002 *  $URL: svn://svn.webarts.bc.ca/open/trunk/projects/WebARTS/ca/bc/webarts/tools/QTradeScraper.java $
003 *  $Author: tgutwin $
004 *  $Revision: 1255 $
005 *  $Date: 2018-03-17 20:34:04 -0700 (Sat, 17 Mar 2018) $
006 */
007package ca.bc.webarts.tools;
009import java.util.HashMap;
010import java.util.Properties;
011import javax.json.JsonObject;
012import javax.json.JsonArray;
013import javax.json.JsonNumber;
014import javax.json.JsonString;
016import ca.bc.webarts.widgets.ResultSetConverter;
018import java.text.DecimalFormat;
021  /**
022    * The CGoogle finance webpage scraper. It is a class that extends the UrlScraper class to wrap/abstract the login and
023    * credentials away and just focusses on the scraping of data from the restricted pages.<br><br>
024    * <a href="https://trading.credentialdirect.com">https://trading.credentialdirect.com</a> is a site requiring login/authentication, so this class provides autoLogin and scraping of sub-pages.<br>
025    * The site login credentials are NOT kept inside the code for this class; they are in a properties file called '<i>.credential</i>' in the '<i>user.home</i>' directory.
026    * <br>The properites that should be in this file:<ul><li>username</li><li>password</li></ul>Maybe the request properties for the website could go in here too.<br>
027    * <b>copyright (c) 2017-2018 Tom B. Gutwin</b>
028    **/
029public class QTradeScraper extends UrlScraper
031  /**  A holder for this clients System File Separator.  */
032  public final static String SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR = java.io.File.separator;
034  /**  A holder for this clients System line termination separator.  */
035  public final static String SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR =
036                                           System.getProperty("line.separator");
038  public final static String COL_DELIM = SqlQuery.DEFAULT_COLUMN_DELIMITOR;
039  public static final String QUOTE_SYMBOL_TOKEN = "^%SYMBOL%^";
040  public static final String QUOTE_MARKET_TOKEN = "^%MARKET%^";
042  /**  The users home ditrectory.  */
043  public static String USERHOME = System.getProperty("user.home");
045  private String qTradeFilename_ = USERHOME+SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR+".qTrade";
047  HashMap <String, String> reqProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
049  //https://login.google.com/?.src=fpctx&.intl=ca&.lang=en-CA&authMechanism=primary&yid=&done=https%3A%2F%2Fca.google.com%2F&eid=100&as=1&login=tgutwin&crumb=9D8I.8WDkTW
050  String qLoginUrl_plong = "https://login.google.com/account/challenge/password?.src=fpctx&.intl=ca&.lang=en-CA&authMechanism=primary&yid=tgutwin&done=https%3A%2F%2Ffinance.google.com%2F&as=1&login=tgutwin&crumb=1EAn939fa%2Ft&display=login&s=QQ--&sessionIndex=QQ--&acrumb=FBRp8xFN";
051  String qLoginUrl_pshort = "https://login.google.com/?.intl=ca&.lang=en-CA&login=tgutwin&.src=fpctx&done=https%3A%2F%2Ffinance.google.com%2F&prefill=0";  //"https://login.google.com/account/challenge/password?.src=fpctx&.intl=ca&.lang=en-CA&authMechanism=primary&yid=tgutwin&done=https%3A%2F%2Ffinance.google.com%2F&as=1&login=tgutwin";
052  String qLoginUrl = "https://www.qtrade.ca/en/investor.html#pd";  //https://login.google.com/?authMechanism=primary&yid=&done=https%3A%2F%2Ffinance.google.com%2F&eid=100&as=1&login=tgutwin&crumb=9D8I.8WDkTW
053  String qScrapePageUrl = "https://finance.google.ca/finance?q=NASDAQ:ITRI&ei=KZITWpDrINihjAHU9JWIAg";
054  static String qScrapeQuoteTokenizedUrl = "https://finance.google.ca/finance?q="+QUOTE_MARKET_TOKEN+":"+QUOTE_SYMBOL_TOKEN;
056  String qLoginFormElement = "loginForm";  /* id of the form element */
057  String qUserLoginElement = "abcd";
058  String qPasswordElement = "efgh";
059  String qUsername = ""; // load from outside somewhere
060  String qPassword = ""; // load from outside somewhere
062  String qScrapeQuoteStart= "<div id=market-data-div";
063  String qScrapeQuoteStart_= "<table><tr><td class=\"JgXcPd\">";
064  String qScrapeQuoteEnd= "<script>google.finance.renderMarketData();</script>";
065  String qScrapeQuoteEnd_= "</td></tr></table></div></div></div></g-card-section></div></div></div>";
067  private JsonArray holdings = null;
068  private JsonObject dataHome = null;
070  protected String quoteStringCache_ = "";
072  /**
073    * Default constructor for the webpage scraper.
074    * <a href="https://www.qtrade.ca/en">https://www.qtrade.ca/en</a> is a site requiring login; this class wraps the login and
075    * credentials away and just focusses on the scraping of data from the restricted pages.<br><br>
076    *
077    * The constructor ONLY gets the class fields and properties setup to go, BUT does no web page access;
078    * that is left up to the doLogin and   methods.
