002 *
003 *  $Revision: 569 $
004 *  $Date: 2012-11-05 16:44:26 -0800 (Mon, 05 Nov 2012) $
005 *  $Locker:  $
006 *
007 */
008package ca.bc.webarts.tools;
010import java.util.HashMap;
011import java.util.Properties;
012import javax.json.JsonObject;
013import javax.json.JsonArray;
014//import javax.json.JsonNumber;
015//import javax.json.JsonString;
017//import ca.bc.webarts.widgets.ResultSetConverter;
019import java.text.DecimalFormat;
022  /**
023    * The Credential Direct webpage scraper. It is a class that extends the UrlScraper class to wrap/abstract the login and
024    * credentials away and just focusses on the scraping of data from the restricted pages.<br><br>
025    * <a href="https://trading.credentialdirect.com">https://trading.credentialdirect.com</a> is a site requiring login/authentication, so this class provides autoLogin and scraping of sub-pages.<br>
026    * The site login credentials are NOT kept inside the code for this class; they are in a properties file called '<i>.credential</i>' in the '<i>user.home</i>' directory.
027    * <br>The properites that should be in this file:<ul><li>username</li><li>password</li></ul>Maybe the request properties for the website could go in here too.<br>
028    * <b>copyright (c) 2017-2018 Tom B. Gutwin</b>
029    **/
030public class MyPortfolioScraper extends UrlScraper
032  /**  A holder for this clients System File Separator.  */
033  public final static String SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR = java.io.File.separator;
035  /**  A holder for this clients System line termination separator.  */
036  public final static String SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR =
037                                           System.getProperty("line.separator");
039  public final static String COL_DELIM = SqlQuery.DEFAULT_COLUMN_DELIMITOR;
041  /**  The users home ditrectory.  */
042  public static String USERHOME = System.getProperty("user.home");
044  private String myPortfolioFilename_ = USERHOME+SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR+".myPortfolio";
046  HashMap <String, String> reqProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
048  String pLoginUrl = "https://www.my-portfolio.ca/pcis/login.jsp?external=&fullsite=";
049  String pScrapePageUrl = "https://www.my-portfolio.ca/portfolio/pf_2/view?bypass=true";
050  String quoteSymbolToken = "^%SYMBOL%^";
051  String pScrapeQuoteTokenizedUrl = "https://idms.my-portfolio.ca/secured/popup/quote.idms?SECURITY_TYPE=STO&COUNTRY=CAN&SYMBOL="+quoteSymbolToken;
054  String pLoginFormElement = "loginForm";  /* id of the form element */
055  String pUserLoginElement = "username";
056  String pPasswordElement = "password";
057  String pUsername = ""; // load from outside somewhere
058  String pPassword = ""; // load from outside somewhere
060  String pScrapeQuoteStart= "<body>";
061  String pScrapeQuoteEnd= "</body>";
063  private JsonArray holdings = null;
064  private JsonObject dataHome = null;
067  /**
068    * Default constructor for the My-portfolio.ca webpage scraper.
069    * <a href="https://www.my-portfolio.ca">https://www.my-portfolio.ca</a> is a site requiring login; this class wraps the login and
070    * credentials away and just focusses on the scraping of data from the restricted pages.<br><br>
071    *
072    * The constructor ONLY gets the class fields and properties setup to go, BUT does no web page access;
073    * that is left up to the doLogin and doScrape methods.
