002 *
003 *  $Revision: 1295 $
004 *  $Date: 2019-04-18 18:05:01 -0700 (Thu, 18 Apr 2019) $
005 *  $Locker:  $
006 *
007 *
008 *  Written by Tom Gutwin - WebARTS Design.
009 *  Copyright (C) 2010-2012 WebARTS Design, North Vancouver Canada
010 *  http://www.webarts.bc.ca
011 *
012 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
013 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
014 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
015 *  (at your option) any later version.
016 *
017 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
018 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
020 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
021 *
022 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
023 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
024 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
025 */
026package ca.bc.webarts.tools;
028import ca.bc.webarts.widgets.Util;
029import ca.bc.webarts.tools.JOrbisComment;
030import java.io.File;
031import java.util.Vector;
033class RenameOggDirFiles
035  /**  The users home ditrectory.  */
036  public static String USERHOME = System.getProperty("user.home");
038  /**  The users pwd ditrectory.  */
039  public static String USERDIR = System.getProperty("user.dir");
040  public static boolean testing = false;
041  public static boolean doSync = false;
042  public static boolean verboseOut = false;
044  /** The file extension (type) to load **/
045  public static String FILETYPE = "ogg";
046  public static String fileType = FILETYPE;
048  public static Vector<File> songDuds = new Vector();
049  public static short numArt = 0;
050  public static short numAlb = 0;
051  public static short numSongs = 0;
054  /** Main **/
055  public static void main (String [] args)
056  {
057    boolean topDirIsArtistDir = false;
059    if (args.length >0)
060    {
061      // first make sure any spaces are converted
062      Util.spacesToCapsInDir(args[args.length-1], false, true); // dirName, doUnderscores, verboseOut
064      if (args.length >1 && args[0].equals("-testing")) testing = true;
065      if (args.length >1 && args[0].equals("-sync")) doSync = true;
066      if (args.length >1 && args[0].equals("-type")) fileType = args[1];
068      if (args.length >2 && args[1].equals("-testing")) testing = true;
069      if (args.length >2 && args[1].equals("-sync")) doSync = true;
070      if (args.length >2 && args[1].equals("-type")) fileType = args[2];
072      if (testing) System.out.println(" TESTING ONLY ");
073      if (doSync) System.out.println(" Syncing comments ");
075      // now go back and add the artist to the ogg filename
076      // go through all the artists dirs inside the passed topDir
077      String topDirFilename = args[args.length-1];
078      File topDirFile = new File(topDirFilename);
079      String [] topArtistDirfilenames = topDirFile.list();
080      if (topDirFile != null &&
081          topDirFile.isDirectory() &&
082          topDirFile.canRead() )
083      {
084        try
085        {
086          // Process this dir in case the user gave an artist dir to start
087          doArtistDir(Util.spacesToCapsInString(topDirFilename));
088          for (int i=0;i< topArtistDirfilenames.length;i++)
089          {
090            // Do Each Artists Directory
091            doArtistDir(topDirFilename+File.separator+topArtistDirfilenames[i]);
093          } // topArtistDirfiles loop
094        }
095        catch (Exception ex)
096        {
097          ex.printStackTrace();
098        }
099      }
100      if (verboseOut) System.out.println("\nSongs with suspect sizes:"+songDuds.size());
102      for (int i = 0; i < songDuds.size(); i++)
103      {
104        System.out.println(((File)songDuds.get(i)).getAbsolutePath() + "  " + ((File)songDuds.get(i)).length() );
105      }
106    }
107    else
108    {
109      System.out.println(" You must supply the directory on the commandline");
110      System.out.println(" The dir should be the the Artist dir so it can parse the sub-album dirs.");
111      System.out.println("     a second argument can be specified ");