079    **/
080  public QTradeScraper()
081  {
082    super();
084    alreadyLoggedIn_ = true;
085    loadProperties();
087    reqProps.put("Accept","text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8");
088    reqProps.put("Accept-Encoding       ","gzip, deflate, br");
089    reqProps.put("Accept-Language       ","en-US,en;q=0.5");
090    reqProps.put("Connection","keep-alive");
091    reqProps.put("Cookie","_ga=GA1.2-2.2126383985.1485192339; SC=RV=:ED=ca; _ga=GA1.3-2.2126383985.1485192339; _gid=GA1.3-2.1169777638.1511223678; NID=117=XCFBclyBN8yMrHodqAHGAnzZqTHHgdgIC7ZMLZEstpmmhvehgkI0QeHLVkvWLG0uySKvItWNuKphGmBAJe4QzCD6MBGfgLclSeW27xySZ5L_M-iSNTfeVfQHYCkl0tqP15yuhEvq7f24oyMTTyVT_QN9B3y9o8EN1Anhb9JZ; OGPC=5061451-2:5061821-3:; 1P_JAR=2017-11-21-2; OGP=-5061451:-5061821:; __gads=ID=71d1c22d471495fa:T=1508459738:S=ALNI_MbCde9o7niI4fDhlWp2dJCbeAAdNQ; S=quotestreamer=PY9m_pUIUhUQlj-rEAMVepsfJzJoAXRV");
092    reqProps.put("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests","1");
093    reqProps.put("Host","www.qtrade.ca");
095    setLoginUrl(qLoginUrl_pshort);
096    setLoginFormID(qLoginFormElement);
097    setUsernameFormElementName(qUserLoginElement);
098    setPasswordFormElementName(qPasswordElement);
099    setUsername(qUsername);
100    setPassword(qPassword);
101    setScrapePageUrl(qScrapePageUrl);
102    setScrapeStart(qScrapeQuoteStart);
103    setScrapeEnd(qScrapeQuoteEnd);
104    setRequestProps(reqProps);
105  }
108  /**
109    * Load the private properties from an external/private file.
110    * Site login credentials are NOT kept in this class; they are in a properties file called .credential in the 'user.home' directory.
111    * <br>The properites that should be in this file:<ul><li>username</li><li>password</li></ul>Maybe the request properties for the website could go in here too.
112    *
113    * @return truee if successful, false if could not load from file
114    **/
115  private boolean loadProperties()
116  {
117    boolean retVal = false;
118    try
119    {
120      //get user/pass from ~/.credential
121      Properties gProps = new Properties();
122      gProps.load(new java.io.FileReader(qTradeFilename_));
123      qUsername = gProps.getProperty("username");
124      qPassword = gProps.getProperty("password");
125      retVal = true;
126    }
127    catch (Exception ex)
128    {
129      // use defaults or set before use
130      System.out.println("ERROR : did not read props from :"+qTradeFilename_);
131    }
133    return retVal;
134  }
137  /**
138    * Not needed because this is a open webpage.
139    **/
140  @Override
141  public  boolean  doLogin()
142  {
143    boolean retVal = alreadyLoggedIn_;
144    reqProps.put("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
146    if(!alreadyLoggedIn_)
147      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
148        retVal = super.doLogin();
149      else
150        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
152    return retVal;
153  }
156  /** Get the latest stock QUOTE using old website.
157    *
158    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
159    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
160    * @return the quote OR 0.0 if not found
161    **/
162  private double getQuoteOld(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
163  {
165    double retVal = 0.0;
166    String currPriceStr = null;
167        String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
168        writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
169        //Looking for
170        // <span class="pr">
171        // <span id="ref_630737340410842_l">
172        //  3.72</span>
173        // </span>
174    try
175    {
176      int offset = "class=\"pr\">".length();
177      int s= result.indexOf("class=\"pr\">");
178      if (s==-1)
179      {
180        s = result.indexOf("class=pr>");
181        currPriceStr = result.substring( s);
182        currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( currPriceStr.indexOf('>')+1); // should be from 3.72</span
183        currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('<'));
184        retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr);
185      }
186      else
187      {
188        currPriceStr = result.substring( s);
189        currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( currPriceStr.indexOf('>', offset)+1); // should be from 3.72</span
190        currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('<'));
191        retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr);
192      }
193    }
194    catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
195    {
196      System.out.println("ERROR: get quote parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
197      oobEx.printStackTrace();
198      System.out.println(currPriceStr);
199    }
200    return retVal;
201  }
204  /** Get the latest stock QUOTE from new Website Circa 2018.
205    *
206    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
207    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
208    * @return the quote OR 0.0 if not found
209    **/
210  private double getQuoteNew(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
211  {
213    double retVal = 0.0;
214    String currPriceStr = null;
215        String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
216        writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
217    try
218    {
220        String str = "<div><span><span jsl=\"$t t-cLlm2e1WimE;$x 0;\"";
221        String str2 = "<span class=\"IsqQVc NprOob inM7_hGITiio-zJFzKq8ukm8\">";  // needed if there is a 2nd option
222        String str3 = "><span class=\"";
223        int offset = str.length();
224        int s= result.indexOf(str);
225        if (s==-1)
226        {
227          offset = str2.length();
228          s = result.indexOf(str2);
229          if (s!=-1)
230          {
231            currPriceStr = result.substring( s+offset);
232            int offset2 = str3.length();
233            int s2= currPriceStr.indexOf(str3);
234            currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( s2+offset2);
235            int s3= currPriceStr.indexOf("\">");
236            currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( s3+2);
237            currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("</span>"));
238            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
239          }
240        }
241        else
242        {
243          currPriceStr = result.substring( s+offset);
244          int offset2 = str3.length();
245          int s2= currPriceStr.indexOf(str3);
246          currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( s2+offset2);
247          int s3= currPriceStr.indexOf("\">");
248          currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( s3+2);
249          currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("</span>"));
250          retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
251        }
252    }
253    catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
254    {
255      System.out.println("ERROR: get quote parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
256      oobEx.printStackTrace();
257      System.out.println(currPriceStr);
258    }
259    return retVal;
260  }
263    /** Get the latest stock QUOTE .
264    *
265    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
266    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
267    * @return the quote OR 0.0 if not found
268    **/
269  public double getQuote(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
270  {
271    return getQuoteNew(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
272  }
275  public String getTodaysTSXChartAndTableHtmlStr()
276  {
277    return  getTodaysTSXChartAndTableHtmlStr(true);
278  }
281  /** Get the days TSX Index chart and data .
