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WebARTS Design
Java Library

Version 0.10.2
2020-11-11 (Wed), 10:42:54

Package com.sun.speech.freetts.jsapi

Provides a partial and unsupported support for a JSAPI 1.0 speech synthesizer for FreeTTS.

See: Description

Package com.sun.speech.freetts.jsapi Description

Provides a partial and unsupported support for a JSAPI 1.0 speech synthesizer for FreeTTS. The FreeTTSSynthesizer supports the JSAPI 1.0 Synthesizer interface that enables the use of FreeTTS as a JSAPI synthesizer.

To include this in the list of speech synthesizers, add the following line to your file:


Various FreeTTSSynthesizer modes of operation are defined via a file that is loaded from the com.sun.speech.freetts.jsapi package.
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Copyright (C) 2001-2021, Tom B. Gutwin

WebARTS Library Licensed Under the GNU - General Public License. Other Libraries licensed under their respective Open Source Licenses