074    **/
075  public MyPortfolioScraper( )
076  {
077    super();
079    loadProperties();
080    /*
081      GET /pcis/login.jsp?external=&fullsite= HTTP/1.1
082      Host: www.my-portfolio.ca
083      User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0
084      Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,* /*;q=0.8
085      Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
086      Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
087      Referer: https://www.my-portfolio.ca/pcis/login.jsp?url=/.do
088      Cookie: JSESSIONID=A555AEE5099100D0821F2D16F29593DC.t23p12; username=76836836; check=1; lang=en; hostname=www.my-portfolio.ca; sea=1510429423370; protocol=https; language=en; BIGipServer~PR_MSESZ~WWW.MY-PORTFOLIO.CA_HTTPS_443.app~WWW.MY-PORTFOLIO.CA_HTTPS_443_pool=rd202o00000000000000000000ffffac10c229o443; auth=478e6d44b73b2daaea3f8ee9ff51b4c3a6b00b8381f533df6f647048dc893c2180bc9443b6ad7f588f6960fcfa1d3543c61a909f44d56fac; fontSize=1
089      Connection: keep-alive
090      Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
091    */
092    reqProps.put("Host","www.my-portfolio.ca");
093    reqProps.put("Accept","text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8");
094    reqProps.put("Accept-Encoding       ","gzip, deflate, br");
095    reqProps.put("Accept-Language       ","en-US,en;q=0.5");
096    reqProps.put("Connection","keep-alive");
097    reqProps.put("Cookie",//"JSESSIONID=955E5FC778B8D711CC4E1DBC0623963F.t23p12; "+
098                          "username=76836836; check=1; lang=en; hostname=www.my-portfolio.ca; "+
099                          "sea=1510429408165; protocol=https; language=en; "+
100                          "BIGipServer~PR_MSESZ~WWW.MY-PORTFOLIO.CA_HTTPS_443.app~WWW.MY-PORTFOLIO.CA_HTTPS_443_pool=rd202o00000000000000000000ffffac10c229o443; "+
101                          "auth=478e6d44b73b2daaea3f8ee9ff51b4c3a6b00b8381f533df6f647048dc893c2180bc9443b6ad7f588f6960fcfa1d3543c61a909f44d56fac; "+
102                          "fontSize=1");
103    reqProps.put("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
104    reqProps.put("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests","1");
105    reqProps.put("Referer","https://www.my-portfolio.ca/pcis/login.jsp?url=/.do");
107    setLoginUrl(pLoginUrl);
108    setLoginFormID(pLoginFormElement);
109    setUsernameFormElementName(pUserLoginElement);
110    setPasswordFormElementName(pPasswordElement);
111    setUsername(pUsername);
112    setPassword(pPassword);
113    setScrapePageUrl(pScrapePageUrl);
114    setScrapeStart("<body>");
115    setScrapeEnd("</body>");
116    setRequestProps(reqProps);
117  }
120  /**
121    * Load the private properties from an external/private file.
122    * Site login credentials are NOT kept in this class; they are in a properties file called .credential in the 'user.home' directory.
123    * <br>The properites that should be in this file:<ul><li>username</li><li>password</li></ul>Maybe the request properties for the website could go in here too.
124    *
125    * @return truee if successful, false if could not load from file
126    **/
127  private boolean loadProperties()
128  {
129    boolean retVal = false;
130    try
131    {
132      //get user/pass from ~/.credential
133      Properties pProps = new Properties();
134      pProps.load(new java.io.FileReader(myPortfolioFilename_));
135      pUsername = pProps.getProperty("username");
136      pPassword = pProps.getProperty("password");
137      retVal = true;
138    }
139    catch (Exception ex)
140    {
141      // use defaults or set before use
142      System.out.println("ERROR : did not read props from :"+myPortfolioFilename_);
143    }
145    return retVal;
146  }
149  /**
150    * Sends the POST to the login url  parameters from the classVars.
151    * It also caches the page response text into thew classVar retVal.<br>
153    **/
154  @Override
155  public  boolean  doLogin()
156  {
157    boolean retVal = alreadyLoggedIn_;
158    if(!alreadyLoggedIn_)
159      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
160        retVal = super.doLogin();
161      else
162        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
164    return retVal;
165  }
168  /** Create the stock QUOTE data string for the given stock symbol for today.
169    * this data gets used as the data load into the InvestmentTrackerQuery database.<br>
170    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
171    *  open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate<br>
172    *  90.01, 89.13, 90.01, 90.34, 386147, 4.18, "10/27/2017"
173    *
174    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup
175    * @param country is the stock market country (US, CA etc)
176    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate OR '' if not found
177    **/
178  private String getQuoteString(String stockSymbol, String country)
179  {
181    String retVal = "";
182    boolean success = false;
184    String currPrefix = (country.equalsIgnoreCase("us")?"":"");
185    String currSuffix = (country.equalsIgnoreCase("us")?"":(!stockSymbol.equalsIgnoreCase("HIVE")?".TO":".V"));
186    String tokenReplacedScrapeUrl = pScrapeQuoteTokenizedUrl.replace(quoteSymbolToken,currPrefix+stockSymbol+currSuffix);
187    setScrapePageUrl(tokenReplacedScrapeUrl);
189    HashMap <String, String> reqProps = null;
191    if(holdings==null)
192    {
193      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
194      {
195        success = doLogin();
196        //System.out.println("\nLogin Response:\n"+postPageResponse_);
197      }
198      else
199        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
201      if(success)
202      {
203        String result = doScrape(getScrapePageUrl(), reqProps); // without the trimming
204        retVal = result;
205      }
206    }
207    return retVal;
208  }
212  /** Create the STOCK_DAILY data string  for the given stock symbol for today.