282    *
283    *
284    * @return html containing todays TSX indices chart
285    **/
286  public String getTodaysTSXChartAndTableHtmlStr(boolean includeTable)
287  {
288    String retVal = "";
289    boolean success = false;
290    boolean doLogin = false;
291    setScrapePageUrl("https://finance.google.ca/finance");
292    setScrapeStart("<div class=id-summary-chart>");
293    setScrapeEnd("</div></div><div class=\"sfe-section clf\">");
294    //setScrapeStart("BlahBlahBlah");
295    //setScrapeEnd("BlahBlahBlah");
297    HashMap <String, String> reqProps = null;
299    setDebugOut();
301    if(doLogin)
302    {
303      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
304      {
305        success = doLogin();
306        //System.out.println("\nLogin Response:\n"+postPageResponse_);
307      }
308      else
309        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
310    }
311    else
312      success = true;
314    if(success)
315    {
316      String result =  doScrape(false);
317      retVal = result;
319      //System.out.println("Scraped Chart:\n"+retVal);
320    }
322    /*
323      //Looking for
324      // <span class="pr">
325      // <span id="ref_630737340410842_l">
326      //  3.72</span>
327      // </span>
328      try
329      {
330        int offset = "Vol / Avg.</td>".length();
331        int s= result.indexOf("Vol / Avg.</td>");
332        if (s==-1)
333        {
334          s = result.indexOf("class=pr>");
335          if (s!=-1)
336          {
337            currPriceStr = result.substring( s);
338            currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( currPriceStr.indexOf('>')+1); // should be from 3.72</span
339            if(currPriceStr.indexOf('M')!=-1 && currPriceStr.indexOf('M')<8)
340            {
341              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('M'));
342              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""))*1000000.0;
343            }
344            else
345            {
346              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('/'));
347              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
348            }
349          }
350        }
351        else
352        {
353          currPriceStr = result.substring( s);
354          //System.out.println("\nDEBUG:"+currPriceStr);
355          currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( currPriceStr.indexOf('>', offset)+1); // should be from 3.72</span
356          //System.out.println("\nDEBUG:"+currPriceStr);
357            if(currPriceStr.indexOf('M')!=-1 && currPriceStr.indexOf('M')<8)
358            {
359              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('M'));
360              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""))*1000000.0;
361            }
362            else
363            {
364              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('/'));
365              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
366            }
367        }
368      }
369      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
370      {
371        System.out.println("ERROR: get volume parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
372        oobEx.printStackTrace();
373        System.out.println(currPriceStr);
374      }
375    */
376    return retVal;
377  }
380    /** Get the latest stock stat for the passed in valueName from the NEW GFinance pages Circa 2018.
381    *
382    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
383    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
384    * @param valueName is the stat to scrape - Open, Close, High, Low, 52-wk high, 52-wk low, Div yield
385    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
386    **/
387  private double scrapeValueNew(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol, String valueName)
388  {
389    double retVal = -1.0;
390    String currPriceStr = null;
391    if ("Close".equalsIgnoreCase(valueName)) valueName = "Prev close";
392    if ("Prev close".equalsIgnoreCase(valueName)) valueName = "Prev close";
393    if ("Div".equalsIgnoreCase(valueName)) valueName = "Div yield";
394    if ("Dividend".equalsIgnoreCase(valueName)) valueName = "Div yield";
395    if ("Div yield".equalsIgnoreCase(valueName)) valueName = "Div yield";
396    if(!"".equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
397    {
398      retVal = 0.0;
399      String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
400      writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
401      //Looking for
402      // <div class="ZSM8k"><table><tr>
403      //   <td class="JgXcPd">Open</td><td class="iyjjgb">21.50</td></tr>
404      //   <tr><td class="JgXcPd">High</td><td class="iyjjgb">21.93</td></tr>
405      //   <tr><td class="JgXcPd">Low</td><td class="iyjjgb">20.65</td></tr>
406      //   <tr><td class="JgXcPd">Mkt cap</td><td class="iyjjgb">567.04M</td></tr>
407      //   <tr><td class="JgXcPd">P/E ratio</td><td class="iyjjgb">10.42</td></tr>
408      //   </table></div>
409      //   <div class="ZSM8k"><table><tr>
410      //     <td class="JgXcPd">Div yield</td><td class="iyjjgb">1.94%</td></tr>
411      //     <tr><td class="JgXcPd">Prev close</td><td class="iyjjgb">20.87</td></tr>
412      //     <tr><td class="JgXcPd">52-wk high</td><td class="iyjjgb">26.11</td></tr>
413      //     <tr><td class="JgXcPd">52-wk low</td><td class="iyjjgb">17.46</td></tr>
414      // </table></div>
415      try
416      {
417        String str = "<td class=\"JgXcPd\">"+valueName+"</td><td class=\"iyjjgb\">";
418        String str2 = "<td class=JgXcPd>"+valueName+"</td><td class=iyjjgb>";
419        int offset = str.length();
420        int s= result.indexOf(str);
421        if (s==-1)
422        {
423          offset = str2.length();
424          s = result.indexOf(str2);
425          if (s!=-1)
426          {
427            currPriceStr = result.substring( s+offset);
428            if(valueName == "Div yield")
429            {
430              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("%</"));
431              if(currPriceStr.startsWith("-")) currPriceStr = "0.0";
432            }
433            else
434              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("</"));
435            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
436          }
437        }
438        else
439        {
440            currPriceStr = result.substring( s+offset);
441            if(valueName == "Div yield")
442            {
443              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("%</"));
444              if(currPriceStr.startsWith("-")) currPriceStr = "0.0";
445            }
446            else
447              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("</"));
448            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
449        }
450      }
451      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
452      {
453        System.out.println("ERROR: scraping "+valueName+". See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
454        oobEx.printStackTrace();
455        System.out.println(currPriceStr);
456      }
457      catch(java.lang.NumberFormatException mfEx)
458      {
459        System.out.println("ERROR: number Format error scraping "+valueName+". See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
460        mfEx.printStackTrace();
461        System.out.println(currPriceStr);
462      }
463    }
464    return retVal;
465  }
468  /** Get the latest stock Open price from the OLD GFinance Pages .
