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WebARTS Design
Java Library

Version 0.10.2
2020-11-11 (Wed), 10:42:54

Package org.jdesktop.swingx

Contains extensions to the Swing GUI toolkit, including new and enhanced components that provide functionality commonly required by rich, data-centric client applications.

See: Description

Package org.jdesktop.swingx Description

Contains extensions to the Swing GUI toolkit, including new and enhanced components that provide functionality commonly required by rich, data-centric client applications. Many of these features will eventually be incorporated into the Swing toolkit, although API compatibility will not be guaranteed.

New or Enhanced Functionality

Auto-completion for TextFields and ComboBoxes

For more information, see the AutoComplete documentation.

Enhanced Rendering Support for Collection Components

Built-In Search Support for Collection Components and JXEditorPane

Login/Authentication Framework

Painter-Enabled Components

Components that use painters for background rendering alter the functionality of how Component.setBackground(java.awt.Color) works. Setting the background color of a painter-enabled component effectively sets the background painter to paint the requested color.

Look and Feel implementors should note that setting a java.swing.plaf.UIResource to setBackground will cause a Painter UIResource to be installed. This means that implementors should set the background before setting the painter as the last one set wins.

New and Enhanced components

Buttons and Labels

Collection Components

These are sortable/filterable (with the exception of hierarchical components) with consistent and uniform SwingX rendering, highlighting, searching and rollover support.

Top-level Windows, General and Special Purpose Containers

Miscellaneous Components

External Information Sources

SwingX Twiki Change History SwingLabs User and Developer Discussion Forum
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Copyright (C) 2001-2021, Tom B. Gutwin

WebARTS Library Licensed Under the GNU - General Public License. Other Libraries licensed under their respective Open Source Licenses