213    * this data gets used as the data load into the InvestmentTrackerQuery database.<br>
214    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
215    *  open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, close, previousClose,  daysVolume, date, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate<br>
216    *  90.01, 89.13, 90.01, 90.00, 90.34, 386147, "11/08/2017", 4.18, "10/27/2017"
217    *
218    * @param stockSymbol is the Symbol of the stock to lookup    *
219    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare,   dividendPayDate OR '' if not found
220    **/
221  public String getStockDailyString(String stockSymbol)
222  {
223    String retVal = "";
224    boolean success = false;
225    JsonObject dataHome = null;
226    if(holdings==null)
227    {
228      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
229        success = doLogin();
230      else
231        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
233      if(success)
234      {
235        // scape the summary first to get a list of holdings
236        String result = doScrape();
237        JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
238        JsonArray jsA = jsO.getJsonArray("Data");
239        dataHome = jsA.getJsonObject(0);
240        holdings = dataHome.getJsonArray("Holdings");
241      }
242    }
243    else
244      System.out.println("Already Logged in, using existing holdings["+holdings.size()+"]");
246    if(dataHome!=null && holdings!=null)
247    {
248      retVal+="\"Open\"";
249      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
250      retVal+="\"daysLow\"";
251      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
252      retVal+="\"daysHigh\"";
253      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
254      retVal+="\"close\"";
255      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
256      retVal+="\"previousClose\"";
257      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
258      retVal+="\"date\"";
259      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
260      retVal+="\"dividendPerShare\"";
261      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
262      retVal+="\"dividendPayDate\"";
263      retVal+="\n";
265      setScrapeStart(pScrapeQuoteStart);
266      setScrapeEnd(pScrapeQuoteEnd);
267      String currSymbol = "";
268      String currPrefix = "";
269      JsonObject stock =null;
271      for(int i=0; i<holdings.size();i++)
272      {
273        stock = holdings.getJsonObject(i);
274        if(stock!=null)
275        {
276          currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().length()-1);
277          currPrefix = stock.getJsonString("CountryPrefix").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("CountryPrefix").toString().length()-1);
279          if(("\""+stockSymbol+"\"").equalsIgnoreCase(currSymbol))
280          {
282            //get the daily quote for each individual holding
283            setScrapePageUrl(pScrapeQuoteTokenizedUrl.replace(quoteSymbolToken,currPrefix+currSymbol));
284            String result = doScrape();
285            System.out.println(" DEBUG Stock Quote Result \n----------------------------\n");
286            System.out.println(result);
288            /*
289            JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
290            JsonString currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol");
291            if(("\""+stockSymbol+"\"").equalsIgnoreCase(currSymbol.toString()))
292            {
293              JsonNumber  open,  daysLow,  daysHigh, previousClose,  daysVolume, dividendPerShare;
294              String   dividendPayDate;
295              //open=stock.getJsonString("Price");
296              retVal+="\""+dataHome.getString("FriendlyName")+"\"";
297              retVal+=COL_DELIM;
298              retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonString("Currency");
299              retVal+=COL_DELIM;
301            }
302            */
303            i=holdings.size();
304          }
305        }
306      }
307    }
309    return retVal;
310  }
313  /** Create the Portfolio Summary data string for the CR account for today.