469    *
470    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
471    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
472    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
473    **/
474  private double getOpenOld(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
475  {
477    double retVal = -1.0;
478    String currPriceStr = null;
479    if(!"".equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
480    {
481      retVal = 0.0;
482      String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
483      writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
484      //Looking for
485      // <span class="pr">
486      // <span id="ref_630737340410842_l">
487      //  3.72</span>
488      // </span>
489      try
490      {
491        int offset = "Open</td><td class=\"val\">".length();
492        int s= result.indexOf("Open</td><td class=\"val\">");
493        if (s==-1)
494        {
495          offset = "Open</td><td class=val>".length();
496          s = result.indexOf("Open</td><td class=val>");
497          if (s!=-1)
498          {
499            currPriceStr = result.substring( s+offset);
500            currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("</"));
501            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
502          }
503        }
504        else
505        {
506          currPriceStr = result.substring( s+offset);
507          currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf("</"));
508          retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
509        }
510      }
511      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
512      {
513        System.out.println("ERROR: get open parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
514        oobEx.printStackTrace();
515        System.out.println(currPriceStr);
516      }
517    }
518    return retVal;
519  }
522  /** Get the latest stock Open price from the NEW GFinance pages Circa 2018.
523    *
524    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
525    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
526    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
527    **/
528  private double getOpenNew(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
529  {
530    return scrapeValueNew(stockSymbol, marketSymbol, "Open");
531  }
534    /** Get the latest stock Open price.
535    *
536    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
537    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
538    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
539    **/
540  public double getOpen(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
541  {
542    return getOpenNew(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
543  }
546  /** Get the latest stock Days High price  from the Old GFinance pages before  2018.
547    *
548    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
549    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
550    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
551    **/
552  private double getDaysHighOld(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
553  {
555    double retVal = -1.0;
556    String currLowStr = null;
557    String currHighStr = null;
558    if(!"".equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
559    {
560      retVal = 0.0;
561      String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
562      writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
563      //Looking for
564      // Range</td><td class="val">
565      try
566      {
567        int offset = "Range</td><td class=\"val\">".length();
568        int s= result.indexOf("Range</td><td class=\"val\">");
569        if (s==-1)
570        {
571          offset = "Range</td><td class=val>".length();
572          s = result.indexOf("Range</td><td class=val>");
573          if (s!=-1)
574          {
575            currLowStr = result.substring( s+offset);
576            currHighStr = currLowStr.substring( currLowStr.indexOf(" - ")+3);
577            currHighStr = currHighStr.substring( 0, currHighStr.indexOf("</td>"));
578            currLowStr = currLowStr.substring( 0, currLowStr.indexOf(" - "));
579            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currHighStr.replace(",",""));
580          }
581        }
582        else
583        {
584            currLowStr = result.substring( s+offset);
585            currHighStr = currLowStr.substring( currLowStr.indexOf(" - ")+3);
586            currHighStr = currHighStr.substring( 0, currHighStr.indexOf("</td>"));
587            currLowStr = currLowStr.substring( 0, currLowStr.indexOf(" - "));
588            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currHighStr.replace(",",""));
589        }
590      }
591      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
592      {
593        System.out.println("ERROR: get days high parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
594        oobEx.printStackTrace();
595        System.out.println(currHighStr);
596      }
597    }
598    return retVal;
599  }
602  /** Get the latest stock Days High price  from the NEW GFinance pages Circa 2018.
603    *
604    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
605    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
606    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
607    **/
608  private double getDaysHighNew(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
609  {
610    return scrapeValueNew(stockSymbol, marketSymbol, "High");
611  }
614  /** Get the latest stock Days High price .
615    *
616    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
617    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
618    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
619    **/
620  public double getDaysHigh(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
621  {return getDaysHighNew( stockSymbol,  marketSymbol);}
624  /** Get the latest stock Days Low price .
625    *
626    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
627    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
628    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
629    **/
630  private double getDaysLowOld(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
631  {
633    double retVal = -1.0;
634    String currLowStr = null;
635    String currHighStr = null;
636    if(!"".equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
637    {
638      retVal = 0.0;
639      String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
640      writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
641      //Looking for
642      // Range</td><td class="val">
643      try
644      {
645        int offset = "Range</td><td class=\"val\">".length();
646        int s= result.indexOf("Range</td><td class=\"val\">");
647        if (s==-1)
648        {
649          offset = "Range</td><td class=val>".length();
650          s = result.indexOf("Range</td><td class=val>");
651          if (s!=-1)
652          {
653            currLowStr = result.substring( s+offset);
654            currHighStr = currLowStr.substring( currLowStr.indexOf(" - ")+3);
655            currHighStr = currHighStr.substring( 0, currHighStr.indexOf("</td>"));
656            currLowStr = currLowStr.substring( 0, currLowStr.indexOf(" - "));
657            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currLowStr.replace(",",""));
658          }
659        }
660        else
661        {
662            currLowStr = result.substring( s+offset);
663            currHighStr = currLowStr.substring( currLowStr.indexOf(" - ")+3);
664            currHighStr = currHighStr.substring( 0, currHighStr.indexOf("</td>"));
665            currLowStr = currLowStr.substring( 0, currLowStr.indexOf(" - "));
666            retVal = Double.parseDouble(currLowStr.replace(",",""));
667        }
668      }
669      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
670      {
671        System.out.println("ERROR: get days high parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
672        oobEx.printStackTrace();
673        System.out.println(currLowStr);
674      }
675    }
676    return retVal;
677  }
680  /** Get the latest stock Days Low price  from the NEW GFinance pages Circa 2018.
681    *
682    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
683    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
684    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
685    **/
686  private double getDaysLowNew(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
687  {
688    return scrapeValueNew(stockSymbol, marketSymbol, "Low");
689  }
692  /** Get the latest stock Days Low price .
693    *
694    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
695    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
696    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
697    **/
698  public double getDaysLow(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
699  {return getDaysLowNew( stockSymbol,  marketSymbol);}
702  /** Get the latest stock Dividend Yield % .
703    * Latest dividend/dividend yield<br><br>
704    * Latest dividend is dividend per share paid to shareholders in the most recent quarter.<br>
705    * Dividend yield is the value of the latest dividend, multiplied by the number of times dividends are typically paid per year, divided by the stock price.
