002 *  $Source: /cvsroot2/open/projects/WebARTS/ca/bc/webarts/widgets/PopUpButton.java,v $
003 *  $Name:  $
004 *  $Revision: 1236 $
005 *  $Date: 2018-03-02 22:30:44 -0800 (Fri, 02 Mar 2018) $
006 *  $Locker:  $
007 */
009 *  PopUpButton -- A Widget Class to mimic a drop down box which allows
010 *  any JComponent inside its popup.
011 *
012 *  Copyright (C) 2001 WebARTS Design, North Vancouver Canada
013 *  http://www..webarts.bc.ca
014 *
015 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
016 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
017 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
018 *  (at your option) any later version.
019 *
020 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
021 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
023 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
024 *
025 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
026 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
027 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
028 */
029package ca.bc.webarts.widgets;
031import ca.bc.webarts.tools.Log;
032import ca.bc.webarts.widgets.Util;
034import java.awt.BorderLayout;
035import java.awt.Container;
036import java.awt.Dimension;
037import java.awt.Insets;
038import java.awt.Point;
039import java.awt.Toolkit;
040import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
041import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
042import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
043import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
044import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
045import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
046import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
047import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
048import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
049import java.io.File;
050import java.text.Collator;
051import java.net.URL;
052import java.util.Vector;
054import javax.swing.event.AncestorEvent;
055import javax.swing.event.AncestorListener;
056import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
057import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
058import javax.swing.JButton;
059import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
060import javax.swing.JFrame;
061import javax.swing.JLabel;
062import javax.swing.JList;
063import javax.swing.JPanel;
064import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
065import javax.swing.JWindow;
066import javax.swing.ListModel;
067import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
069import kiwi.util.KiwiUtils;
072 * A custom Drop Down box that requires the user to select the button to open and
073 * close the popup list.
074 *
075 * @author    Tom Gutwin P.Eng
076 * @created   October 15, 2001
077 */
078public class PopUpButton extends JButton
081  /**
082   * a test JFrame.
083   */
084  protected static JFrame appFrame_ = null;
086  /**
087   * The Log Filename.
088   */
089  protected static String logFile_ = "." + File.separator + "PopUpLog.txt";
090  /**
091   * The Log that will get used.
092   */
093  protected static Log log_ = Log.createLog(Log.DEBUG, logFile_);
094  /**
095   * A Class holder for its name (used in Logging).
096   */
097  private static String className_ = "PopUpButton";
099  /**
100   * Sample Test Data to put in the JList.
101   */
102  protected final static String[] SAMPLE_LIST_DATA =
103    {"Item0", "Item1", "Item12", "Item3", "Item8", "Item4", "Item5", "Item6",
104     "Item7", "Item11", "Item11", "Item0"};
105  /**
106   * The list model used by this class.
107   */
108  protected DefaultListModel listModel_ = new DefaultListModel();
110  /**
111   * The JFrame that the popUpPanel_/PopUpList will live in.
112   */
113  protected JWindow popUpWin_ = new JWindow();
115  /**
116   * The JPanel that the popUpScroller_ will live in.
117   */
118  protected JPanel popUpPanel_ = new JPanel();
120  /**
121   * The JScrollPane that the PopUpList will live in.
122   */
123  protected JScrollPane popUpScroller_ = new JScrollPane();
125  /**
126   * Flags if the popup list is showing.
127   */
128  protected boolean popUpIsShowing_ = false;
130  /**
131   * The position on the screen to place the popup.
132   */
133  protected Point popUpPosition_ = new Point(25, 25);
136  /**
137   * The Property Listener for this class.
138   */
139  protected PropertyChangeListener PopUpButtonPropListener_ =
140    new PropertyChangeListener()
141    {
142      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
143      {
144        PopUpButton me = (PopUpButton) e.getSource();
145        //System.out.println("PropChange Event from: " + e.getPropertyName());
146        me.showPopUp(false);
147      }
148    };
151  /**
152   * The Ancestor Listener for this class.