112      System.out.println("        - if second argument is '-testing' to allow no actual writes");
113      System.out.println("        - if second argument is '-sync' it will sync the comments with the file/dir");
114      System.out.println("        - if second argument is '-type' it will use the next arg as the file extension");
115      if (args.length >1) System.out.println(" arg1=" + args[1]);
116      if (args.length >2) System.out.println(" arg2=" + args[2]);
117      if (args.length >3) System.out.println(" arg3=" + args[3]);
118    }
119  }
122  private static void doArtistDir(String dirName)
123  {
124    JOrbisComment vorbisInfo = null;
125    String oggArt, oggAl, oggTitle, oggTrack;  // copy of ogg file comments
126    File artistDirFile = new File(dirName);
127    if (artistDirFile != null &&  artistDirFile.isDirectory())
128    {
129      // Drill into each album dir
130      numArt++;
132      String artistDirName = artistDirFile.getName();
133      if (verboseOut) System.out.println(" parsing artistDir"+numArt+"="+artistDirName);
134      String [] albumDirFilenames = artistDirFile.list();
135      boolean successfull = false;
136      for (int j=0;j< albumDirFilenames.length;j++)
137      {
138        numAlb++;
139        // Do Each Album Directory
140        //if (verboseOut) System.out.println(" albumDir"+numAlb+"="+dirName+File.separator+albumDirFilenames[j]);
141        File albumDirFiles = new File(dirName+File.separator+albumDirFilenames[j]);
142        if (albumDirFiles != null &&  albumDirFiles.isDirectory())
143        {
144          String [] albumSongFilenames = albumDirFiles.list();
145          if (verboseOut) System.out.print("         album="+albumDirFilenames[j]);
146          if (verboseOut) System.out.println(" ("+albumSongFilenames.length+")");
147          for (int k=0;k< albumSongFilenames.length; k++)
148          {
149            // Do Each Song in album dirpacesToCaps
150            if (albumSongFilenames[k].endsWith(fileType))
151            {
152              numSongs++;
153              //System.out.print(".");
154              File songFile = new File(dirName+File.separator+albumDirFilenames[j]+File.separator+albumSongFilenames[k]);
155              vorbisInfo = new JOrbisComment(songFile);
156              oggAl = vorbisInfo.getAlbum();
157              oggAl = Util.tokenReplace(oggAl,"(explicit)","");
158              oggAl = Util.tokenReplace(oggAl,"explicit","");
159              oggAl = Util.tokenReplace(oggAl,"(Explicit)","");
160              oggAl = Util.tokenReplace(oggAl,"Explicit","");
161              oggAl = Util.tokenReplace(oggAl,"(EXPLICIT)","");
162              oggAl = Util.tokenReplace(oggAl,"EXPLICIT","");
163              oggArt = vorbisInfo.getArtist();
164              oggTitle = vorbisInfo.getTitle();
165              oggTitle = Util.tokenReplace(oggTitle,"(explicit)","");
166              oggTitle = Util.tokenReplace(oggTitle,"explicit","");
167              oggTitle = Util.tokenReplace(oggTitle,"(Explicit)","");
168              oggTitle = Util.tokenReplace(oggTitle,"Explicit","");
169              oggTitle = Util.tokenReplace(oggTitle,"(EXPLICIT)","");
170              oggTitle = Util.tokenReplace(oggTitle,"EXPLICIT","");
171              oggTrack = vorbisInfo.getTracknumber();
172              //songFile.close();
174              if(oggArt != null )
175                oggArt = Util.tokenReplace(Util.tokenReplace(oggArt,"\\"," "),"/"," ");
176              else
177                oggArt = "";
179              if(oggTitle != null )
180                oggTitle = Util.tokenReplace(Util.tokenReplace(oggTitle,"\\"," "),"/"," ");
181              else
182                oggTitle = "";
184              if(oggAl != null )
185                oggAl = Util.tokenReplace(Util.tokenReplace(oggAl,"\\"," "),"/"," ");
186              else
187                oggAl = "";
189              if(oggTrack != null )
190                oggTrack = Util.tokenReplace(Util.tokenReplace(oggTrack,"\\"," "),"/"," ");
191              else
192                oggTrack = "";