706    *
707    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
708    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
709    * @return the % OR -1 if not found;
710    **/
711  private double getLatestDividendOld(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
712  {
714    double retVal = -1.0;
715    String findStr = "Div/yield</td><td class=\"val\">";
716    String findStr2 = "Div/yield</td><td class=val>";
717    String dividendStr = null;
718    String divYieldStr = null;
719    if(!"".equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
720    {
721      retVal = 0.0;
722      String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
723      writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
724      //Looking for
725      // Range</td><td class="val">
726      try
727      {
728        int offset = findStr.length();
729        int s= result.indexOf(findStr);
730        if (s==-1)
731        {
732          offset = findStr2.length();
733          s = result.indexOf(findStr2);
734          if (s!=-1)
735          {
736            dividendStr = result.substring( s+offset);
737            if(!dividendStr.startsWith("&"))
738            {
739              divYieldStr = dividendStr.substring( dividendStr.indexOf("/")+1);
740              divYieldStr = divYieldStr.substring( 0, divYieldStr.indexOf("</td>"));
741              dividendStr = dividendStr.substring( 0, dividendStr.indexOf("/"));
742              retVal = Double.parseDouble(dividendStr.replace(",",""));
743            }
744          }
745        }
746        else
747        {
748          dividendStr = result.substring( s+offset);
749          if(!dividendStr.startsWith("&"))
750          {
751            divYieldStr = dividendStr.substring( dividendStr.indexOf("/")+1);
752            divYieldStr = divYieldStr.substring( 0, divYieldStr.indexOf("</td>"));
753            dividendStr = dividendStr.substring( 0, dividendStr.indexOf("/"));
754            retVal = Double.parseDouble(dividendStr.replace(",",""));
755          }
756        }
757      }
758      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
759      {
760        System.out.println("ERROR: get  dividend parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
761        oobEx.printStackTrace();
762        System.out.println(dividendStr);
763      }
764    }
765    return retVal;
766  }
769  /** Get the latest stock Div Yield %  from the NEW GFinance pages Circa 2018.
770    *
771    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
772    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
773    * @return the div % OR -1 if not found;
774    **/
775  private double getLatestDividendNew(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
776  {
777    return scrapeValueNew(stockSymbol, marketSymbol, "Div yield");
778  }
781  /** Get the latest stock Div Yield %.
782    *
783    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
784    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
785    * @return the div % OR -1 if not found;
786    **/
787  public double getLatestDividend(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
788  {return getLatestDividendNew( stockSymbol,  marketSymbol);}
791  /** Get the latest stock Volume .
792    *
793    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
794    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
795    * @return the most recent daily volume OR -1 if not found;
796    **/
797  private double getVolumeOld(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
798  {
800    double retVal = -1.0;
801    String currPriceStr = null;
802    if(!"MUTF_CA".equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
803    {
804      retVal = 0.0;
805      String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
806      writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
807      //Looking for
808      // <span class="pr">
809      // <span id="ref_630737340410842_l">
810      //  3.72</span>
811      // </span>
812      try
813      {
814        int offset = "Vol / Avg.</td>".length();
815        int s= result.indexOf("Vol / Avg.</td>");
816        if (s==-1)
817        {
818          s = result.indexOf("class=pr>");
819          if (s!=-1)
820          {
821            currPriceStr = result.substring( s);
822            currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( currPriceStr.indexOf('>')+1); // should be from 3.72</span
823            if(currPriceStr.indexOf('M')!=-1 && currPriceStr.indexOf('M')<8)
824            {
825              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('M'));
826              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""))*1000000.0;
827            }
828            else
829            {
830              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('/'));
831              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
832            }
833          }
834        }
835        else
836        {
837          currPriceStr = result.substring( s);
838          //System.out.println("\nDEBUG:"+currPriceStr);
839          currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( currPriceStr.indexOf('>', offset)+1); // should be from 3.72</span
840          //System.out.println("\nDEBUG:"+currPriceStr);
841            if(currPriceStr.indexOf('M')!=-1 && currPriceStr.indexOf('M')<8)
842            {
843              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('M'));
844              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""))*1000000.0;
845            }
846            else
847            {
848              currPriceStr = currPriceStr.substring( 0, currPriceStr.indexOf('/'));
849              retVal = Double.parseDouble(currPriceStr.replace(",",""));
850            }
851        }
852      }
853      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
854      {
855        System.out.println("ERROR: get volume parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
856        oobEx.printStackTrace();
857        System.out.println(currPriceStr);
858      }
859    }
860    return retVal;
861  }
864  /** Get the latest stock Volume from the NEW GFinance pages Circa 2018 - IF IT EXISTED.
865    *
866    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
867    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
868    * @return the Volume from most resent day -1 if not found;
869    **/
870  private double getVolumeNew(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
871  {
872    return -1.0; // does not exist in new Google... scrapeValueNew(stockSymbol, marketSymbol, "Div yield");
873  }
876  /** Get the latest stock Volume.
877    *
878    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
879    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
880    * @return the div % OR -1 if not found;
881    **/
882  public double getVolume(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
883  {return getVolumeNew( stockSymbol,  marketSymbol);}
886  /** Get the latest stock Dividend Yield.
887    * Latest dividend/dividend yield<br><br>
888    * Latest dividend is dividend per share paid to shareholders in the most recent quarter.<br>
889    * Dividend yield is the value of the latest dividend, multiplied by the number of times dividends are typically paid per year, divided by the stock price.