153   */
154  protected AncestorListener PopUpButtonAncestorListener_ =
155    new AncestorListener()
156    {
157      public void ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent e)
158      {
159        PopUpButton me = (PopUpButton) e.getSource();
160        //System.out.println("AncestorAddedEvent from: " + e.getAncestor().getName());
161      }
163      public  void ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent e)
164      {
165        PopUpButton me = (PopUpButton) e.getSource();
166        //System.out.println("AncestorRemovedEvent from: " + e.getAncestor().getName());
167        buttonMoved();
168      }
170      public  void ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent e)
171      {
172        PopUpButton me = (PopUpButton) e.getSource();
173        //System.out.println("AncestorMovedEvent from: " + e.getAncestor().getName());
174        buttonMoved();
175      }
176    };
179  /**
180   * The Action Listener for this class.
181   */
182  protected ActionListener PopUpButtonActionListener_ =
183    new ActionListener()
184    {
185      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
186      {
187        PopUpButton me = (PopUpButton) e.getSource();
188        //System.out.println("PopUpButton Action Event from: " +
189        //  e.getActionCommand());
190        popUpPanel_.setSize(getWidth(),popUpPanel_.getHeight());
191        me.togglePopUp();
192      }
193    };
196  /**
197   * The List of items that goes in the PopUp.
198   */
199  JList popUpList_ = null;
203  /**
204   * Basic Constructor that instantiates with an empty popup list using the basic
205   * renderer. Sets the text allignment to LEFT and adds a metal Icon.
206   */
207  protected PopUpButton()
208  {
209    final String methodName = className_ + ": PopUpButton()";
210    log_.startMethod(methodName);
212    setHorizontalTextPosition(LEFT);
213    setHorizontalAlignment(RIGHT);
214    StringBuffer fileName = new StringBuffer();
215    fileName.append("ca");
216    fileName.append(File.separator);
217    fileName.append("bc");
218    fileName.append(File.separator);
219    fileName.append("webarts");
220    fileName.append(File.separator);
221    fileName.append("widgets");
222    fileName.append(File.separator);
223    fileName.append("");
224    fileName.append("DropDownButtonIcon.jpg");
225    //URL imgUrl = this.getClass().getResource(fileName.toString(0));
226    //backgroundTexture_ = Util.loadImage(fileName, "jOggPlayer.jar");
227    log_.debug("Retrieving "+fileName.toString());
228    String jarFilename = "";//Util.tokenReplace(codeBase_.getFile(),"/",File.separator)+
229    //   File.separator+"jOggPlayer.jar";
230    try
231    {
232      //setIcon(new ImageIcon(Util.loadImage(fileName.toString(),jarFilename)));
233      setIcon(new ImageIcon(
234        PopUpButton.class.getResource("/ca/bc/webarts/widgets/DropDownButtonIcon.jpg")));
235    }
236    catch(Exception crap)
237    {
238      log_.minor("Exception retrieving "+fileName+" from "+jarFilename,crap);
239    }
240    setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
242    log_.endMethod();
243  }
246  /**
247   * Constructor that instantiates the popup list using the passed in JList and
248   * basic renderer.
249   *
250   * @param jl  The JList to iunstantiate with.
251   */
252  public PopUpButton(JList jl)
253  {
254    final String methodName = className_ + ": PopUpButton(JList)";
255    //log_ = Log.createLog(Log.FULL, logFile_);
256    log_.startMethod(methodName);
257    if (jl != null)
258    {
259      popUpList_ = jl;
260      sortDefaultList((DefaultListModel)popUpList_.getModel());
261    }
262    else
263    {
264      System.err.println("PopUpButton: The passed in JList is Null, " +
265        "initializing with an empty JList Popup.");
266      popUpList_ = new JList(listModel_);
267    }
268    setHorizontalTextPosition(LEFT);
269    setHorizontalAlignment(RIGHT);
270    setIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource(
271      "DropDownButtonIcon.jpg")));
272    setMargin(new Insets(1,1,1,1));
273    popUpList_.addMouseListener(new ListMouseListener());
274    popUpList_.setVisibleRowCount(6);
275    popUpScroller_.getViewport().setView(popUpList_);
276    popUpPanel_.add(popUpScroller_);
277    //popUpPanel_.setSize(getWidth());
278    popUpWin_.getContentPane().add(popUpPanel_);
280    addPropertyChangeListener(PopUpButtonPropListener_);
281    addActionListener(PopUpButtonActionListener_);
282    addAncestorListener(PopUpButtonAncestorListener_); // listens if parent(s) move or toggle visibility
283    log_.endMethod();
284  }
287  /**
288   * Constructor that instantiates the popup list using the passed in Array and
289   * basic renderer.
