002 *  NativeAppLauncher.java
003 *  $Source: /cvsroot2/open/projects/WebARTS/ca/bc/webarts/tools/StreamGobbler.java,v $
004 *  $Revision: 1214 $  $Date: 2018-03-02 22:04:16 -0800 (Fri, 02 Mar 2018) $  $Locker:  $
005 *  Copyright 2003 (C) WebARTS Design.   All rights reserved.
006 *
007 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
009 *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
010 *  of the License, or any later version.
011 *
012 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
016 *
017 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
018 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
019 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
020 */
022package ca.bc.webarts.tools;
023import java.io.*;
027 *  A simple class to take an input stream and dump it out to the commandline
028 * with a prepended string. It is designed to run in its own thread so it can
029 * pump the data silently in the background.
030 *
031 * @author    TGutwin
032 */
033public class StreamGobbler extends Thread
035  /**  Flag so we can signal the control/signal the threads end. **/
036  public boolean finishedGobbling_ = false;
038  /**
039    * The class InputStream that gets echoed to the designated output stream
040    * (default=System.out).
041    **/
042  InputStream is_ = null;
044  /**  The location of any output. **/
045  PrintStream ps_ = System.out;
047  /**  The location of any output. **/
048  OutputStream os_ = System.out;
050  /**  The string to get prepended to the output from the InputStream. **/
051  String type_ = "";
053  /** signals if we are gobbling input instead of the default outputstreams. **/
054  boolean inputGobbler_ = false;
056  /** the lin sep chars **/
057  String lineSep_ = System.getProperty("line.separator");
059  /** the input from in stream **/
060  String input_ = null;
062  /** the thread aborted flag. **/
063  boolean aborted_ = false;
065  /** a control flag that turns on/off the capturing of the input stream **/
066  boolean capture_ = false;
068  /**
069   *  The buffer used to store the input stream data IFF the capture has been
070   *  turned on with the capture_ flag.
071   **/
072  StringBuffer captureBuffer_ = new StringBuffer();
075  /**
076   *  A Simple Constructor for the StreamGobbler object WITHOUT assigning a
077   *  stream to gobble. YOU HAVE TO ASSIGN THE InputStream before using this object.
078   *  It that ends up using
079   *  System.out as the Output PrintStream. So it simply dumps the monitored
080   *  InputStream to System.out.
081   *
082   */
083  public StreamGobbler()
084  {
086  }
089  /**
090   *  A Simple Constructor for the StreamGobbler object that ends up using
091   *  System.out as the Output PrintStream. So it simply dumps the monitored
092   *  InputStream to System.out.
093   *
094   * @param  inputstream  The stream to watch for input.
095   * @param  string       The string to get prepended to the output from the
096   *                      InputStream before it gets pumped into the output
097   *                      PrintStream.
098   */
099  public StreamGobbler(InputStream inputstream, String string)
100  {
101    is_ = inputstream;
102    if (string != null)
103    {
104      type_ = string;
105    }
106  }
109  /**
110   *  Constructor for the StreamGobbler object that requires all parameters to
111   *  be spec'd.
112   *
113   * @param  inputstream  The stream to watch for input.
114   * @param  string       The string to get prepended to the output from the
115   *                      InputStream before it gets pumped into the output
116   *                      PrintStream.
117   * @param  os           An output PrintStream to send the data to.
118   *
119   */
120  public StreamGobbler(InputStream inputstream, String string, PrintStream os)
121  {
122    is_ = inputstream;
123    if (os != null)
124      ps_ = os;
125    else
126      capture_ = true;
127    if (string != null)
128    {
129      type_ = string;
130    }
131  }
134  /**
135   *  Constructor for the StreamGobbler object that requires all parameters to
136   *  be spec'd.
137   *
138   * @param  inputstream  The stream to watch for input.
139   * @param  ps           An output PrintStream to send the data to, If
140   *                      this is null it simply captures the output.