890    *
891    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
892    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
893    * @return the price OR -1 if not found;
894    **/
895  public double getDividendYieldOld(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
896  {
898    double retVal = -1.0;
899    String findStr = "Div/yield</td><td class=\"val\">";
900    String findStr2 = "Div/yield</td><td class=val>";
901    String dividendStr = null;
902    String divYieldStr = null;
903    if(!"".equalsIgnoreCase(marketSymbol))
904    {
905      retVal = 0.0;
906      String result = getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol);
907      writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
908      //Looking for
909      // Range</td><td class="val">
910      try
911      {
912        int offset = findStr.length();
913        int s= result.indexOf(findStr);
914        if (s==-1)
915        {
916          offset = findStr2.length();
917          s = result.indexOf(findStr2);
918          if (s!=-1)
919          {
920            dividendStr = result.substring( s+offset);
921            if(!dividendStr.startsWith("&"))
922            {
923              divYieldStr = dividendStr.substring( dividendStr.indexOf("/")+1);
924              divYieldStr = divYieldStr.substring( 0, divYieldStr.indexOf("</td>"));
925              dividendStr = dividendStr.substring( 0, dividendStr.indexOf("/"));
926              retVal = Double.parseDouble(divYieldStr.replace(",",""));
927            }
928          }
929        }
930        else
931        {
932          dividendStr = result.substring( s+offset);
933          if(!dividendStr.startsWith("&"))
934          {
935            divYieldStr = dividendStr.substring( dividendStr.indexOf("/")+1);
936            divYieldStr = divYieldStr.substring( 0, divYieldStr.indexOf("</td>"));
937            dividendStr = dividendStr.substring( 0, dividendStr.indexOf("/"));
938            retVal = Double.parseDouble(divYieldStr.replace(",",""));
939          }
940        }
941      }
942      catch(java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oobEx)
943      {
944        System.out.println("ERROR: get dividend Yield parse error. See result html in file "+ "gQuote-"+stockSymbol+".txt");
945        oobEx.printStackTrace();
946        System.out.println(divYieldStr);
947      }
948    }
949    return retVal;
950  }
953  /**
954    * Returns the URL string to the Google page for the specified stock.
955  **/
956  public static String getStockPageUrlStr(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)
957  {
958    String retVal = "";
959    retVal = qScrapeQuoteTokenizedUrl.replace(QUOTE_SYMBOL_TOKEN, stockSymbol);
960    retVal = retVal.replace(QUOTE_MARKET_TOKEN, googleMarketSymbol(marketSymbol));
962    return retVal;
963  }
966  /** Requests. scrapes & creates the stock QUOTE data string for the given stock symbol for today.
967    * this data gets used as the data load into the InvestmentTrackerQuery database.<br>
968    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
969    *  open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate<br>
970    *  90.01, 89.13, 90.01, 90.34, 386147, 4.18, "10/27/2017"
971    *
972    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
973    * @param marketSymbol is the stock market symbol that Google uses in the quoteUrl
974    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate OR '' if not found
975    **/
976  private String getQuoteString(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol)  { return getQuoteString(stockSymbol, marketSymbol, true);}
977  private String getQuoteString(String stockSymbol, String marketSymbol, boolean useCache)
978  {
979    String retVal = "";
980    boolean success = false;
981    boolean useDataTool = false;
984    if(useCache && stockSymbolCache_ == stockSymbol && stockSymbolCache_ == stockSymbol)
985    {
986      retVal = quoteStringCache_;
987    }
988    else
989    {
990      String tokenReplacedScrapeUrl = qScrapeQuoteTokenizedUrl.replace(QUOTE_SYMBOL_TOKEN,stockSymbol);
991      tokenReplacedScrapeUrl = tokenReplacedScrapeUrl.replace(QUOTE_MARKET_TOKEN,marketSymbol);
992      setScrapePageUrl(tokenReplacedScrapeUrl);
994      HashMap <String, String> reqProps = null;
996      if(holdings==null && !marketSymbol.equals("MUTF_CA")) // Google is banning my MUTF_CA queries
997      {
998        if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
999        {
1000          success = doLogin();
1001          //System.out.println("\nLogin Response:\n"+postPageResponse_);
1002        }
1003        else
1004          System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
1006        if(success)
1007        {
1008          String result = doScrape(reqProps, true); // without any further trimming, only the start/end trimming
1009          retVal = result;
1010        }
1011        stockSymbolCache_ = stockSymbol;
1012        marketSymbolCache_ = marketSymbol;
1013        quoteStringCache_ = retVal;
1014      }
1015    }
1016    return retVal;
1017  }
1021  /** Create the STOCK_DAILY data string  for the given stock symbol for today.
1022    * this data gets used as the data load into the InvestmentTrackerQuery database.<br>
1023    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
1024    *  open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, close, previousClose,  daysVolume, date, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate<br>
1025    *  90.01, 89.13, 90.01, 90.00, 90.34, 386147, "11/08/2017", 4.18, "10/27/2017"
1026    *
1027    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup    *
1028    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate OR '' if not found
1029    **/
1030  public String getStockDailyString(String stockSymbol)
1031  {
1032    String retVal = "";
1033    boolean success = false;
1034    JsonObject dataHome = null;
1035    if(holdings==null)
1036    {
1037      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
1038        success = doLogin();
1039      else
1040        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
1042      if(success)
1043      {
1044        // scape the summary first to get a list of holdings
1045        String result = doScrape();
1046        JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
1047        JsonArray jsA = jsO.getJsonArray("Data");
1048        dataHome = jsA.getJsonObject(0);
1049        holdings = dataHome.getJsonArray("Holdings");
1050      }
1051    }
1052    else
1053      System.out.println("Already Logged in, using existing holdings["+holdings.size()+"]");
1055    if(dataHome!=null && holdings!=null)
1056    {
1057      retVal+="\"Open\"";
1058      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1059      retVal+="\"daysLow\"";
1060      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1061      retVal+="\"daysHigh\"";
1062      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1063      retVal+="\"close\"";
1064      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1065      retVal+="\"previousClose\"";
1066      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1067      retVal+="\"date\"";
1068      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1069      retVal+="\"dividendPerShare\"";
1070      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1071      retVal+="\"dividendPayDate\"";
1072      retVal+="\n";
1074      setScrapeStart(qScrapeQuoteStart);
1075      setScrapeEnd(qScrapeQuoteEnd);
1076      String currSymbol = "";
1077      String currPrefix = "";
1078      JsonObject stock =null;
1080      for(int i=0; i<holdings.size();i++)
1081      {
1082        stock = holdings.getJsonObject(i);
1083        if(stock!=null)
1084        {
1085          currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().length()-1);
1086          currPrefix = stock.getJsonString("CountryPrefix").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("CountryPrefix").toString().length()-1);
1088          if(("\""+stockSymbol+"\"").equalsIgnoreCase(currSymbol.toString()))
1089          {
1091            //get the daily quote for each individual holding
1092            setScrapePageUrl(qScrapeQuoteTokenizedUrl.replace(QUOTE_SYMBOL_TOKEN,currPrefix+currSymbol));
1093            String result = doScrape();
1094            System.out.println(" DEBUG Stock Quote Result \n----------------------------\n");
1095            System.out.println(result);
1097            /*
1098            JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
1099            JsonString currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol");
1100            if(("\""+stockSymbol+"\"").equalsIgnoreCase(currSymbol.toString()))
1101            {
1102              JsonNumber  open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare;
1103              String   dividendPayDate;
1104              //open=stock.getJsonString("Price");
1105              retVal+="\""+dataHome.getString("FriendlyName")+"\"";
1106              retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1107              retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonString("Currency");
1108              retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1110            }
1111            */
1112            i=holdings.size();
1113          }
1114        }
1115      }
1116    }
1118    return retVal;
1119  }
1122  public static String googleMarketSymbol(String mkt)
1123  {
1124    String retVal = mkt;
1126    if("TSXV".equalsIgnoreCase(mkt)) retVal = "CVE";
1127    else if("TSX".equalsIgnoreCase(mkt)) retVal = "TSE";
1128    else if("MUT".equalsIgnoreCase(mkt)) retVal = "MUTF_CA";
1129    else if("MUTF".equalsIgnoreCase(mkt)) retVal = "MUTF_CA";
1131    return retVal;
1132  }
1135  /** Create the Portfolio Summary data string for the CR account for today.