290   *
291   * @param jl  An array of objects to instantiate the popup list with.
292   */
293  public PopUpButton(Object[] jl)
294  {
295    final String methodName = className_ + ": PopUpButton(Object[])";
296    //log_ = Log.createLog(Log.FULL, logFile_);
297    log_.startMethod(methodName);
298    if (jl != null && jl.length > 0)
299    {
300      for (int i = 0; i < jl.length; i++)
301      {
302        ((DefaultListModel) listModel_).addElement(jl[i]);
303      }
304      popUpList_ = new JList(listModel_);
305      sortDefaultList((DefaultListModel)popUpList_.getModel());
306    }
307    else
308    {
309      log_.minor("PopUpButton: The passed in Array is Null" +
310        " (or empty), initializing with an empty JList Popup.");
311      popUpList_ = new JList(listModel_);
312    }
313    setHorizontalTextPosition(LEFT);
314    setHorizontalAlignment(RIGHT);
315    setIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource(
316      "DropDownButtonIcon.jpg")));
317    setMargin(new Insets(1,1,1,1));
318    popUpList_.addMouseListener(new ListMouseListener());
319    popUpList_.setVisibleRowCount(6);
320    popUpList_.setBorder(null);
321    popUpScroller_.getViewport().setView(popUpList_);
322    popUpPanel_.add(popUpScroller_);
323    //popUpPanel_.setWidth(getWidth());
324    popUpWin_.getContentPane().add(popUpPanel_);
326    addPropertyChangeListener(PopUpButtonPropListener_);
327    addActionListener(PopUpButtonActionListener_);
328    addAncestorListener(PopUpButtonAncestorListener_); // listens if parent(s) move or toggle visibility
329    log_.endMethod();
330  }
333  /**
334   * Constructor that instantiates the popup list using the passed in Vector and
335   * basic renderer.
336   *
337   * @param jlv  A Vector of objects to instantiate the popup list with.
338   */
339  public PopUpButton(Vector jlv)
340  {
341    final String methodName = className_ + ": PopUpButton(Vector)";
342    //log_ = Log.createLog(Log.FULL, logFile_);
343    log_.startMethod(methodName);
344    if (jlv != null && jlv.size() > 0)
345    {
346      for (int i = 0; i < jlv.size(); i++)
347      {
348        ((DefaultListModel) listModel_).addElement(jlv.get(i));
349      }
350      popUpList_ = new JList(listModel_);
351      sortDefaultList((DefaultListModel)popUpList_.getModel());
352    }
353    else
354    {
355      log_.minor("PopUpButton: The passed in Vector is Null" +
356        " (or empty), initializing with an empty JList Popup.");
357      popUpList_ = new JList(listModel_);
358    }
359    setHorizontalTextPosition(LEFT);
360    setHorizontalAlignment(RIGHT);
361    setIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource(
362      "DropDownButtonIcon.jpg")));
363    setMargin(new Insets(1,1,1,1));
364    popUpList_.addMouseListener(new ListMouseListener());
365    popUpList_.setVisibleRowCount(6);
366    popUpScroller_.getViewport().setView(popUpList_);
367    popUpPanel_.add(popUpScroller_);
368    //popUpPanel_.setWidth(getWidth());
369    popUpWin_.getContentPane().add(popUpPanel_);
371    addPropertyChangeListener(PopUpButtonPropListener_);
372    addActionListener(PopUpButtonActionListener_);
373    addAncestorListener(PopUpButtonAncestorListener_); // listens if parent(s) move or toggle visibility
374    log_.endMethod();
375  }
378  /**
379   * The main program for the PopUpButton class
380   *
381   * @param args  The command line arguments
382   */
383  public static void main(String[] args)
384  {
385    appFrame_ = new JFrame();
386    appFrame_.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
387    appFrame_.setTitle("PopUpButton TEST Window.");
388    final PopUpButton myTestButton = new PopUpButton(SAMPLE_LIST_DATA);
389    appFrame_.addWindowListener(
390      new WindowAdapter()
391      {
392        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
393        {
394          myTestButton.getLog().close();
395          System.exit(0);
396        }
397      });
398    myTestButton.setText("Press Me");
399    appFrame_.getContentPane().add(myTestButton);
400    appFrame_.pack();
401    KiwiUtils.centerWindow(appFrame_);
402    appFrame_.toFront();
403    appFrame_.setVisible(true);
404    appFrame_.repaint();
405  }
408  /**
409   * Sets the SelectedIndex attribute of the PopUpButton object.