314    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
315    *  FriendlyName, Currency, BookValue, TradeCash,  MarketValue, EquityValue, UnrealizedGainLoss, UnrealizedGainLossPercent, numHoldings, date<br>
316    *  "#2V9669V6 - TFSA", 50.5, 10.1, 66.4, 15.9, 8, "10/27/2017"
317    *
318    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
319    **/
320  public String getPortfolioSummaryString()
321  {
322    String retVal = "";
323    boolean success = false;
324    JsonObject dataHome = null;
325    if(holdings==null)
326    {
327      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
328        success = doLogin();
329      else
330        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
332      if(success)
333      {
334        String result = doScrape();
335        JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
336        JsonArray jsA = jsO.getJsonArray("Data");
337        dataHome = jsA.getJsonObject(0);
338        //holdings = dataHome.getJsonArray("Holdings");
339      }
340    }
341    else
342      System.out.println("Already Logged in, using existing holdings["+holdings.size()+"]");
344    if(dataHome!=null) // && holdings!=null)
345    {
346      retVal+="\"friendlyName\"";
347      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
348      retVal+="\"Currency\"";
349      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
350      retVal+="\"BookValue\"";
351      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
352      retVal+="\"TradeCash\"";
353      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
354      retVal+="\"MarketValue\"";
355      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
356      retVal+="\"EquityValue\"";
357      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
358      retVal+="\"UnrealizedGainLoss\"";
359      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
360      retVal+="\"UnrealizedGainLossPercent\"";
361      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
362      retVal+="\"NumberOfHoldings\"";
363      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
364      retVal+="\"date\"";
365      retVal+="\n";
367      retVal+="\""+dataHome.getString("FriendlyName")+"\"";
368      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
369      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonString("Currency");
370      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
371      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("BookValue");
372      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
373      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("TradeCash");
374      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
375      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("MarketValue");
376      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
377      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("EquityValue");
378      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
379      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLoss");
380      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
381      retVal+=""+dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLossPercent");
382      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
383      retVal+=""+(holdings!=null?holdings.size():"0");
384      retVal+=COL_DELIM;
385      retVal+="\""+dateStr_+"\"";
387      /*
388      for(int i=0; i<holdings.size();i++)
389      {
390        JsonObject stock = holdings.getJsonObject(i);
391        if(stock!=null)
392        {
393           String currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().length()-1);
394            System.out.println(currSymbol+" : "+stock.getJsonNumber("Quantity").toString()+" @ "+
395                               stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-1)+
396                               " = "+stock.getJsonNumber("MarketValue").toString());
397        }
398      }
399      */
400    }
402    return retVal;
403  }
407  /** Create the Portfolio data string for the CR account for today.
408    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
409    *  stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate<br>
410    *  Hive Tech, HIVE, HIVE, 500, 43.4, CA, 1502.40, 2900.84, 1397.44, 83.4, "10/27/2017"
411    *
412    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
413    **/
414  public String getPortfolioString(){return getPortfolioString(true);}
418  /** Create the Portfolio data string for the CR account for today.
419    * It returns a multi-line result-set string with the first line as the column headings and the remaining lies of data<br>
420    *  stockName, symbol, CRExchangeSymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate<br>
421    *  Hive Tech, HIVE, V, 500, 43.4, CA, 1502.40, 2900.84, 1397.44, 83.4, 10-27-2017
422    *
423    * @param resultSetOnly true to return only the default delimited resultSet OR false to send a longer more readable string
424    * @return the delimited  resultSet OR '' if not found; the resultset is a comma delimited stockName, symbol, CRQuerySymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
425    **/
426  public String getPortfolioString(boolean resultSetOnly)
427  {
428    String retVal = "stockName"+COL_DELIM+"symbol"+COL_DELIM+"CRQuerySymbol"+COL_DELIM+"numShares"+COL_DELIM+"currentPrice"+COL_DELIM+
429                    "currency"+COL_DELIM+"bookValue"+COL_DELIM+"marketValue"+COL_DELIM+"gain"+COL_DELIM+"gainPercent"+COL_DELIM+"currentDate\n";
430    if(!resultSetOnly) retVal = "\n\n---------------------------------\n    Portfolio Summary\n---------------------------------\n";
432    //DecimalFormat dfp = new DecimalFormat( "##0" );
433    DecimalFormat dfe = new DecimalFormat( "##0.000" );
434    boolean success = false;
436    if(holdings==null)
437    {
438      if(!"".equals(getUsername()) && !"".equals(getPassword()))