1136    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
1137    *  FriendlyName, Currency, BookValue, TradeCash,  MarketValue, EquityValue, UnrealizedGainLoss, UnrealizedGainLossPercent, numHoldings, date<br>
1138    *  "#2V9669V6 - TFSA", 50.5, 10.1, 66.4, 15.9, 8, "10/27/2017"
1139    *
1140    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
1141    **/
1142  public String getPortfolioSummaryString()
1143  {
1144    String retVal = "";
1145    boolean success = false;
1146    JsonObject dataHome = null;
1147    if(holdings==null)
1148    {
1149      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
1150        success = doLogin();
1151      else
1152        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
1154      if(success)
1155      {
1156        String result = doScrape();
1157        JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
1158        JsonArray jsA = jsO.getJsonArray("Data");
1159        dataHome = jsA.getJsonObject(0);
1160        //holdings = dataHome.getJsonArray("Holdings");
1161      }
1162    }
1163    else
1164      System.out.println("Already Logged in, using existing holdings["+holdings.size()+"]");
1166    if(dataHome!=null) // && holdings!=null)
1167    {
1168      retVal+="\"friendlyName\"";
1169      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1170      retVal+="\"Currency\"";
1171      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1172      retVal+="\"BookValue\"";
1173      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1174      retVal+="\"TradeCash\"";
1175      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1176      retVal+="\"MarketValue\"";
1177      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1178      retVal+="\"EquityValue\"";
1179      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1180      retVal+="\"UnrealizedGainLoss\"";
1181      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1182      retVal+="\"UnrealizedGainLossPercent\"";
1183      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1184      retVal+="\"NumberOfHoldings\"";
1185      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1186      retVal+="\"date\"";
1187      retVal+="\n";
1189      retVal+="\""+dataHome.getString("FriendlyName")+"\"";
1190      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1191      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonString("Currency");
1192      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1193      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("BookValue");
1194      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1195      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("TradeCash");
1196      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1197      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("MarketValue");
1198      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1199      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("EquityValue");
1200      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1201      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLoss");
1202      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1203      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLossPercent");
1204      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1205      retVal+=""+(holdings!=null?holdings.size():"0");
1206      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
1207      retVal+="\""+dateStr_+"\"";
1209      /*
1210      for(int i=0; i<holdings.size();i++)
1211      {
1212        JsonObject stock = holdings.getJsonObject(i);
1213        if(stock!=null)
1214        {
1215           String currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().length()-1);
1216            System.out.println(currSymbol+" : "+stock.getJsonNumber("Quantity").toString()+" @ "+
1217                               stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-1)+
1218                               " = "+stock.getJsonNumber("MarketValue").toString());
1219        }
1220      }
1221      */
1222    }
1224    return retVal;
1225  }
1229  /** Create the Portfolio data string for the CR account for today.
1230    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
1231    *  stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate<br>
1232    *  Hive Tech, HIVE, HIVE, 500, 43.4, CA, 1502.40, 2900.84, 1397.44, 83.4, "10/27/2017"
1233    *
1234    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
1235    **/
1236  public String getPortfolioString(){return getPortfolioString(true);}
1240  /** Create the Portfolio data string for the CR account for today.