141   *
142   */
143  public StreamGobbler(InputStream inputstream, PrintStream ps)
144  {
145    is_ = inputstream;
146    if (ps != null)
147      ps_ = ps;
148    else
149      capture_ = true;
150  }
153  /**  Main processing method for the StreamGobbler object */
154  public void run()
155  {
156    if (!inputGobbler_)
157    {
158      if (type_ != null)
159      {
160        try
161        {
162          InputStreamReader inputstreamreader
163               = new InputStreamReader(is_);
164          if (inputstreamreader != null)
165          {
166            // set up the output stream
167            BufferedReader bufferedreader
168                 = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader);
169            if (bufferedreader != null)
170            {
171              Object object = null;
172              String string;
173              int retry = 0;
174              while (retry < 25)
175              {
176                try
177                {
178                  while (!finishedGobbling_ &&
179                          (string = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null )
180                  {
181                    if (capture_)
182                    {
183                      captureBuffer_.append(string);
184                      captureBuffer_.append(lineSep_);
185                    }
186                    if (ps_ !=null)
187                    {
188                      ps_.print(type_ );
189                      ps_.println(string);
190                    }
191                  }
192                }
193                catch (IOException ioEx)
194                {
195                  ioEx.printStackTrace();
196                  //finishedGobbling_ = true;
197                }
199                retry++;
200              }
201              //ps_.println(type_ + "> stream now done ("+retry+").");
202              bufferedreader.close();
203            }
204            inputstreamreader.close();
205            Object object = null;
206          }
207          Object object = null;
208          finishedGobbling_ = true;
209        }
210        catch (Exception exception)
211        {
212          exception.printStackTrace();
213          finishedGobbling_ = true;
214        }
215      }
216    }
217    else
218    {
219      // we are gobbling and simply dumping the inputstream to the outputstream
220      try
221      {
222        if (os_ !=null) // then transfer the stream to the output
223        {
224          BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(
225            new OutputStreamWriter(os_));
226          if(input_ != null)
227          {
228            for(int i = 0; i < input_.length(); i++)
229            {
230              char ch = input_.charAt(i);
231              if(ch == '\n')
232                out.write(lineSep_);
233              else
234                out.write(ch);
235            }
236          }
237          out.close();
238        }
240      }
241      catch(Exception e)
242      {
243        if(!aborted_)
244        {
245          System.out.println(e.toString());
246        }
247      }
248      finally
249      {
250        //threadDone();
251      }
252    }
253  }
256  public void abort()
257  {
258    aborted_ = true;
259    ps_.close();
260  }
263  /**
264    * Set Method for class field 'type_' which sets the string to prepend to the output.
265    *
266    * @param is the value to set this class field to.
267    *
268    **/
269  public  void setPrependString(String prepend)
270  {
271    if (prepend != null)
272      this.type_ = prepend;
273    else
274      this.type_ = "";
275  }  // setPrependString Method
278  /**
279    * Get Method for class field 'type_' which is the string to prepend to the output.
280    *
281    * @return String - The value the class field 'type_'.
282    *
283    **/
284  public String getPrependString()
285  {
286    return type_;
287  }  // getIs_ Method
290  /**
291    * Set Method for class field 'is_'.
292    *
293    * @param is is the value to set this class field to.
294    *
295    **/
296  public  void setInputStream(InputStream is)
297  {
298    this.is_ = is;
299  }  // setIs_ Method
302  /**
303    * Get Method for class field 'is_'.
304    *
305    * @return InputStream - The value the class field 'is_'.
306    *
307    **/
308  public InputStream getInputStream()
309  {
310    return is_;
311  }  // getIs_ Method
314    /**
315    * Set Method for class field 'ps_'.
316    *
317    * @param ps_ is the value to set this class field to.
318    *
319    **/
320  public  void setOs_(PrintStream ps_)
321  {
322    this.ps_ = ps_;
323  }  // setOs_ Method
326  /**
327    * Get Method for class field 'ps_'.
328    *
329    * @return PrintStream - The value the class field 'ps_'.
330    *
331    **/
332  public PrintStream getOs_()
333  {
334    return ps_;
335  }  // getOs_ Method
338  /**
339    * Gets the inputStreams captured data.
340    *
341    * @return StringBuffer - The value the class field 'captureBuffer_'.
342    *
343    **/
344  public String getCapturedOutput()
345  {
346    return captureBuffer_.toString();
347  }  // getCaptureBuffer_ Method
350  /**
351    * Set Method for class field 'capture_'. It turns on or off this classes
352    * ability to capture and internally stor the InputStream data.
353    *
354    * @param capture_ is the value to set this class field to.
355    *
356    **/
357  public  void setCapture(boolean capture)
358  {
359    this.capture_ = capture;
360  }  // setCapture_ Method
363  /**
364    * Get Method for class field 'capture_'.
365    *
366    * @return boolean - The value the class field 'capture_'.
367    *
368    **/
369  public boolean getCapture()
370  {
371    return capture_;
372  }  // getCapture_ Method