439        success = doLogin();
440      else
441        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
443      if(success)
444      {
445        String result = doScrape();
446        JsonObject jsO = toJsonObject(result);
447        JsonArray jsA = jsO.getJsonArray("Data");
448        dataHome = jsA.getJsonObject(0);
449        holdings = dataHome.getJsonArray("Holdings");
450      }
451    }
452    else
453      System.out.println("Already Logged in, using existing holdings["+holdings.size()+"]");
455    if(dataHome!=null && holdings!=null)
456    {
457      if(!resultSetOnly)
458      {
459        String friendlyName = dataHome.getString("FriendlyName");
461        retVal+="    FriendlyName       : "+friendlyName;
462        retVal+="\n";
463        retVal+="    MarketValue        : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("MarketValue");
464        retVal+="\n";
465        retVal+="    TradeCash          : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("TradeCash");
466        retVal+="\n";
467        retVal+="    BookValue          : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("BookValue");
468        retVal+="\n";
469        retVal+="    ------------------   ------------------------";
470        retVal+="\n";
471        retVal+="    UnrealizedGainLoss : "+dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLoss");
472        retVal+="\n";
473        retVal+="    UnrealizedGain%    : "+
474                dfe.format(dataHome.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLossPercent").doubleValue()*100.0);
475        retVal+="\n";
476        retVal+="\n Holdings Summary\n - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n";
477      }
479      String currSymbol = "";
480      String priceStr = "";
481      String currencySymbol = "";
482      JsonObject stock = null;
483      for(int i=0; i<holdings.size();i++)
484      {
485        stock = holdings.getJsonObject(i);
486        if(stock!=null)
487        {
488          currSymbol = stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Symbol").toString().length()-1);
489          if(!resultSetOnly)
490          {
491            retVal+="   "+currSymbol+" : "+stock.getJsonNumber("Quantity").toString()+" @ "+
492                  stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-1)+
493                  " = "+stock.getJsonNumber("MarketValue").toString();
494            retVal+="\n";
495          }
496          else
497          {
498            if(right(stock.getJsonString("Price").toString() ,2).equals("U\""))
499            {
500              priceStr = stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-2);
501              currencySymbol = "US$";
502            }
503            else
504            {
505              priceStr = stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().substring(1,stock.getJsonString("Price").toString().length()-1);
506              currencySymbol = "C$";
507            }
508            //stockName, symbol, CRExchangeSymbol,  numShares, currentPrice, currency, bookValue, marketValue, gain, gainPercent, currentDate
509            retVal+=stock.getString("SymbolDescription").toString()+COL_DELIM+
510                    currSymbol+COL_DELIM+
511                    stock.getString("Exchange").toString()+COL_DELIM+
512                    stock.getJsonNumber("Quantity").toString()+COL_DELIM+
513                    priceStr+COL_DELIM+
514                    currencySymbol+COL_DELIM+
515                    stock.getJsonNumber("BookValue").toString()+COL_DELIM+
516                    stock.getJsonNumber("MarketValue").toString()+COL_DELIM+
517                    stock.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLoss").toString()+COL_DELIM+
518                    dfe.format(stock.getJsonNumber("UnrealizedGainLossPercent").doubleValue()*100.0)+COL_DELIM+
519                    dateStr_;
520            retVal+="\n";
521          }
522        }
523      }
524      if(!resultSetOnly) retVal+="\n---------------------------\nHoldings Details:\n---------------------------\n"+
525                                  prettyJson(holdings.toString());
526    }
528    return retVal;
529  }
532  public  String right(String value, int length)
533  {
534    // To get right characters from a string, change the begin index.
535    return value.substring(value.length() - length);
536  }
539  /** Test method to do whatever tests I want. **/
540  @Override
541  protected void test(String[] args)
542  {
543    super.debugOut_=true;
544    debugOut_=true;
546    if(true)
547    {
548      String symbol = "HIVE";
549      String result = getQuoteString(symbol,"CA");
550      System.out.println("Test Quote ResultSet For HIVE\n"+result);
551      writeStringToFile(result,"yQuote-"+symbol+".txt");
552    }
553    else if(false)
554    {
555      System.out.println("...");
556      /*try
557      {
559      }
560      catch (Exception ex)
561      {
562        System.out.println("NO GO...");
563        ex.printStackTrace();
564      }
565      */
566    }
567  }
570  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
571  {
572    MyPortfolioScraper instance = new MyPortfolioScraper();
574    if(args.length>0 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-t"))
575      instance.test(args);
576    else
577    {
578      boolean success = false;
579      if(!"".equals(instance.getUsername()) && !"".equals(instance.getPassword()))
580        success = instance.doLogin();
581      else
582        System.out.println("ERROR reading username and password");
584      if(success)
585      {
586        String result = instance.doScrape();
587        System.out.println("Saving Scraped page results to file: "+"scrapedPageContent-"+instance.dateStr_+".json");
588        writeStringToFile(prettyJson(result),"scrapedPageContent-"+instance.dateStr_+".json");
590        System.out.println(instance.getPortfolioString());
591      }
592    }
593  }