194              //if (verboseOut) System.out.print("  oggART="+oggART +", oggArt="+oggArt);
195              //if (verboseOut) System.out.print("  oggAL="+oggAL +", oggAl="+oggAl);
196              //if (verboseOut) System.out.print("  oggTITLE="+oggTITLE +", oggTitle="+oggTitle);
197              //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("  oggTRACK="+oggTRACK +", oggTrack="+oggTrack);
199              // String trackTitle = cleanedTrackTitle(albumSongFilenames[k], artistDirName);
200              //if (verboseOut) System.out.print(".");
201              //String newFilename = artistDirName+"_"+oggTrack+"-"+trackTitle+"."+fileType;
202              if (oggArt.length()>0 && oggTitle.length()>0)
203              {
204                String newFilename = Util.spacesToCapsInString(oggArt, true)+"_"+
205                                     (oggTrack.length()==1?"0":"")+
206                                     Util.spacesToCapsInString(oggTrack, true)+"-"+
207                                     Util.spacesToCapsInString(oggTitle, true)+"."+fileType;
208                File newFile = new File(dirName+File.separator+albumDirFilenames[j]+File.separator+newFilename);
209                successfull = false;
210                if(!testing)
211                {
212                  // 1st check if the names are already corrected
213                  if (!newFilename.equals(albumSongFilenames[k]))
214                  {
215                    if (verboseOut) System.out.print("Renaming   "+numArt+","+numAlb+","+numSongs+"   "+
216                            dirName+File.separator+albumDirFilenames[j]+File.separator+albumSongFilenames[k]);
217                    if (verboseOut) System.out.print(" --> "+dirName+File.separator+albumDirFilenames[j]+File.separator+newFilename);
218                    successfull = songFile.renameTo(newFile);
219                    if (successfull)
220                    {
221                      if (verboseOut)
222                        System.out.println(" successfully");
223                      else
224                        System.out.print(".");
225                      if (newFile.length() < 10000) songDuds.add( newFile);
226                    }
227                    else
228                    {
229                      if (verboseOut)
230                        System.out.println(" UN-successfully");
231                      else
232                        System.out.print(".");
233                      if (songFile.length() < 10000) songDuds.add( songFile);
234                    }
235                  }
236                }
237                else if (songFile.length() < 10000) songDuds.add( songFile);
238                // Pass the dirnames and Title to the Sync method to make sure they are commented.
239                if(!testing && doSync) syncOggComments(newFile, /* artist dirname */ artistDirName, /* album dirname */albumDirFilenames[j], newFilename );
240              }
241              else if (songFile.length() < 10000) songDuds.add( songFile);
242            }
243          }
244        }
245      }
246    }
247  }
250  /** take a song filename and clean off the artist, and extrra junk **/
251  private static String cleanedTrackTitle(String dirty, String art)
252  {
253    String clean= dirty;
254    //String art = "";
255    //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("\n1     "+clean);
257    // remove double  underscores
258    Util.tokenReplace(clean,"__", "_");
260    if (clean.endsWith("."+fileType)) clean = clean.substring(0, clean.length()-4).trim();
261    //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("2     "+clean);
262    if (clean.indexOf(art)==0) clean = clean.substring(art.length()).trim();
263    //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("3     "+clean);
265    // remove double  underscores
266    Util.tokenReplace(clean,"__", "");
267    Util.tokenReplace(clean,"_", "");
268    //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("4     "+clean);
270    // remove multiple artistnames
271    if (clean.toLowerCase().indexOf(art.toLowerCase()) != -1)
