend-i;k++)in[j][i+k]=0.0f;
369      }
370    }
371    return(0);
373// errout:
374//  for(j=0;j<ch;j++)
375//    for(k=0;k<transend;k++)in[j][k]=0.0f;
376//  return(0);
377  }
378  int decodepart(Buffer opb, float[] work, float[] vec, int veci,
379                 int n, int stages, CodeBook[] books){
380    int i,j;
381    for(i=0;i<n;i++)work[i]=0.0f;
383    for(j=0;j<stages;j++){
384      int dim=books[j].dim;
385      int step=n/dim;
386      for(i=0;i<step;i++){
387        if(books[j].decodevs(work, i, opb, step, 0)==-1){
388          return(-1);
389        }
390      }
391    }
392    for(i=0;i<n;i++){
393      vec[veci+i]*=work[i];
394    }
395    return(0);
396  }
399  private static int ilog(int v){
400    int ret=0;
401    while(v!=0){
402      ret++;
403      v>>>=1;
404    }
405    return(ret);
406  }
407  private static int icount(int v){
408    int ret=0;
409   while(v!=0){
410      ret+=(v&1);
411      v>>>=1;
412    }
413    return(ret);
414  }
417class LookResidue0 {
418  InfoResidue0 info;
419  int map;
421  int parts;
422  int stages;
423  CodeBook[] fullbooks;
424  CodeBook   phrasebook;
425  int[][] partbooks;
426//  CodeBook[][] partbooks;
428  int partvals;
429  int[][] decodemap;
431  int  postbits;
432  int         phrasebits;
433//  int[][]     frames;
434  int    frames;
437class InfoResidue0{
438  // block-partitioned VQ coded straight residue
439  int begin;
440  int end;
442  // first stage (lossless partitioning)
443  int grouping;                   // group n vectors per partition
444  int partitions;                 // possible codebooks for a partition
445  int groupbook;                  // huffbook for partitioning
446  int[] secondstages=new int[64]; // expanded out to pointers in lookup
447  int[] booklist=new int[256];    // list of second stage books
449  // encode-only heuristic settings
450  float[] entmax=new float[64];       // book entropy threshholds
451  float[] ampmax=new float[64];       // book amp threshholds
452  int[] subgrp=new int[64];       // book heuristic subgroup size
453  int[] blimit=new int[64];       // subgroup position limits