410   *
411   * @param index  The new SelectedIndex value
412   */
413  public void setSelectedIndex(int index)
414  {
415    if (index < 0)
416      index = ((DefaultListModel)((JList) popUpList_).getModel()).getSize() -1;
417    if (index >= ((DefaultListModel)((JList) popUpList_).getModel()).getSize())
418      index = 0;
419    final String methodName = className_ + ": setSelectedIndex("+index+")";
420    log_.startMethod(methodName);
422    popUpList_.setSelectedIndex(index);
423    log_.endMethod();
424  }
427  /**
428   * Gets the SelectedItem attribute of the PopUpButton object
429   *
430   * @return   The SelectedItem value
431   */
432  public Object getSelectedItem()
433  {
434    final String methodName = className_ + ": getSelectedItem()";
435    log_.startMethod(methodName);
436    log_.endMethod();
437    return (Object) ((DefaultListModel)((JList) popUpList_).getModel()).
438      getElementAt(getSelectedIndex());
439  }
442  /**
443   * Gets the SelectedIndex attribute of the PopUpButton object
444   *
445   * @return   The SelectedIndex value
446   */
447  public int getSelectedIndex()
448  {
449    final String methodName = className_ + ": getSelectedIndex()";
450    log_.startMethod(methodName);
451    int num = popUpList_.getSelectedIndex();
452    log_.debug("\nSelected Item num = "+num);
453    log_.endMethod();
454    return num;
455  }
458  /**
459   * Gets the ItemCount attribute of the PopUpButton object
460   *
461   * @return   The ItemCount value
462   */
463  public int getItemCount()
464  {
465    final String methodName = className_ + ": getSelectedIndex()";
466    log_.startMethod(methodName);
467    int num = ((DefaultListModel)((JList) popUpList_).getModel()).getSize();
468    log_.debug("ItemCount = " + num);
469    log_.endMethod();
470    return num;
471  }
474  /**
475   * Gets the Log object that the PopUpButton is using.
476   *
477   * @return   The Log .
478   */
479  Log getLog()
480  {
481    return log_;
482  }
485  /**
486   * Sorts the entries using the custom sortArray method.
487   **/
488  protected void sortDefaultList(DefaultListModel dlm)
489  {
490    final String methodName = className_ + ": sortDefaultList()";
491    log_.startMethod(methodName);
493    if (dlm != null)
494    {
495      try
496      {
497        int numItems = dlm.getSize();
498        String[] a = new String[numItems];
499        for (int i=0; i < numItems; i++)
500        {
501          a[i] = (String) dlm.getElementAt(i);
502        }
503        sortArray(Collator.getInstance(),a);
504        // Locale loc = Locale.FRENCH;
505        // sortArray(Collator.getInstance(loc), (String[])a);
506        for (int i=0; i < numItems; i++)
507        {
508          dlm.setElementAt(a[i], i);
509        }
510      }
511      catch (Exception ex)
512      {
513        log_.minor("Threw a:",ex);
514      }
515    }
516    log_.endMethod();
517  }
520  /**
521   * the main button moved so deal with it.
522   */
523  protected void buttonMoved()
524  {
525    final String methodName = className_ + ": buttonMoved";
526    log_.startMethod(methodName);
528    // close the button dropdown.