272    {
273      //art = clean.substring(0,clean.indexOf("_"));
274      clean = clean.substring(clean.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(art.toLowerCase())+art.length()).trim();
275      //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("5     "+clean);
276    }
278    // remove Artist Name
279    Util.tokenReplace(clean,art, "");
280    //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("6     "+clean);
282    clean = Util.spacesToCapsInString(clean, true);
284    //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("7     "+clean);
285    if (clean.indexOf(art) != -1)
286    {
287      clean = clean.substring(clean.lastIndexOf(art)+art.length()).trim();
288      //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("8     "+clean);
289    }
291    return clean;
292  }
295  /** a method to add vorbis comments if they don't exist.  It uses the passed in values. **/
296  public static boolean syncOggComments(File oggFile, String art,String al,String name)
297  {
298    boolean retVal = true;
299    JOrbisComment vorbisInfo = null;
300    String oggArt, oggAl, oggTitle;  // copy of ogg file comments
301    boolean valuesChanged = false;
303    try
304    {
305      vorbisInfo = new JOrbisComment(oggFile);
306      oggAl = vorbisInfo.getAlbum();
307      oggArt = vorbisInfo.getArtist();
308      oggTitle = vorbisInfo.getTitle();
309      //if (verboseOut) System.out.println("              oggComments="+vorbisInfo.toString());
310      if (verboseOut) System.out.print("    oggArtist="+oggArt);
311      if (verboseOut) System.out.print("    oggAlbum="+oggAl);
312      if (verboseOut) System.out.println("  renameoggtitle="+oggTitle);
313      String oggAL = vorbisInfo.getComment("ALBUM");
314      String oggART = vorbisInfo.getComment("ARTIST");
315      String oggTITLE = vorbisInfo.getComment("TITLE");
317      if (oggArt ==null || oggArt.equals(""))
318      {
319        if (verboseOut) System.out.println("Setting artistComment: "+
320          Util.capsToSpacesInString(art).trim());
321        vorbisInfo.setComment("artist",
322          Util.capsToSpacesInString(art).trim());
323        valuesChanged = true;
324      }
325      if (oggAl ==null || oggAl.equals(""))
326      {
327        if (verboseOut) System.out.println("Setting albumComment: "+
328          Util.capsToSpacesInString(al).trim());
329        vorbisInfo.setComment("album",
330          Util.capsToSpacesInString(al).trim());
331        valuesChanged = true;
332      }
333      if (oggTitle ==null || oggTitle.equals(""))
334      {
335        if (verboseOut) System.out.println("Setting nameComment: "+
336          Util.capsToSpacesInString(name).trim());
337        vorbisInfo.setComment("title",
338          Util.capsToSpacesInString(name).trim());
339        valuesChanged = true;
340      }
342      if (oggART ==null || oggART.equals(""))
343      {
344        if (verboseOut) System.out.println("Setting artistComment: "+
345          Util.capsToSpacesInString(art).trim());
346        vorbisInfo.setComment("ARTIST",
347          Util.capsToSpacesInString(art).trim());
348        valuesChanged = true;
349      }
350      if (oggAL ==null || oggAL.equals(""))
351      {
352        if (verboseOut) System.out.println("Setting albumComment: "+
353          Util.capsToSpacesInString(al).trim());
354        vorbisInfo.setComment("ALBUM",
355          Util.capsToSpacesInString(al).trim());
356        valuesChanged = true;
357      }
358      if (oggTITLE ==null || oggTITLE.equals(""))
359      {
360        if (verboseOut) System.out.println("Setting nameComment: "+
361          Util.capsToSpacesInString(name).trim());
362        vorbisInfo.setComment("TITLE",
363          Util.capsToSpacesInString(name).trim());
364        valuesChanged = true;
365      }
367      if (valuesChanged) vorbisInfo.write();
368    }
369    catch (Exception ex)
370    {
371      System.out.println("can't get oggComments for "+ oggFile.toString());
372      ex.printStackTrace();
373      retVal = false;
374    }
377    return retVal;
378  }