1241    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
1242    *  stockName, symbol, CRExchangeSymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate<br>
1243    *  Hive Tech, HIVE, V, 500, 43.4, CA, 1502.40, 2900.84, 1397.44, 83.4, 10-27-2017
1244    *
1245    * @param resultSetOnly true to return only the default delimited resultSet OR false to send a longer more readable string
1246    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
1247    **/
1248  public String getPortfolioString(boolean resultSetOnly)
1249  {
1250    String retVal = "stockName"+COL_DELIM+"symbol"+COL_DELIM+"CRQuerySymbol"+COL_DELIM+"numShares"+COL_DELIM+"currentPrice"+COL_DELIM+
1251                    "currency"+COL_DELIM+"bookValue"+COL_DELIM+"marketValue"+COL_DELIM+"gain"+COL_DELIM+"gainPercent"+COL_DELIM+"currentDate\n";
1252    if(!resultSetOnly) retVal = "\n\n---------------------------------\n    Portfolio Summary\n---------------------------------\n";
1254    DecimalFormat dfp = new DecimalFormat( "##0" );
1255    DecimalFormat dfe = new DecimalFormat( "##0.000" );
1256    boolean success = false;
1258    if(holdings==null)
1259    {
1260      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
1261        success = doLogin();
1262      else
1263        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
1265      if(success)
1266      {
1267        String result = doScrape();
1268        JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
1269        JsonArray jsA = jsO.getJsonArray("Data");
1270        dataHome = jsA.getJsonObject(0);
1271        holdings = dataHome.getJsonArray("Holdings");
1272      }
1273    }
1274    else
1275      System.out.println("Already Logged in, using existing holdings["+holdings.size()+"]");
1277    if(dataHome!=null && holdings!=null)
1278    {
1279      if(!resultSetOnly)
1280      {
1281        String friendlyName = dataHome.getString("FriendlyName");
1283        retVal+="    FriendlyName       : "+friendlyName;
1284        retVal+="\n";
1285        retVal+="    MarketValue        : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("MarketValue");
1286        retVal+="\n";
1287        retVal+="    TradeCash          : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("TradeCash");
1288        retVal+="\n";
1289        retVal+="    BookValue          : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("BookValue");
1290        retVal+="\n";
1291        retVal+="    ------------------   ------------------------";
1292        retVal+="\n";
1293        retVal+="    UnrealizedGainLoss : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLoss");
1294        retVal+="\n";
1295        retVal+="    UnrealizedGain%    : "+
1296                dfe.format(dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLossPercent").doubleValue()*100.0);
1297        retVal+="\n";
1298        retVal+="\n Holdings Summary\n - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n";
1299      }
1301      String currSymbol = "";
1302      String priceStr = "";
1303      String currencySymbol = "";
1304      JsonObject stock = null;
1305      for(int i=0; i<holdings.size();i++)
1306      {
1307        stock = holdings.getJsonObject(i);
1308        if(stock!=null)
1309        {
1310          currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().length()-1);
1311          if(!resultSetOnly)
1312          {
1313            retVal+="   "+currSymbol+" : "+stock.getJsonNumber("Quantity").toString()+" @ "+
1314                  stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-1)+
1315                  " = "+stock.getJsonNumber("MarketValue").toString();
1316            retVal+="\n";
1317          }
1318          else
1319          {
1320            if(right(stock.getJsonString("Price").toString() ,2).equals("U\""))
1321            {
1322              priceStr = stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-2);
1323              currencySymbol = "US$";
1324            }
1325            else
1326            {
1327              priceStr = stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-1);
1328              currencySymbol = "C$";
1329            }
1330            //stockName, symbol, CRExchangeSymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
1331            retVal+=stock.getString("SymbolDescription").toString()+COL_DELIM+
1332                    currSymbol+COL_DELIM+
1333                    stock.getString("Exchange").toString()+COL_DELIM+
1334                    stock.getJsonNumber("Quantity").toString()+COL_DELIM+
1335                    priceStr+COL_DELIM+
1336                    currencySymbol+COL_DELIM+
1337                    stock.getJsonNumber("BookValue").toString()+COL_DELIM+
1338                    stock.getJsonNumber("MarketValue").toString()+COL_DELIM+
1339                    stock.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLoss").toString()+COL_DELIM+
1340                    dfe.format(stock.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLossPercent").doubleValue()*100.0)+COL_DELIM+
1341                    dateStr_;
1342            retVal+="\n";
1343          }
1344        }
1345      }
1346      if(!resultSetOnly) retVal+="\n---------------------------\nHoldings Details:\n---------------------------\n"+
1347                                  prettyJson(holdings.toString());
1348    }
1350    return retVal;
1351  }
1354  public  String right(String value, int length)
1355  {
1356    // To get right characters from a string, change the begin index.
1357    return value.substring(value.length() - length);
1358  }
1361  /** Test method to do whatever tests I want. **/
1362  @Override
1363  protected void test(String[] args)
1364  {
1365    super.debugOut_=true;
1366    debugOut_=true;
1369    if(true)
1370    {
1371      String symbol = "AGF201";
1372      String market = "MUTF_CA";
1373      double result = getQuote(symbol,market);
1374      System.out.println("Test Quote For "+symbol+"="+result);
1375      //writeStringToFile(result,"gQuote-"+symbol+".txt");
1376    }
1377    else if(false)
1378    {
1379      System.out.println("...");
1380      try
1381      {
1383      }
1384      catch (Exception ex)
1385      {
1386        System.out.println("NO GO...");
1387        ex.printStackTrace();
1388      }
1389    }
1390  }
1393  public static void main(String[] args)
1394  {
1395    QTradeScraper instance = new QTradeScraper();
1397    if(args.length>0 && args[0].toLowerCase().equals("-t"))
1398      instance.test(args);
1399    else if(args.length>1 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("quote"))
1400    {
1401      System.out.println("\n\nQuote For market:symbol "+args[1]+":"+args[2]+" = "+instance.getQuote(args[2],args[1]));
1402      System.out.println("Volume For market:symbol "+args[1]+":"+args[2]+" = "+instance.getVolume(args[2],args[1]));
1403      System.out.println("Open Price For market:symbol "+args[1]+":"+args[2]+" = "+instance.getOpen(args[2],args[1]));
1404      System.out.println("Days LOW Price For market:symbol "+args[1]+":"+args[2]+" = "+instance.getDaysLow(args[2],args[1]));
1405      System.out.println("Days High Price For market:symbol "+args[1]+":"+args[2]+" = "+instance.getDaysHigh(args[2],args[1]));
1406      System.out.println("Dividend Yield % For market:symbol "+args[1]+":"+args[2]+" = "+instance.getLatestDividend(args[2],args[1]));
1407  }
1408    else
1409    {
1410      boolean success = false;
1411      if(!"".equals(instance.getUsername()) && !"".equals(instance.getPassword()))
1412        success = instance.doLogin();
1413      else
1414        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
1416      if(success)
1417      {
1418        String result = instance.doScrape();
1419        System.out.println("Saving Scraped page results to file: "+"gPageContent-"+instance.dateStr_+".json");
1420        writeStringToFile(prettyJson(result),"gPageContent-"+instance.dateStr_+".json");
1422        System.out.println(instance.getPortfolioString());
1423      }
1424    }
1425  }