529    if (popUpIsShowing_)
530    {
531      popUpIsShowing_ = showPopUp(false);
532    }
533    log_.endMethod();
534  }
537  /**
538   * Sorts the strArray alphabetically.
539   **/
540  protected void sortArray(Collator collator, String[] strArray)
541  {
542    final String methodName = className_ + ": sortArray(Collator, String[])";
543    log_.startMethod(methodName);
544    String tmp;
545    int lengthOfArray = strArray.length;
546    log_.debug("Sorting " + lengthOfArray  + " items.");
547    if (lengthOfArray == 1) return;
548    for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfArray; i++)
549    {
550      for (int j = i + 1; j < lengthOfArray; j++)
551      {
552        if( collator.compare(strArray[i], strArray[j] ) > 0 )
553        {
554          tmp = strArray[i];
555          strArray[i] = strArray[j];
556          strArray[j] = tmp;
557        }
558      }
559    }
560    log_.endMethod();
561  }
563  /**
564   * Toggles the popup to show or not show depending on if it is currently shown.
565   */
566  protected void togglePopUp()
567  {
568    final String methodName = className_ + ": togglePopUp";
569    log_.startMethod(methodName);
570    if (popUpIsShowing_)
571    {
572      popUpIsShowing_ = showPopUp(false);
573    }
574    else
575    {
576      popUpIsShowing_ = showPopUp(true);
577    }
578    log_.endMethod();
579  }
582  /**
583   * Shows or Removes the JList Popup depending on the passed parm.
584   *
585   * @param showIt  flag to show or remove the popup.
586   * @return        Description of the Returned Value
587   */
588  boolean showPopUp(boolean showIt)
589  {
590    final String methodName = className_ + ": showPopUp " + showIt;
591    log_.startMethod(methodName);
592    /*
593     *  int frameX = appFrame_.getX();
594     *  int frameY = appFrame_.getY();
595     *  int framedX = appFrame_.getHeight();
596     *  int framedY = appFrame_.getWidth();
597     */
598    int buttonX = getX();
599    int buttonY = getY();
600    int buttondY = getHeight();
601    int buttondX = getWidth();
602    /*
603     *  int frameBorderWidth = (framedY - buttondY) / 2;
604     *  int frameTitleBarHeight = framedX - buttondX - frameBorderWidth;
605     *  log_.debug("Window Sizes:");
606     *  log_.debug("  AppFrame  X=" + frameX);
607     *  log_.debug("  AppFrame  Y=" + frameY);
608     *  log_.debug("  AppFrame dX=" + framedX);
609     *  log_.debug("  AppFrame dY=" + framedY);
610     *  log_.debug("  Border   dX=" + frameBorderWidth);
611     *  log_.debug("  TitleBar dY=" + frameTitleBarHeight);
612     *  popUpPosition_.setLocation(frameX+frameBorderWidth,
613     *  frameY+buttonY+buttondX+frameTitleBarHeight);
614     */
615    JFrame jf = ((JFrame) KiwiUtils.getFrameForComponent(this));
616    Container parent = this.getParent();
617    Container parent2 = null;
618    Container parent3 = null;
619    int parentX = 0;
620    int parentY = 0;
621    int parent2X = 0;
622    int parent2Y = 0;
623    int parent3X = 0;
624    int parent3Y = 0;
625    int jfX = 0;
626    int jfY = 0;
627    int jfdX = 0;
628    int jfdY = 0;
629    // Test the screen size to see if the pop up will fit below the button
630    // if not put it above the button
631    Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
632    int compSize = 0;
633    if (jf != null)
634    {
635      jfX = jf.getX();
636      jfY = jf.getY();
637      jfdX = jf.getWidth();
638      jfdY = jf.getHeight();
639      compSize += jfY;
640      /*
641      log_.debug("  JFrame    X=" + jfX);
642      log_.debug("  JFrame    Y=" + jfY);
643      log_.debug("  JFrame    dX=" + jfdX);
644      log_.debug("  JFrame    dY=" + jfdY);*/
645    }
646    if (parent != null)
647    {
648      parentX = parent.getX();
649      parentY = parent.getY();
650      parent2 = parent.getParent();
651      compSize += parentY;
652      /*
653      log_.debug("  Parent    X=" + parentX);
654      log_.debug("  Parent    Y=" + parentY);*/
655    }
656    if (parent2 != null)
657    {
658      parent2X = parent2.getX();
659      parent2Y = parent2.getY();
660      parent3 = parent2.getParent();
661      compSize += parent2Y;
662      /*
663      log_.debug("  Parent2    X=" + parent2X);
664      log_.debug("  Parent2    Y=" + parent2Y);*/
665    }
666    if (parent3 != null)
667    {
668      parent3X = parent3.getX();
669      parent3Y = parent3.getY();
670      compSize += parent3Y;
671      /*
672      log_.debug("  Parent3    X=" + parent3X);
673      log_.debug("  Parent3    Y=" + parent3Y);*/
674    }
675    compSize +=157;
676    compSize +=2*buttondY;
677      /*
678    log_.debug("  Button    X=" + buttonX);
679    log_.debug("  Button    Y=" + buttonY);
680    log_.debug("  Button   dX=" + buttondX);
681    log_.debug("  Button   dY=" + buttondY);
682    log_.debug("  Screen   dY=" + screenSize.height);
683    log_.debug("  PopWinHeight" + popUpWin_.getHeight());
684    log_.debug("Comparing Screen Height " + screenSize.height + " to " +
685      compSize);*/
686    if (screenSize.height > compSize )
687    {
688      //above
689      log_.debug("Placing Popup below button");
690      popUpPosition_.setLocation(jfX + buttonX + parentX,
691                                 jfY+parentY+parent2Y+ 2*buttondY);//jfY + buttonY + parentY + 2 * buttondY);
692    }
693    else
694    {
695      //below
696      log_.debug("Placing Popup above button");
697      popUpPosition_.setLocation(jfX + buttonX + parentX,
698                                 jfY+parentY+parent2Y+buttondY-157);
699    }
701    //popUpWin_.setSize(buttondX,buttondY*4);
702    popUpWin_.pack();
703    popUpWin_.setLocation(popUpPosition_);
704    int selectIndex = popUpList_.getSelectedIndex();
705    if (selectIndex >= 0)
706    {
707      popUpList_.ensureIndexIsVisible(selectIndex);
708    }
709    popUpWin_.setVisible(showIt);
710    if (showIt)
711    {
712      popUpWin_.show();
713      popUpWin_.toFront();
714      //popUpWin_.setSize(buttondX,buttondY*4);
715    }
716    log_.debug("new PopUp Position = " + popUpPosition_.getX() + ", " +
717      popUpPosition_.getY());
718    log_.debug("new PopUp Size x,y = " + popUpWin_.getWidth() + ", " +
719      popUpWin_.getHeight());
721    log_.endMethod();
722    return showIt;
723  }
726  /**
727   * A private mouse listener for the popup list.NOTHING really implemented yet
728   (other than som terminal output debugging).
729   *
730   * @author    Tom Gutwin P.Eng
731   * @created   October 15, 2001
732   */
733  class ListMouseListener extends MouseAdapter
734  {
735    /**
736     * Mouse Clicked Listener method.
737     *
738     * @param e  The actual MouseEvent
739     */
740    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
741    {
742      int index = popUpList_.locationToIndex(e.getPoint());
743      //System.out.println("  Mouse Click: " + e.getClickCount() +
744       // " click on Item " + index);
745    }
748    /**
749     * Mouse Pressed Listener method.
750     *
751     * @param e  The actual MouseEvent
752     */
753    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
754    {
755      int index = popUpList_.locationToIndex(e.getPoint());
756      //System.out.println("  Mouse Press on Item " + index);
757    }
760    /**
761     * Mouse Entered Listener method.
762     *
763     * @param e  The actual MouseEvent
764     */
765    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
766    {
767      int index = popUpList_.locationToIndex(e.getPoint());
768      //System.out.println("  Mouse Enter Item " + index);
769    }
770  }